Ch. 5

"Where's Greed?"

The lich didn't utter a single word.

"Did your jaw fall off so that you can't talk?"

Again, complete silence from the lich but he began chanting a spell as black smoke came out of his palms.

"Oh no you don't--" I immediately cancelled his spell and soon after, the lich panicked.

"Bind." Chains burst from my summoned circles on each side, as it locked onto the lich.

"What's so hard to just tell me your master's location?"

I looked at him then glanced below us, the army was decreasing in a rapid rate. "I guess your mana supply is running out."

"Honestly, I did not expect that from a 8th-circle lich."

"Though, it is to be expected since you've been holding out for quite long." Then, I signaled my soldiers. "Massacre the remains."

"You know, I was planning to turn you into one of my servants if you cooperate."

「 Time left: 00hr(s) 38min(s) 24sec(s) 」

"But even if you didn't, I would've found him within seconds, without your help."

He held his head up and had his blank hollow eyeless skull met with my eyes and finally spoke. "That means.."

"I was showing mercy to a talent like you." I said with a stoic tone. "So you do know how to talk."

"I suggest you to reconsider or you'll end up like them, slaughtered by my soldiers, necks ripped off by my hounds."

"It's not a bad deal considering the laid out benefits for you."

"I hope you'll make your decision swiftly, I ought to be less patient than I seem." I opened a dimensional portal-like crack beside me. "Oh and don't mind me, I'm just fetching your boss."

I stretched my arm into the crack and grabbed hold onto something as I yanked the object out.

"Hi, long time no see, ya?" I daunted a smile.

The demon looked at me as he backed up in complete confusion. "Y-You! W-What in the world--!"

"Let's get this over with hmm? Just die quietly--"

"W-Wait wait wait! L-Let's negotiate--"

"What's there to negotiate--"

"P-Please let me live--"

"Why should--"

"H-Hear me out--"

"STOP CUTTING ME OFF WILL YOU?!" I glared at him as rubbed my temples. "And you know I can't do that."

"W-Why not?? You gave Martis a chance for a contract so why can't I??"


"The quest stated to 'defeat' the demon general and his army, so it doesn't necessarily mean to kill me!" He said with wavering eyes, cold sweat grazing his face.

"Well, you're somewhat right but still, knowing your personality, I would get a stab in the back if I'm not careful."

"I won't!"

"Oh yeah? Do your words hold value?"

"I-I swear!"

"How am I suppose to believe words of a demon?"

"B-But a-aren't you one a-as well?"

"What?" I set a daunting gaze.

["Pfft--"] Someone was laughing in the background.

["HE'S LITERALLY CALLING YOU SATAN HAHAHAH!"] The rabbit laughed hysterically as he revealed himself.

"Should I make an appointment for you to meet Satan yourself?" I smiled scornfully. "I'm sure you'll be treated as one of the VIPs there."

"Though, he's not entirely wrong." I said with a stoic expression. "I'm a type of demon, but the blood is faint, so you can barely tell."

"I'm surprised you can tell, Greed."

"And what are you doing here."

["Oh, I totally forgot! You have 25 minutes left, so I advise you to get this over with and cut off loose ends."]

I tilted my head and glanced at the poor demon as I sighed.

"Since we don't have much time and I'm not all that unmerciful either."

Both the demon and lich had their knees on the ground.

["You're sparing them?? The quest stated to kill them--"]

"So should I have not spared you in the beginning?"

["B-But the quest--"]

"Then we shouldn't negotiate your death either." I smiled as I got my daggers.

["...Y-You shall continue."]

The first time in many years, I chanted the demonic language that was once learnt by the demon king himself.

"With my blood as the seal of this contract," I bit my index finger and raise my hand as the floating words glistened from the scroll of contracts from my personal dimensional storage.

"My loyal familiars, rise."

Both of them were reduced to my summons as a soul contract was branded on their backs.

They paid their respects and kneeled.

"Now return to the void until I have the needs to call both of you." I waved my hands and they dissipated into their shadows.

「 You and companions completed the hidden quest! 」

「 Hidden quest S+ Lv1 completed. 」

level 1..?

