Ch. 3

["Fufufu, that landing looked like it hurt."]

"Oh shut up Jojo, you already know that they can't rebound the impact like me you know."

The boys were shocked but then asked Taehyung, "H-How can she talk so freely with the guide..?"

"Don't ask me, I was also surprised at the first time I've witnessed it." He giggled and shrugged it off.

I was surprised when he decided to keep my identity from them, I unknowingly smiled at the thought.

["Did you just smile? You look ugly."]

"Do you need my help to walk to hell's gate? Or you're fine going on your own." I smiled at him.

Jojo gulped but one of them spoke.

"I think you have a pretty smile.."

"Yeah, Hobi hyung's right." Taehyung looked at me and shone his bright smile.

I was taken aback as it was the first time someone has ever told me that.

"Uh, thanks~"

"I'm not good with compliments though, I hope you guys won't mind.."

They guys chuckled.

["Yeah yeah blah blah, enough with your yapping. The quest is starting-"]

I glared at the rabbit.

["I apologize."]

Once again, the 6 boys were shocked.

「 Host is using private system chat with 'Jojo' ★. 」

★Y/n : "Hey rabbit, just conceal yourself for the time being."

★Jojo: ["I was going to do that even if you didn't tell me to."]

The rabbit disappeared into thin air.

★Y/n : "Oh, and don't direct your stream onto me. Just block the constellation's sight on me, it's bothersome and it'll get in my way.

★Jojo : ["What's in it for me?"]

★Y/n : "I can increase your fame among the guides, and rise in the guide rankings."

★Jojo : ["And how exactly you're gonna do that?"]

★Y/n : "The constellations are dying to know my stats and to sponsor me. I didn't accept any of them, so of course they'll be here to watch me for entertainment."

★Jojo : ["...What are you implying?"]

★Y/n : "You know far too well that a constellation's purpose is to find an avatar and increase their followers. What happens if they've already found one? They certainly won't continue watching the stream for entertainment."

★Y/n : "If there was a 'player' with excessively high potential, declining every offer to be an avatar, what do you think they will do?"

★Y/n :"I think my presence alone will draw enough attention across the abyss. Since this hidden quest is an S ranked, I have no choice to block off their surveillance. In future, you can stream however you like to advance your channel."

★Jojo : ["You're way too knowledgeable, that makes you even more scarier."]

★Y/n : "I've been told."

「 Hidden quest will initiate in the allotted time. 」

「 00:59 」

The boys got ready as they raise their weapons and positioned themselves. They looked at me and saw my hands tucked in my pockets, unfazed by the situation.

"Are you a mage?" One of them asked.

「 00:46 」

"Uhm.. You can say it like that." I chuckled.

「 00:42 」

"It's okay, she can handle them by herself." Taehyung said, smiling.

"By 'them' you mean..?"

Taehyung just smiled. "You'll see."

「 00:30 」

They looked at me and one by one they spoke at the remaining time.

"I'm Park Jimin, please call me Jimin." He smiled.


"Kim Seokjin, oldest." He flashed me a wink.

"Hoseok, but call me Hobi!"

"Call me Namjoon."

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you!"

「 00:07 」

I chuckled. "Nice to meet you all, looking forward to your cooperation~"

「 00:00 」

The ground shook for a mere second and eerie silence took over.

「 Time limit: 3 hours 」

「 2 hour(s) 59 min(s) 58 sec(s) remaining. 」

"Guys, I think we need to move forward." I said.

"Huh?" Jimin said in confusion.

"Staying here will do nothing good. If you want to kill the first wave of mobs, we need to walk through the hallways."

"Y/n is right, let's go." Namjoon said as they followed him.

They walked in front of me and it was left me and Taehyung.

"Hmm? You're not following them?"

"I figured you'll follow them anyways, so I'll just accompany you for the time being." He chuckled.

"Fine, let's catch up to them." I moved my legs and walked side by side with Taehyung to the direction the boys were heading.

We caught up with them and followed from behind.

Then, the ground rumbled once again. We halted our tracks as it was getting uncontrollably louder by the second.

"What's going on??" Jin said, shouting.


"What happened- JIMIN-SSI!! OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL??" Yoongi shouted.

I looked at Jimin, the ground was sinking him. I sensed dimensional space magic.

So that's how it is.

"It's not quick sand. Look at your feet too, we're all getting sucked in." I said with a stoic expression. "Don't struggle, it's not a trap. Just let it be."

Now half of our bodies sank into the ground.

"How on earth are we supposed to 'leave it be'?? We're literally sinking to our deaths!" Namjoon said as he panicked.


"No, I get where he's coming from. But in situations like these, it would be best to have a clear state of mind instead of panicking."

"..She's right hyung." Jungkook said.

