Chapter 18: Deepest secrets

“So are you ready to tell me all your deepest secrets?”

Zoe beamed at me, mirth spilling out of those dancing eyes. I wanted to throw something at her. What I wouldn’t give for the use of Joss’s telekinesis, even on a temporary basis and even knowing how unpredictable it could be. Right now, I had enough emotion to make them work.

Oddly, though, there wasn’t much available to toss around Zoe’s office. I had expected the room to be full of orbs, crystals and maybe some of those flowy scarves draped over beaded lamps. But no, it was a simple and utilitarian room, with a plain desk, a few file cabinets and some stuffed chairs. It was almost bare.

“I don’t work in here very often.” As though she had read my thoughts, Zoe glanced around the room. “If I’m training, I like the space of the conference room. And most of the time, if I’m on my own, I work in my home office. It reflects my personality more closely than does this room.” She winked at me.