Ch. 4

I analyzed the situation on the whim.

Namjoon was fending off the incoming monsters in the narrow hallway with his shield and sword.

I couldn't use large scale spells nor close-quarter combat in this situation as it could harm Namjoon in the process.

The narrow hallway is troublesome. One wrong move and it's over.


"I've decided."

I conjured a 4th-tier circle spell without chanting.

Then, multiple of flame arrows appeared around me, floating mid-air.

"Go." The arrows dashed and bolted pass Namjoon and shot right through the heads of the demons in front of him.

"Headshot!" Namjoon shouted from the front.

「 Host gained 300[+3000] exp. 」

「 Host gained 400[+4000] exp. 」

「 Host gained a total of 2478[+24780] exp. 」

「 'cashback' automatically applied. 」

"Focus! There are only around 40 more, don't let your guard down!" I shouted for Namjoon to hear.

Then, I conjured myriads of flame arrows around me. But this time,

it was almost like a rain of flame arrows.

"Duck!" I shouted as Namjoon immediately ducked.

The arrows rained non-stop, slaughtering the remaining monsters.

Then after a while, the arrows I casted stopped. More precisely, they were cancelled without my consent.

"Woaaaaww, Y/n--" Namjoon ran towards me but he halted right in front of me.

"Shh." I put my finger over his lips. "There's someone here."

I saw a flickering spark in the darkness and in a split second, a fireball with the speed of a bolting lightning came right at us.

I conjured a barrier around us right on the spot as the fireball dissipated from the impact.

「 The phantom ghost is curious on who had the nerve to attack you. 」

「 The constellations are anticipating for another thrilling battle. 」

"What was that?" Namjoon asked, with a small amount of worry.

I glanced at the direction the fireball came.

"It might be a high ranking wizard to have analyze AND cancelled my spell in that split moment."

"But.." Namjoon said, nervously.

"But that was no human." I stated.

"The mana flows emitting from it, is not stable."

"If it was a human, he or she would be dead from the unstable mana flowing in their veins by now."

"So that means.." He continued as I looked at him. "Yes, a monster capable of using mana spells."

"It's great that you catch on real quick." I smirked.

"Now stay put, I could end this more quickly if I found him. Can you protect yourself if I lift the barrier?"

He chuckled. "Yes, so don't worry."

I looked back and smiled, I turn my head towards the dark hallway and leaped as I grabbed my twin daggers from the inventory.


My blades clashed against another, it was an assassin that was somewhat around my level.

"Oh-ho?" I smirked.


We were on each other's necks, only the sounds of blades clashing and sheathing were heard. What's more, the assassin chose to fight me head on.

I was toe to toe with the assassin that was preventing me to go near the spell caster.

I spoke while fighting.


"I must say--"


"You're quite skillful--"

"But you're not entirely human now aren't you?" I smirked.

No response.

"Perhaps, an undead?" 'CLANG--!'

The opponent's weapon got casted aside, flying out of his hands.


"What's so funny?"

He raised his trembling hands and pointed to the direction behind me.


My eyes widen. "Namjoon!"

I saw him with his knee on the ground, still holding onto his shield but he suffered fatal blows.

His left arm was torn apart and his other kneecap was severed along with his body.

I immediately blasted the assassin's head off and rushed over to him, but shards of ice prevented me.

"I'm done playing your games."

A string of mana appeared before me.

I grabbed onto it and jerked it, pulling it towards me.

"This is the end of your last strand of life, you bastard."

The string snapped and horrendous screams were heard until it stopped after awhile. I guess it died way faster than I thought for a lich.

I didn't want to resort to it, but the situation's changed.

Then, I ran towards him. "Namjoon! Why didn't you say anything?!? Didn't it hurt??"

"Why didn't you call for my help even when you're reduced to this state?!"

His head was rested onto my lap as his face was pale and started panting heavily.

"Gosh, the amount of blood you've lost!"

"Y-Y/n, it's okay.. I'm sorry if I've made you worried in times like this." He faint a smile.