"And I've told you. It's not a trap, so don't worry."

"Hyung, I know you won't trust her, but you can just trust me. If you don't trust her, trust me." Taehyung said as if he was determined to put his life on the line.

I was somehow touched by his words.

When it was our heads that were left in the sinking ground, I said. "Be on guard on all times. we'll meet at the end of the path."

Then, darkness engulfed my vision.

I opened my eyes to see a narrow path with a dark never-ending hallway.

It's a new hallway.

I realized that it was only me and Namjoon.

「 Quest maze #4's difficulty is adjusted to one player. 」

A murderous intent from the front and back, but it was way too noticeable.. as if it was there on purpose.

Then, I sensed something from behind.


"Duck." In that split second, I held his head with my right palm and pushed his head down along with mine.

A crimson blazing arrow shot from behind, slightly above us as we duck.

"Stay low," I told Namjoon. He lightly nodded and listened to my instructions.

The arrow came from the front, but the real culprit is behind us.

A trickster type demon?

"Hey, you better come out while I'm being nice you lowlife."

No response.

"I said.."

"Come out."

While I said that, I conjured a flame arrow and throw it in the direction, behind me.

"KIEEKKK!!!!" A sharp wheezing scream was heard.

"You finally revealed yourself." A hideous looking monster on fours, with a disgustingly long tongue that had arrows strapped on its disturbingly boney waist emerged from the darkness.

「 Philosopher's eye [MAX] can be used on the target. 」

Oh? I don't need to use this for overall analysis, I already know most of it's characteristics just from my experience alone.

But I guess it's fine if I'm lazy sometimes ;-;

"Surprisingly, you have no eyes but quite keen senses."

"Too bad you weren't able to dodge that one huh." I referred to the wound on his chest caused by my flame arrow.

"SCREEEEEE!!!!!!" It was mad, and it started getting into position while baring its claws and slithering its tongue.


I glanced at Namjoon and he looked terrified. He was petrified in his position, shaking uncontrollably. He tried to stand and resist the area of effect skill.

"You okay, mate?" I asked Namjoon, who is barely holding on.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can't let you kill this thing on your own."

I smiled at his courage. He has the guts.


"Enough with the useless chit chat, you're scaring my friend here." I raised my hand and cancelled the taunt effect emitting from the beast. I could see Namjoon ease up a little.

"I don't know why I'm talking to a monster that can't even communicate properly, but you seem to understand what I'm saying."

"If so, let's end this quickly shall we?"

The hideous beast growled and pounced as arrows are useless in close combat.

It's fast, considering we're cramped in this narrow hallway.

I inserted my hands into my inventory and drew out my daggers and slice through its stone hard body as it approached me.

My daggers grazed it, I relied on my strength and pierced through it's fairly stone hard skin. I repeatedly sliced it, a thousand accurate strikes in a second.

I barely moved from my spot and all that's left is the monster's remains in unrecognizable pieces.

「 Host killed 'Trickster'. 」

「 Host earned 100[+1000] coins 」

「 Host earned 800[+8000] exp 」

It was worth quite the amount of coins and exp, it looked like it was around.. A+ rank? If I was any weaker than I was 300 years ago, I would've been slightly injured.

「 Host is using private system chat with 'Jojo' ★. 」

★Y/n : "You can open your stream now."

★Jojo : ["That was fast."]

★Y/n : "If you don' want to, feel free not to."

「 Host ended the system chat ★. 」

"Whew, you okay?" I turned back to look at Namjoon.

I helped him to stand.

He asked, "what was that?"

"A trickster, a mid-rank demon. It creates false murderous intents to confuse its prey. That's why you were disoriented at that moment, the enemy took that opportunity and attack us from the back."

I ignited my right hand with a blueish-violet colored flame.

I signaled him. "Let's go, we have to meet up with the others."

The whole walk was silent, we did not try to talk to each other and it was an awkward atmosphere.

Then he was the one who speak up.

"You were cool back there." He said, his gaze at the dark front hallway with his face slightly tinted with the light from the flickering blueish-violet flame.


"And sorry."


"For shouting at you before.."

"No no, it's totally understandable, given at the situation we were in."

Then silence took over.

"Is something troubling you?" I asked as I looked at Namjoon.

"You've guessed it almost immediately." He chuckled.

"...But Indeed. There is."

I heaved a sigh and looked at him with a small smile. "Whatever your worries are, just don't stress over it too much. Trust me, I've got it from experience."

"It's wiser to keep your head straight and bare no regrets in decision making," I divert my gaze back to the front. "Being a leader in this kind of ruin world now, must be hard. You've done a great job, Namjoon."

He chuckled. "You talk as if you've lived for a couple centuries."

