Being a Considerate Boyfriend

Ford's POV:

He began walking further into the apartment. "Hey man, can I just get your dope real quick, first? Can't wait", I made it a point to look agitated, emphasizing how I was restless for his crack.

"I got you, dude, but the price has increased from what Eliza used to get for."

I thought he was high? Well apparently, not high enough to forsake the supply and demand strategies, touché, El Chapo.

"Do I look like someone who care about what it costs? Surely Eliza told you who I am, before", I deadpanned and he turned around to disappear into another room, which I assume to be where he 'cooks'. No wonder why this whole place smell like dog shit.

Before he completely vanished from my sight I remembered something of importance to my plans for today, "Dude! Can I borrow your phone for a minute? I forgot mine back at my office." I really have. Well not actually forgot —I hardly ever forget something— but more like deliberately left at my desk. Would someone believe me when I tell there's a thing called cyber-footsteps? And I simply don't like to leave any.

He turned looking like he's sobered up quite enough now, if judging by the skepticism in his eyes. "Why do you need it? What's so urgent?"

I take it, that's a common drug dealing practice; avoid giving your stuff to the customers who are only there to buy your… well, stuff. Understandably so, it's a possibility they could be there with ulterior motives. Well, usually the word 'undercover cops' comes to mind in such situations, however, if only he knew what I was here for. Safe to say he'd freak out a lot more than this, again, understandably so

"I just wanted to ask if Eliza wants some too, so I thought I could send her a quick text. I take it you have her number,"

"But she was here for her order just last night," his skeptical eyes were full on doubtful now.

What's he thinking, I'm gonna call the cops on him? With his own phone, that is. Come on man, I may have a big d**k, but I'm not one myself.

I admit, sometimes I lie –ok I lie most of the times– but that doesn't mean I'm lying all the damn time. I really do intend to send her just one innocent little text.

"Yeah, like I said before, she shared most of it with me, that's how I got hooked and now she barely have any left for her. Look pal, I was only being a considerate boyfriend. If you really don't believe me, you could keep an eye on me whilst I text her. How does that sound?"

If I had showed anything but nonchalance right now he'd have taken me up on my offer to keep an eye out. Good thing my casualness led him to lower his guard and he threw his phone at me to catch, which of course I did—would've been so embarrassing if I missed and it crashed into the wall behind me, also problematic since I needed his phone—before turning back around to disappear in another part of his apartment.