Chapter 19: What I really didn’t want to discuss

I slammed a hand down on my knee. “Why? What does she have to do with anything? She’s in my past. Over and done.”

“Exactly. She was part of what was a painful episode in your recent past, and as such, she is your vulnerability. If you’re working for us, we need to know up front where your weaknesses lie. Otherwise, they could be used against you—and us—when you’re on a mission.”

“She’s nothing to me, and believe me, I’m less than nothing to her. She probably doesn’t even remember me.” I swallowed hard and dug my fingers into the side of my thigh, anything to keep my mind from dwelling there, on her.

“I don’t believe that. Your reaction to her indicates otherwise. Now, if you would, I’d like you to lean back in your chair and try to be calm. Were you aware that while I asked you about Tasmyn, you were trying to manipulate my mind to stop saying her name?”

I shook my head. “I wasn’t.”