"But thanks.." He smiled wistfully. "Your parents must be proud of you."

There was a pause before I began to speak.

"I don't have parents."

"Oh I'm sorry-"

"No, it's something you don't have to apologize for. I've never thought of them as my parents anyways, nor do I bare any hatred towards them, even till the day they died."

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, I'm sorry to have brought up the topic-"

"I don't mind," I curved a small smile. "The past wounds had worn out long ago, it doesn't affect me in the slightest."

He paused and glanced at me. "You're really a person to look up to."

I smiled and started telling him the story of my parents.

「 The phantom ghost is curious about your past. 」

「 Goddess of Trinity wants to hear about your past. 」

"There's really nothing much to tell about my parents," I continued. "They gave birth to me, an only child."

"My birth was an accident."

"My mother had no intention of actually wanting me to be born and my father was the typical drunk alcoholic you've seen in movies and stories."

"Abusing me was a very common thing as he thought I resemble my mother a bit too much."

"Food was scarce from the age of 3. I was starved for days, if not, weeks. And when I finally reached the tender age of 14, I ravaged all the food I can at the dumpster behind a restaurant."

"I was sold to a middle-aged man at 18, I was lucky enough to have escaped back then. From that moment forward I worked and applied for labor jobs to earn myself a measly living."

I paused for a while. I guess I can tell him some bits and parts, I can tell that he's good with secrets.

Namjoon didn't utter a word but his lips were slightly parted.

「 The phantom ghost is showing great pity towards you. 」

「 The phantom ghost donated 600 coins. 」

「 Goddess of Trinity is sharing great sorrow with the constellations. 」

「 Goddess of Trinity donated 500 coins. 」

「 Calculating donations... 」

「 Remaining constellation(s) donated 4000 coins to you. 」,

Holy that's a large sum. Are constellations THAT rich?

"But it's fine, I'm not affected by these minor thoughts."

He warmly smiled at me, "I'm glad."

"Besides, I've been.. staying in Murim and Athelle even before the world went into ruin, so the memories of my parents are vague."

"Ah.. but.. where is that, exactly?"

I paused and continued. "Somewhere far, far away."

"Ah.. Is it?" He chuckled.

It was my turn to chuckle. "Yes, very far."

"Though, I'm a bit puzzled," I said. "For a person who witnessed my powers, you don't seem like asking me about them any time soon."

"To tell the truth, I'm actually really curious about them." He said. "But if I did, I would come off as rude.. You may have your reasons not to tell people about them."

He looked at me as he continued to smile, showing his remarkable dimples. "And I respect that."

I sighed and chuckled. "You're as odd as Taehyung, I must say."

"The whole group has the same energy." He chuckled as I laughed. "Is that so?"

"The others are doing fine without us though," I pointed towards the North-West. "I guess they're dealing with the skeleton soldiers."

"Are they alright?"

"Yeah, they're fine. The skeleton mobs are around level 3-4."

He nodded.

"While they're at it, let's deal with the big ones first." I threw the violet-blue fire to the front as it lit the torches on the way and revealed myriads of crimsoned pairs of eyes in the darkness, the number was roughly around a hundred. 

I looked at Namjoon. "You up for it?"

He smirked and said, "with you, I guess it won't hurt to try."

"I see that your fear you had is gone."

"Let's say that I'm more reassured now, well, because you're here."

I immediately casted a reinforced mana barrier around him while I boost his strength and agility temporarily. "This should do."

A bright yellow glow emitted from him.

"Woah, I feel super light!"

"Don't be careless. Although I buffed you, it doesn't mean you can be lax. They are still mid-rank mobs."

"Yes madam!" He smirked as he grabbed his shield and short-sword.

"Oh you're a tanker?"

"Mm-hmm," he smiled.

"Well, your strength is around a level 30 now, so you can be a match for these low-lives, right?" I looked at him.

"I won't drag you down, at least." He then chuckled and charged forward.

I grinned. "Atta boy."

「 You have gained a follower. 」

「 Player "Kim Namjoon" appears to have some loyalty towards Host. 」

「 Existential power increased by 5. 」


「 The phantom ghost is celebrating in the excitement. 」

「 The constellations are excited. 」

「 Host has received 100 coins. 」

"I guess it's my turn now."


「 Status Window 」

Name: Y/n

Age: 26

Species: Human

Level: EX [???]

Job: None

Title(s): First Mortal constellation

HP: 1000000+

MP: [???]

Strength: SSS+

Agility: EX+

Vitality: EX+

Intelligence: SS+

Unknown power(s): SSS+

Exp in possession: 27932

Exp [to next level]: [??]

Stat point(s): -

Existential power: 875[+5][+5] [▼]

Coin(s) in possession: 9900


Sneak peak of next chapter..