Chapter 3

The drive back to the packhouse seemed to take a while, I am not quite sure why, but I am sure it is because of my nerves.

We arrived home and my mom ushered me through the door. "Go get dressed. Our guest will arrive shortly." She smiled and went into the kitchen.

I sighed and made my way upstairs to my bedroom. It was only 4:00 pm and the party will start at 5:00 pm tonight.

Around 4:50 pm emerged from my bedroom and started to walk down the stairs. I heard voices all over. Inside the house outside the house. It seems like most of the guests have arrived today.

"Welcome everybody! I hope you all have a wonderful stay and enjoy the feast! Today is a very special day for my daughter Sofia. Not only because she is an Alpha's daughter, but she gets to meet her soulmate and her wolf." My dad spoke proudly.

Everyone clapped their hands; and turned to face me. Everyone was taking turns wishing me Happy Birthday.

Everyone started to dig in. Grams made a honey roast ham. With some sweet potatoes, sweet corn, and baked beans.

I finished eating and got up to walk to the kitchen "mate." I heard Eva whisper in my mind. I couldn't get this musky vanilla smell out of my head. I was able to sniff him out and as I got closer to this mate of mine I ran right into him...

"Mate." Nicholas and I said together.

"That is impossible. You cannot be my mate!" Nicholas stated.

"Well, here I am," I spoke back.

"No! No! This is entirely all wrong." Nicholas spoke harshly

"It's not wrong when our Moon Goddess pairs us together. You are an Alpha to be and I am from an Alpha bloodline." I spoke back a little bitterly.

"Well, I Nicholas Blackmoon reject you, Sofia Dawn, from the Redmoon pack as future Luna to the Blackmoon pack." Nicholas stood tall and looked at me in my eyes as he said it.

For some odd reason, I knew what to say back to Nichola. "I Sofia Dawn accept your rejection to be Luna of the Blackmoon Pack." I tried to smile and I turned away and walked away. Away from everything and everyone.

"He rejected us!" I heard Eva scream.

"I know." I sigh and continue to walk to my bedroom.

"How could he!" She continued.

"I don't know Eva," I spoke softly.

I finally made it to my bedroom and sat down on my bed. Finally unleashing all the emotions I was feeling. I was heartbroken, confused, sad. I wasn't quite sure how I would get through this, or why our Moon Goddess decided to pair me with him.

Eva was quiet for the rest of the night. I knew she was feeling what I was feeling, but we couldn't bear this alone. I dozed off around 8:00 pm only two hours after my party begun.

A few days later I finally had the energy to emerged from my bedroom. My parents knew something was wrong, but I was not ready to tell them what happened that night.

I knew Grams was in the kitchen because I could smell breakfast. I made my way in and smiled softly at Grams. "Hey Grams."

"Hey, sweetheart. You doing okay?" Grams asked.

"Honestly, I don't know Grams." I look down as I swirled my fingers together.

"That's a fine sweetie. You can talk to me whenever you are ready." Grams smiled softly.

"Thank you. It means a lot." I smiled back.

"Well sit down! I still have more cooking to do. Your dad has a meeting with the Shadow Pack today to go over treaty's today. I heard that the son of the Alpha will be here also." Grams chuckled.

"Wonderful, just means dad will be busy all day long." I laughed. "I know I should go up there and talk with him."

"Well eat first; then go talk to him, sweetie." Grams handed me a plate of food.

"Thanks, Grams!" I said as I piled food into my mouth.

I finished eating and put my plate into the sink and made my way to the office of the packhouse.

I knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard my dad call.

"Hey, pa," I said and smiled.

"Do you need something sweetheart?" He asked.

"I.. Yeah I think so." I stuttered.

"What is wrong my girl?" He asked and got out of his chair.

"I was rejected. On the night of my birthday from Nicholas Blackmoon." I look down and felt the tears come down my face.

"Oh, sweetheart. I am so sorry to hear that. I hope the Moon Goddess will give you another chance my girl." He said as he hugged me.

"I hope so too dad." I returned his hug.

There was a knock on the door of the Dad'soffice he went to open the door. "Hey there Mark!" My dad said.

"He, Alec! How goes it?" Mark said.

"Good! I have someone I would love for you to meet." My dad responded.

"Wonderful! I have someone also you would like to meet." Mark smiled.

"Come here Sofia please." My dad motioned me to come. "This is my daughter Sofia." He smiled.

Mark extended his hand out to me and shook my hand. "It is great to meet the Alpha's daughter." Mark smiled.

"Sofia Mark is from the Shadow Pack." Dad smiled.

"Awesome. It is my pleasure to meet you, Alpha Mark." I spoke softly and smiled.

"Luke! Come on in please." Mark spoke.

"Yes, father," Luke spoke

"This is Alec of the Redmoon pack and his daughter Sofia," Mark stated.

"It is very nice to meet you both." Luke extended his hand to shake my dad's then grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. "It is a pleasure to meet you Sofia. I look forward to getting to know you." Luke smiled.

Luke seems like a great guy. A true gentleman but after everything, I just went through can I go through another heartbreak?

I couldn't get Luke's golden brown eyes out of mind nor the way he smiled and it seemed to light up the room. He is tall with a deep dark tan that made his eyes stand out.

Eva stirred throughout the meeting. I knew something was up but was not sure what it was yet, but I was not ready for what is to happen next.