How's My Crack Head-ish?

Ford's POV:

The sun was at its lowest, almost peeking through the nook and gaps between the colossal high rises of New York, basking everything in the remnants of its ethereal gold; fighting against the slowly creeping darkness that will inevitably rein over us in the matter of few minutes, with it bringing forth a legion of fears that lurk in its ominous presence and giving birth to-

Oh cut it out already. I plucked the air pods out from my ears; what a load of crap was he talking about? Whoever gave this audio book that high a rating and this many recommendations, has to be a complete looser with nothing better to do but listen to this shit. For the love of god—well, me—who takes that long to describe a f*cking atmosphere, dude?

Allow me to summarize your 50 thousand words into one: Twilight, you genius.

I parked my rented bucket of rust on the side curb and got out. Looking back I realized, ironically the sun was at its lowest almost peeking through the nook and gaps between the colossal high rises of New York, basking every— alright chill, I'm kidding, though it really was twilight time. Picking the stuff from the back and adjusting my cap and sun glasses I got into the dingy building that looked like it was almost abandoned.

Good for me, less to worry about witnesses.

Getting up to the door of what looked like the only inhabited apartment on this floor I knocked and waited for my soon to be jolly good friend to open up the door. And he did.

I had already contacted him before coming here so he easily let me in. Poor thing believes I'm here for his 'dope stuff'.

"Hey, man I thought you weren't going to come", he said moving a little more than to be called as usual and sniffing a lot. Has somebody been sampling their own product?

Not the traits of a good business man.

"Yeah man, had to, ever since Eliza let me try some of your stuff, I got hooked, bad!" How was my crack head-ish? Tried my best.

"What can I say, man", he began smiling and moving a lot; he's definitely on something. Lucky me, makes things easy, "I got this awesome recipe I cook all by myself, here let me show you my cooking instruments".

Yeah…by the way, it's equipments, Mr -apparently not so-White.

He began walking further into the apartment. "Hey man, can I just get your dope real quick, first? Can't wait", I made it a point to look agitated, emphasizing how I was restless for his crack.


Author's note:

Hope you guys are safe and staying home.

just wanna let you know i love you my readers!

Also i'm listening to Fake love as i upload it. which BTS song is your fave?