Chapter 92: No reprieve

Robert rose from his chair. This was it. 'Your Honour, this is, as the Crown says, the first conviction against my client, albeit a serious one.' He held a sheaf of papers. 'I have a dozen statements from colleagues, employers and school teachers attesting to Russell Montgomery's character as a likeable, dependable and honest young man.'

'You've prepared a psychiatric report?'

'Yes, your Honour.'

'Let's hear it then.'

Robert turned to the sheriff's officer. 'I call Dr Roma Lightfoot.'

As the outer doors parted the hubbub of a multitude was heard. Potential jurors for the following trial were gathering. Niemen clicked his tongue. He was not in a good mood. Robert thought of Elisabeth as Dr Lightfoot made her way to the witness box.

'Dr Lightfoot, you're a senior consultant in psychiatry at Canberra Hospital.'

'I am.'

'You have examined the prisoner for the purpose of sentencing.'

'Yes. I examined him twice at your request.'