Chapter 2

I heard a soft knock on my door, "Sofia it's time to wake up." I heard my mom say as she opened my bedroom door.

"Alright, I am getting up." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "I am gonna shower and met you in the kitchen for breakfast, okay ma?"

"Okay, sweetie." She smiled and shut my door.

I looked down at my phone and it was 7 am about 10 hours before this party would officially be about me.

I head for the shower and strip out of the pj's I wore the night before. I hopped in the shower. "Hello Sofia, I am Eva. It is such a pleasure to meet you." I heard my wolf whisper in my mind.

"Hello, Eva, it is my pleasure to meet you." I smiled as I spoke back to her.

I was able to finish my shower as I got out I stood in front of the mirror for a few minutes. I was finally 17. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had my mother's long thick black hair. and I had my father's olive skin tone, but for some reason, I didn't have either of their eye colors. I had mystic green eyes that would skip generations which happens to be mine.

I heard chatter coming from the kitchen which means the packhouse is awake and gathering for breakfast. I walked into the kitchen where Grams homemade cooking hit my nose and filled the kitchen. I grabbed myself a plate and filled it up with some bacon and sausage with a few eggs. I walked over to my mom and sat down to eat.

"Happy Birthday!!" I heard Mikey shout across the room as he stumbled to plant himself next to me.

I laughed softly, "Thanks!" I finished my breakfast. "Mom and I need to go into town want to come with me," I asked.

"Yes! I will!" Mikey said and hurried to finish his food.

"Are you ready to go?" My mom walked over to me as I was putting away my dishes.

"Yes, Ma. Mikey is tagging along." I stated and walked towards the front door.

We got into the car and mom started to hear in town. We arrived about 20 minutes later. "You don't have a price range we can get whatever you want sweetie." My mother told me as we arrived at Sally's Dress Shop.

I walked into the store not exactly sure what we were looking for. "Sofia walks towards that red sundress," Eva whispered.

I walked to this red sundress Eva pointed out it was a soft fabric. I would be able to slide out of it and shift. "Mom I found the dress," I said and walked up to her.

" Oh, gorgeous Hunny! We will also get you a nice pair of flats to go with it. Black okay?" She asked and handed me a pair of shoes.

"Perfect ma!" I smiled.

"Fancy." I heard Mikey laugh behind me.

I chuckled, "At least I will look nice for tonight."

"True," Mikey stated.

I walked up to the register and handed the cashier my items. "You're total is 65.23 today." The cashier said.

My mom swiped our packhouses card. "Thank you, dear." My mom said to the cashier.

"You are welcome to have a great day!" The cashier said. We returned to the car. "We should get your hair and make done for tonight. Are you okay with that?" Mom asked.

"Of course ma!" I couldn't help but smile.

We arrive at Raven's Salon and we walked in. "Good Morning. I am Tasha what are we looking to do today." Tasha asked.

"Hair and makeup please." My mom smiled at Tasha.

"Perfect! I have some time to do it now. Follow me back to my hair." Tasha said and held her are forward.

I followed Tasha back to her chair and sat down. "What are looking at doing?" She asked.

"For I want a simple half-up hairdo and make-up something with a black and red smokey eye." I smiled softly.

"We can do that," Tasha said and started working on my hair.

I closed my eyes as she was working on my hair. I was relaxed. "How does this look babe," Tasha asked.

I open my hair and noticed that she put a little curl in my hair with a white pin in the middle. "It is perfect!" I smiled.

"Wonderful!" Tasha smiled and went to get her makeup stuff. "We ready for make-up now?"

"Of course!" I chuckled.

Tasha started with my makeup. It took roughly 45 minutes to complete my look. "How does this look?" Tasha asked

I looked in the mirror and noticed she did a black matte base with a shimmering red for the eyeshadow. "It looks perfect!" I said.

"Great! I will meet you upfront." Tasha stated.

I met my mom upfront. "You look beautiful Sofia!" My mom said.

"Thanks, ma!" I replied.

Tasha came up to the register, " Your total is $80.00 today!"

"Perfect!" My mom smiled and handed her the credit card.