He Rose with the Elegance of a Royal

Could also easily be mutiny. She of all people could testify how the lust for power or the greed for money could turn people against their own friends, their own partners.

Although, if this profession has taught her anything, it's that she shouldn't be too quick to judge. Often times it isn't how it looks like. And it did look like Jacob was panicking over Ford sprawled on his couch.

But what else could be the reason behind what's actually transpiring before her.

In amongst all of it she also heard Jacob shouting looking towards Ford, something like "She's here? What did you text her?" to which all Ford replied was close to a gibberish dialect.

What the hell is going on here? The longer she watched the more and more intriguing it became. Where was this heading and who is the she he's talking about? Could it be that Ford called someone for help?

Lost in her thought she looked back up to Jacob who now had his back turned to Ford once more. Though soon after, her focus was snagged away by the half lucid man on the couch.


Because the moment Jacob turned his back towards him, in the span of a second his half closing eyes came back on full focus. Slouched shoulders, tilted neck and resting back all straightened to take the posture of a well-trained soldier. As he rose with the elegance of a royal, his previously gaping mouth now turned to a smirk.

She felt confused to see him now completely well and in control, nothing like the inebriated state he was in the previous second.

Again she found herself asking: What in the hell is going on? Was it all an act or did he instantly recover from his momentary lapse in consciousness?

Before she could decipher what she was looking at and decide if he indeed was a victim here, he moved. His movements fast like a dash smooth like a fluid.

She had to blink and let the seconds tick by to absorb the scene in front her before realization hit her full force. A chill swept over her skin prickling it into goosebumps and shivering her soul from inside out to her spine, her breath caught somewhere among the action.

She forgot to blink as it all transpired right in front of her.

Though she was born in the family with a long line of members serving in the police, still she was yet to see the actual act of…murder.

Cold sweat broke from what seemed like every orifice of her body, jolting her back into her senses and the first thing she did was gasp, but before the sound of her reaction could leave from her mouth she instinctively slapped her hand over it.

She couldn't move, couldn't think, couldn't even scream as her fear gripped her chest with its tight bony fingers and all she was left to do was watch.

Watch in horror…


Author's note:

heya loveliesss!!!

i know i know it's been ages since i last updated but i had a reason please forgive me!?

want to know what kept me from updating?

let me give you ya'll a hint hmmm... lets say there were wedding bells in the air mmhmm ;)

btw i'm listening to Kai's Mmmh! i love it! what you guys think?

also i'll give more frequent updates from now on.