Fuck me to Hell

Ford's POV:


Fucking fuck me to hell and burn me alive!

How could this happen?

How the fuck could I let this happen?


It's almost as if I turned to an ordinary nutcase of a psycho who couldn't keep it in his fucking pants and goes on to get himself fucked by a buffy boyfriend of an obviously taken girl. I kept running my hands thru my hair like a clueless shit, what the hell is wrong with me tonight?

"Inadequate. That's what this is," I turn back to look at the scared little boy still quivering behind me. "This situation…"

What the fuck was wrong with me today, really?

How the hell could I make such a rookie mistake? I'm top of the fucking food chain, dammit!

"Do you know the meaning of inadequate, boy?" I ask as calmly on the outside as opposed to how unruly I'm feeling on the inside.

The little shit simply shook his head for a no.