Games of Death

Third Person's POV:

As soon as those words left his mouth her breath was caught in her throat, eyes wide as saucers; she was discovered, and now she was going to get caught by one of the vilest of human species.

At the same time the mention of his plea ruffled the feathers of Ford's superior senses of vigilance as his head snapped up to Jacob's to find him indeed looking to a different direction, ruling out the possibility of him pleading to his good sense of mercy, which of course would have fallen on deaf ears – certainly not because he doesn't have any – merely because he was a man on a mission and nothing can deflect him from his goal once Ford had set on one.

Instantly he followed Jacob's gaze to where he was looking, finding the door that was left slightly open.

Why didn't he notice it before? How could he have made such a huge blunder? Not checking if the door was locked or not, much less open. It was out of his typical way of doing these things.

His usual includes devising a fool-proof scheme and planning not only his own moves but accurately anticipating his opponent's as well and preparing accordingly to numerous possible situations, something he was particularly good at. Not godly for unapparent reasons after all.

Then what went wrong this time? Was it because he was maybe not as good as he pegged himself to be? Is it that he's losing his touch? Or simply because the unexpected events of today's morning with Eliza has threw him off his usual game of calm and calculated steps that led him to make such a rookie mistake?

It is true that he had much less time to prepare let alone plan, as he was pressed to take action sooner rather than later, before Eliza decided on running her obnoxious loud mouth.

Nonetheless, the mistake has been made, now the consequences will be served.

But the million dollar question now arises.

Who will it be to be paying for the mistake he did here today? By mistake it's obvious that the open door is being considered and not the dying man on the floor in front of Ford.

Because Ford is on the mission to making every single person on this planet to submit their lowly lives to their deserving king; to their true lord; their one and only god; him.

And these games of death and traps are just the fun parts of the journey to claiming his rightful place. The top of the food chain. The top of the top of social and every echelon there is or going to be.


Author's Note"

Here you go babes. hope you liking it so far.

I have a favor to ask y'all, babes if any of u out there like this story please please and please leave a rating or two and maybe some nice or even bad words in a review, it's all up to u guys if u wont have any trouble. or i simply wont give u another update, no pressure hehe.

JUST KIDDING!! LOL i'll update if u review or not

please let me know your thoughts, though. help alot to motivate me to keep writtin

btw music recommendation of this time is, Mmmh by Kai. it;s soooo epic cant stop listening!