"How are you still smiling in the state you're in??"

"You even lost an arm! How careless you could be??"

He puckered up a wistful smile. "Am I dying..?"

"No, you're not. And you know I won't let you." He closed his eyes as a green glow emitted from my hand and I numbed his pain to regenerate his torn arm.

He said with his eyes were still closed. "Is this the afterlife..?"

"How many times am I gonna repeat myself? No, you're not dying."

I paused for a while. "There, good as new. Now for your injuries."

He peeked with one eye and met with my eyes, wide opened.

"Oh you're up?" I chuckled. "Does this look like the afterlife to you?"

He blinked twice. "Is it?"

I grabbed his face with my fingers as I pinched his cheeks. "No, no it's not."

"That's a relief." He chuckled.

"Hmm? Why?"

"Because if it was.. I wouldn't bring myself to accept the fact that I've dragged you to the afterlife with me."

I laughed it off and chuckled. "What nonsense.. who's worried about whom?"

"I think you're the type who's worried about their comrade's death more than your own." I chuckled.

He giggled and said, "I guess so."

He sat up and to his surprise, his injuries were healed, especially his torn arm.

"M-My arm, it's back..!"

"Your old arm was lying somewhere in the hallway, but it was damaged too badly to reattach it back so I just made you a new one."

"A-A new one...?"

I chuckled. "Are you starting to be afraid of me?"

"No no, I'm just surprised.." He smiled followed by a laugh. "You're someone with combat abilities, tremendous amount of mana to cast buffs and spells and to an extent, monstrous healing abilities. What's next?"

I chuckled. "Well, using an arcane sniper and--"

He then giggled. "You win, I give up on counting."

"Well then, shall we find the rest?"

He then nodded as I raise my hands once again.


Threads of mana flowed around us like hovering strings of light.

They finally gathered into one and wrapped around my fingers as it led a path.

"Let's go."

The thread of mana led the way.

After a few minutes of walking, we could finally see some light. It was dim but the faint light led us to them to a large, wide cave and the thread dissipated.

The boys were having their back facing us so I gave Yoongi a light tap on the shoulders.


"It's me," I chuckled. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"JESUS FU-" Jin glared at Yoongi. "...flipping Christ."

"Hyung, you're not even christian." Jungkook said.

"Did we make you guys wait long?" I chuckled.

"Y/n!" Taehyung turned and ran towards me as he bombarded me with questions.

"Okay okay, one by one Taehyung." I chuckled.

I caught a whiff of blood in the air, I quickly direct my attention to his arm.

I grabbed his right arm gently as I saw scratch wounds as well as some bruises here and there.

Then I looked at the others. "You all got hurt as well."

They nodded as they laughed it off.

"It's fine, Y/n.." Taehyung said as he shrugged.

"Taehyung, how many times are you going to worry me like this?" I sighed in disbelief.

His mouth was ajar as he was about to say something but kept quiet instead.

I healed his injuries as a green glow emitted from my palm.

"Although they're just light injuries, they can still be fatal if not treated on time." My tone was a little angry, but I paused afterwards.

"Next time, I want you to tell me. No matter how small the wound is, okay?"

He nodded as he pouted and sulked in silence. I chuckled at his behavior and finish healing his wounds.

I smiled. "The rest of you, come get your injuries healed too."

The first one to get treatment was Jungkook.

"Noona, are you a healer~?" He asked in utmost curiosity, his eyes sparkled as I was healing his injuries.

"Hmm, it's more complicated than that, but you can say it's similar." I chuckled at his child-like behavior and tone. "You got more bruises than wounds though."

"That's because I'm a speed type player!" He said excitedly.

"Oh, so you haven't got your class yet?" I looked at him.

"Yeah, I hope I'll get it soon though.." He pouted.

I chuckled, "then I hope you will get it soon."

"There, you're good to go."

"Thanks noona!" He displayed a bright smile.

Then I began healing their wounds as they lined up.

"So Y/n, you're a healer." Yoongi said as we all heard someone choked behind us.

"What's so funny Joon?"

