Chapter 43: Coming home . . . sort of

Now that I knew what I had to do, had an idea of the plan, I was anxious to get started. Two days after Cathryn’s return, I stood in the center of my hospital room, glancing around, waiting for her to arrive and take me to Harper Creek. I tapped my foot with impatience and then grinned at the red sneaker making the noise. It had been so long since I’d been able to wear real shoes. Even though I’d never been a jeans-and-sneaker kind of girl, at this point I loved anything that wasn’t hospital cotton.

“Ready to leave us, Ms. Massler?” A woman I had only seen in passing pushed open my door and leaned in. She wore a light gray suit with black pumps, and her smile was genuine. Her name tag said she was Leah from the accounting department.

“Yes. No offense, but if I don’t see the inside of a hospital for the rest of my life, it’s okay with me.”