Waiting For Her

Third Person's POV:

She saw with held breaths how Ford's eyes snapped up to Jacob's face to find him looking in her direction. She knew she will unquestionably be discovered by him, when he follows Jacob's line of sight, if she didn't run.

Fortunately Ford took a second to look towards the door and a second was all she needed to she promptly move away from the opening in the front doorway.

She's has got enough evidence on the tape to have a successful conviction if she showed it in a court room. Ford Zoldyck is in for hell to pay, now.

But first in order for all that to happen she must get out of this hell hole without being caught.

She took a step towards the stairs she originally took to come up here but stopped as a thought crossed her mind.

What if he had left someone at entrance of the building as a lookout while he was busy doing his dirty deeds?

She didn't see anyone while entering the building but it is a possibility they could be hiding whilst keeping a watch. What if after discovering the door open Ford warned his allies and they would be ready for her when she runs out of here.

She found her mind working at an unusual pace, all due to the possibility of harm that had her mind processing multiple thoughts in mere seconds.

She should try and find another way out but she doesn't know the layout of the building how will she manage to find another exit, and all in time to avoid running into a suspecting Ford, who was probably be coming out of the apartment any minute now.

Fire escape!

Yes, fire escapes are always at the back of the building and since nearly most of the other apartments are unoccupied she can try to find an apartment that's open. From there she should only just have to climb the stairs down that would lead her to the back of the building.

Now all she hoped; nobody is there waiting for her.

Quick on her feet she turned a corner to enter another lobby with door lining both her sides, in order to hide from Ford if he comes out the apartment after discovering the door being ajar.

However as soon as she took a turn to enter the lobby she bumped into someone, causing the camera in her hands the go flying in the air and come crashing down on the floor.


Author's Note:

wow i'm actually committing to something for the first time! Daily updates aren't as easy as one might think you know.

But! my love for you guys drives me harder then Dom Toretto his muscle. haha i know not funny lol but i'm still laughing.

anyway i'm still listening to Kai lol what you guys think of it? if you have any songs then please do recommend.

i'll see you tomorrow then.

and dont forget to support, if not winning this competition atleast we can get nominated right?