He wiped his tears at the corner of his eyes and said, "because it's funny that you guys haven't realized it yet."

"Yah, what on Earth you're talking about Namjoon?" Jin said while he shook him. "Stop mumbling and spit it out!"

Namjoon and Taehyung were cackling as they said in unison. "You all will figure it out by yourselves."

"What do you mean 'we'll figure it out by ourselves'?" Jimin asked Taehyung.

"Well, until the next battle, you'll see it with your own two eyes."

"You're just confusing me even more, Taehyung." Jimin said, confused by his claim.

Then a notification window appeared in front of everyone.

「 You are in the lair of Demon General Greed. 」

"What?" Jimin said.

「 Hidden Quest Category: S+ 」

「 Requirement(s): Defeat the Demon General Greed and his army. 」

「 Hidden Quest will commence in 3 min(s). 」

「 Time left: 01hr(s) 36 min(s) 00 sec(s) 」

「 Complete the quest within the time frame. 」

"T-That's absurd!" Jin said in a worry tone. "The quests we all had were required to 'survive' and not defeating a whole army!"

「 02:59 」

"S r-r-rank! That's basically suicide!" Jimin said, panicking. "W-We're doomed."

「 02:47 」

Namjoon sighed, "guys, stop panicking will ya? I'm sure we'll live to see another day if Y/n's here with us."

"You guys really should put some trust in Y/n, she might even show you a miracle." Namjoon said as Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"Are you kidding, Namjoon? Although I respect you like everyone else in this room, I'm afraid that this will be our burial ground." Yoongi said as Hoseok nodded and continued. "Maybe even without our bodies intact."

"Like hell it would stay intact." Yoongi spat.

"And a healer being our miracle. Really." Yoongi scoffed in disbelief. "What's she gonna do? Heal the monsters?"

「 02:21 」

"Hyung--" Taehyung was slightly agitated, but Hoseok cut him off knowing what to say.

"Yoongi, a healer's essential in battle. They could be a big help in supporting us from behind." Hoseok stated as he glanced at me while smiling.

"That's true, healers reduces loss in a battle." Jimin said, agreeing with Hoseok.

"I trust noona even if Yoongi hyung doesn't." Jungkook looked at me while smiling as his nose scrunched in the most innocent way possible.

"That's sweet of you Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin. But I have something that I want to make myself clear before we proceed to our quest."

「 01:52 」

"One, assuming me as a healer is your own mistake, Yoongi. I know you have your doubts, but it doesn't make up for your shitty excuse for being rude."

Yoongi was taken aback at what I said.

"I can see why you would assume me as so, but if you don't want to be the reason of your own demise, I suggest you cut that attitude while you're at it."

"Two. I would like to remind you all that I'm no saint nor angel, nor god himself. I'm not perfect, just like everyone else here, so I would like everyone to treat each other equally as such."

"Three. I hope you guys see me as a friend more than a threat or loser. If you despise the option of friendship, being my enemy won't do any good either, so I hope the day won't come."

"Lastly, I won't take your half-assed threats seriously as I could kill any of you this instant. You guys pose no threat to me, do you understand?" I looked at each and every one of them, but I didn't speak out of anger, I was standing my ground.

"This is not a warning but a friendly advice from a comrade, so don't take it to heart."

They looked at me with some determination and that 'I trust you' look in their eyes.

And here I thought they would cry from the way I talk.

「 00:56 」

Taehyung smiled as he pat my head. "That was some speech."

I chuckled, "thanks, I feel way better after that."

"Don't mind Yoongi hyung, he's just worried. After all, he protected us all from a monster when the world turned out like this."

"Yeah, hyung's just like that. Don't be too harsh on him though, he's been through quite a lot before the post-apocalyptic world." Jimin joined in.

I chuckled, "I know my limits."

「 00:35 」

"Now, shall we prepare on what's going to come out from that?" I referred to the huge gate that was way back at the end of the cave.

They all nodded as they grabbed their weapons and positioned themselves.

"What about you Y/n?" They looked at me as they realized that I had my hands tucked in my pockets.

