Shamelessly Looking

She kept watching for what felt like hours though in reality things moved faster than even usual. As Ford slipped his knife out of Jacob's lower back and he although in a complete and utter shock —not to mention unimaginable pain— managed to turn around and face Ford's smiling eyes. The ashen orbs sparkled with nothing more than idle mischief as he turned Jacob towards him.

Shamelessly looking right into his wide eyes, Ford said "Nothing personal man, you just got caught in the cross fire," he shrugged before his brows frowned and eyes a little bigger "Actually, no, I take it back, it is personal. You shouldn't have slapped me."

Ford quickly bent his knees a little to test a few different heights before stopping at one, a couple inches lower than his actual height. His hand that was free of the blood coated knife still placed over Jacob's shoulder, holding him in place.

With the same swift agility but less precision this time he jabbed the knife into him once more, a little left to his right kidney.

An anguished gasp left Jacob's mouth followed right after by blood filling his mouth making him choke on his own essence.

The tortured gurgles reached her ears shaking her from head to toe yet she kept looking. Though she had gained back most of her senses and strength to run away from this god forsaken place and that man's demonic presence, never to look back again. But would she?

If she was someone else she'd have given in, done what her mind was screaming at her to do, telling her to turn around and sprint. Because staying any longer was bringing her closer to the same fate as this poor man was suffering, should she be discovered by the devil in front of her.

However, she was not someone else; she was there for a reason. She was there to help a man who was in need of her and her skills; she was there so his voice could be heard though he might not ever say another word again.

And she knows what happened to him. She can help him.

As much as she wanted to, she couldn't help him right now, couldn't do anything to save his life. But she just couldn't bring herself to let his death go in vain. Not when she had the power to do something about it.

Luckily she was a professional, apparently more so than she recognized herself. As she only then realized the camera she was holding long before the horrid events occurred, was still rolling.

Her years of training at school had most certainly paid off; even in her disarrayed form she had kept the camera lens pointing exactly on right place and had successfully caught the entire scene. The knowledge made her equally sick as it did her relief.

She will show the world what happened here tonight. And she will seek justice for this poor man's wrongful death.


Author's Note:

as promised, here is the next update :*

love ya'll btw

support and spread love n peace.