Chapter 26: Noel wins a client

She woke early feeling like she had been hit by a bus. Disentangling herself from the clammy sheets she sat on the edge of the bed, burying her face in her hands. Another bad night. Standing, she stretched until her muscles cracked and tiptoed into the bathroom. When she emerged his voice caught her off guard.

'If you're going for a swim would you mind if I came too?'

She took an awkward step back. 'I'd prefer if you didn't.'

'Isn't it a bit early to worry about being seen?' He sounded amused.

'No.' She grabbed her carrybag and made for the door. 'Besides, I like to swim alone.' She left quietly and drove listening to the news. The continued discussion of the bombing effects dragged at her. The swim did nothing to alleviate the way she felt.

David was up and showered when she arrived back. Both beds were stripped and the sheets airing on the balcony. Orange juice awaited her in a glass and coffee bubbled in the pot.

'Do you want a sandwich made or do you buy your lunch?'