"Me? Since there will be an army coming, I guess I'll summon some hellhounds?" I thought for awhile as I paused. "Maybe some mana spirits too."

Would I be able to summon them? They're from another realm after all. Well, we won't know if we don't try.

They all seemed confused, but when I raised my right hand in the air and chanted some undeciphered language. "Heed my call, almighty spirits of heaven and hell."

"Manifesting my mana, I summon fallen war soldiers that transcended life in its realm."

"Spirits of Athelle."

Magic circles appeared from both the ground and above.

「 00:00 」

The gate was gradually opening as well.

"W-What is happening??" Hoseok said as he panicked.

Translucent hollows of soldiers holding various of weapons appeared as the number was roughly around 500.

"Which one? Y/n's soldiers or the demonic army that's coming right at us?" Taehyung said and received a smack at the back of his head from Jin.

I could smell the atrocious decaying scent coming from the undead army at the gigantic gate, and it was no small number.


Hundreds of vicious gigantic wolf-like dogs were summoned from the circle, drooling with spit and ferociousness of its honed canine fangs.

The undead were halfway through the cave and more were coming out from it. The boys gripped tightly onto their weapons despite being terrified.

"Puppies, remember not to bite your owners." The hounds roared.

The boys were shocked, except for Taehyung and Namjoon.

"Y/n, this--"

"Boys, stay behind the soldiers, I'll be back with the General's head and we'll continue the conversation later." I smiled as I grabbed the twin daggers from my inventory and leaped above the army as if I was teleporting.

My blades clashed with another, it was Greed, the demon general.

"Huhuhu, to have find me this quick, you're a capable one."

"You can't blame me while you were hiding in plain sight as if you want to be discovered." I smirked. "Not gonna lie, you do look a bit different from the others."

"Huhu, at least I don't just sit at my throne."

Our blades kept clashing, not showing a single flawed move. Our every movement were precise and absolute.

My moves were getting faster and faster after few seconds had passed. Increasing the pace and output as time was on my side.

Now, my movements were not easily tracked. The eyes of the demon were constantly trying to comprehend my rapid movement as our blades kept clashing. It was simply hard to keep on defending himself.

Large scratch and stab marks were constantly brought upon on his body.

"W-What the--"

"Slow. I'm disappointed."

When I was about to finish him off, he shouted.


Shadow ice shards came my way.

I jumped and dodged it as I block some with my daggers.

He's gone.

"Oh? What's a lich doing here."

A lich with a hood over its head, an undying being that transcended it's previous life and earned a new one as a result of necromancy.

I glanced at the boys, they were safe with the soldiers. The undead army did not seem to decrease, but instead, it grew in number.

"Constant necromancy, not shabby yourself."

Then, orbs of flames were shot my way.

"Why bother using 3rd tier magic when your opponent can just cancel it?" I looked at the lich as I cancelled the spell with a 'seriously' look on my face.

Wait. Is it trying to buy time?

I looked at my system window.

「 Time left: 00hr(s) 56 min(s) 07 sec(s) 」

"Ha, nice try. Buying time won't do anything though."

He blasted a whole damn 7th circle spell, shadow nova on me. Of course, I casted a barrier before it got the chance to cast. "So that's how it is. You want a battle between mages? Then I'll give you one."

"Soldiers! Advance and multiply."

The soldiers below us began slaughtering the undead corpses mercilessly as they gain a massive buffs and multiply every time they die. I keep getting exp from my soldiers as they kill.

"My army looks more undying than yours though." I smirked.

"Now," I glared at the lich as my pupils revealed the existence of the dragon in me.

"Where's Greed?"

End of Chapter 4.


「 Status Window 」

Name: Kim Namjoon

Age: 26

Species: Human

Level: 5

Job: Tank/defender

Title(s): [-]

Sponsor: [-]

HP: 100

MP: 10

Strength: 27

Agility: 17

Vitality: 31

Intelligence: 35

Skill(s): Aggro[LV1], Body strengthening[LV1].