My Poor Innocent Ears


I guess I was wrong about her; she doesn't even have half a brain in her. She barely even know me and she believe she Loves me? Give me a break, coveting bitch; What's next? She's gonna talk about Marriage?

Even just a thought of it made me accidentally slip a scoff from my mouth.

"-So I was wondering, since we already know each other for months and are so in love; my parents were also wondering when we are getting married?"

What?! I sat up straighter staring at her makeup plastered face. More unsettling foul words never been spoken before.

My poor innocent ears.

She looked a bit shy now and moved her gaze down or maybe it was an act because she was no innocent girl let me tell you; no I'm not talking about criminal activities, I mean when it comes to pleasure and carnal desires, she has no match. But now she's posing herself like an innocent girl as if wondering what even happens when a girl gets married to a guy.


I can assure you my expressions were 100% genuine at showing my abhorrence at the said topic. She lost her mind if she thinks I would marry her; sorry I forgot she doesn't have one.

If I ever marry, it'll be because of love.

My love for power.

My love for superiority.

My love to create a world, where I am worshipped, where I am god.

If, and that's a big if, I marry someone it'll be because she is valuable for all my aforementioned statements. Which I believe to be highly unlikely.

I am all that I need to achieve my goal, there isn't anyone in this world, and especially not a girl, who I would require in my journey to lay claim upon this world and exert my superior rule. I am the superior being for a reason, there's no one created better than I.

So, marriage? Let's not push your luck, Eliza.

I was lost in my own thoughts and almost missed hearing what she was saying right then.

Now I wonder if it was in my best interest hearing what she said or if things could have gotten worse than they did if I didn't hear her. Because her words were the ones that pushed me into taking a certain action that set into motion a chain of reactions which shaped my fate as if it were the twisting rails of a train that took me to my final destination; that took me here, the point in time where…I die.