Chapter 68: The wonders of chocolate

David heard the low growling before seeing the dog and scanned the cars, spying two legs motionless next to a front wheel and a snout, teeth bared, extending from a headlight. He whistled softly and the dog emerged as far as the ears. David dropped to his knees.

'Hey boy, come over here. Come on, no-one's going to hurt you.'

The dog, a Doberman, padded out from behind the car.

'Jesus, I hope you're alone,' David breathed. 'Come on, boy, come and say hello.'

Alternately growling, licking its jowls and looking intrigued, the dog made a very hesitant journey across the paving stones.

'That's a good boy. Don't stop. Come right over, let's be friends.' David held out his hand and the dog jumped back, growling again.

'That's a good boy, don't bark. Come and give me a big lick. Don't be shy.'

Confused by David's confidence the dog stretched its neck and snuffled his fingers.