「 Each will be rewarded with 2000 coins and +5 in all stats. 」

「 Rewards will be awarded among teammates by most contribution. 」

[ Host's personal notifications ]

「 Host completed a hidden quest! 」

「 Host gained 2000[+200000] coins 」

「 Due to incomplete analysis of Host's stats, it would take around 5 minutes to recalculate. 」

「 Calculating... 」

I guess I'll wait.

In that exact moment, someone had called upon my name.

"Y/n!!" Namjoon and the rest of the boys rushed over to me.

"I'm glad you guys are unharmed." I chuckled.

"W-What was all that??" Hoseok said as Jimin vigorously nodded his head.

"So that was what you meant when you said 'we'll figure out by ourselves' ????" Jimin said as he was containing his obvious excitement.

Taehyung and Namjoon proudly nodded.

「 Host unknowingly gained followers. 」

「 Existential power increased by 25. 」

「 The phantom ghost congratulates you on your splendid victory 」

「 The phantom ghost donated 300 coins. 」

「 The constellations are both in shock and awe. 」

「 Jester donated 500 coins. 」

「 Some constellations doubts your existence. 」

"But I admit I was a little surprised with the summoning thing, I didn't know it could be of this scale." Taehyung said as Namjoon followed.

"Uhm.. Y/n? How about the soldiers?"

"Oh! I almost forgot." I chuckled.

"Cancel summon." I waved my hand and the soldiers slowly dissipated along with the whining hellhounds.

"I'll make sure to summon you guys next time too, okay?" I chuckled and pat them as they dissipated into the magic circle.

「 Successfully retrieved Host's stats. 」

Oh? I thought it couldn't calculate it the first time.

Let's see..

"Status window."


「 Status Window 」

Name: Y/n

Age: 26

Species: Human

Level: [5]

Job: None

Title(s): First Mortal constellation

HP: 1,000,000+

MP: 998,500 [+5]

Prana{new}: 1,000,000 [+5]

Strength: SSS+ [820,000+] [+5]

Agility: EX+ [1,000,000+] [+5]

Vitality: EX+ [1,000,000+] [+5]

Intelligence: SS+ [710,000+] [+5]

Unknown power [Qi]: SSS+ [810,000+] [+5]

Exp in possession: 52,712

Exp to next level: 100,000,000

Available stat point(s): -

Existential power: 905 [▼]

Coin(s) in possession: 212,700


So the system actually found my prana.

But why is my level 5?

「 Proceed to complete constellation system ranking? 」[yes/no]

「 Please note that host's system might go through slight changes. 」


「 System shifted host's level class. 」

「 Constellation status: not fully awakened 」

「 Constellation level: 5 」

「 Constellation ranking: 8,676,528/9,200,324 」

I paused for a moment and mumbled, "I wonder who created this system."

Then, a small mysterious looking box hovered towards me. I held onto it as numbers appear on the six sides of the dice-like cube and they started to constantly shift until it reached a number.


Not long after the numbers stopped, a glaring light came to block my vision and slowly faded as it recovered my sight.

In my hands were a peculiar-looking key, a sword and an enhancing elixir.

The key had a shape similar to a butterfly with a baby blue crystal gem studded in the middle as it had a silver shank and edge.

Just when I was about to turn to the boys, the rabbit spoke.

["Ahem. Congrats on your victory, have you all received your rewards?"]

They all nodded as they admire their status window.

Without a second thought, I put the key and the elixir in the inventory and held the sword in my hands.



Class: A

Restriction: none

Attributes: critical chance, slash bleed, life drain[Max].

[growth type]


I don't really need a one-handed weapon like this though..

Whatever, I'll find a use for it later.

I finally put the sword into my inventory.

The ground rumbled, pebbles and dust started to fall from the ceiling of the cave.

["Now that the quest is over, let's exit shall we?"]

The rabbit snapped his fingers and an exit appeared right in front of us.

We ran out and caught a glimpse of glimmering light and led to the district of our base in the safe zone.

"We're alive!" Hoseok and Jimin jumped in joy as tears streamed down their faces.

I chuckled and looked at my surroundings.

The barrier was up once again.

I could see the people gathering in small groups as they sat on the ground and ate with some food in their hands.

["Here, your rations."]

Bread with an apple and a bottle of water appeared out of thin air and plopped onto my hands, the boys also got one of each.

The rabbit hovered and went invisible once again.

Me and the boys sat down and formed a circle.

"Y/n, you were amazing back there!" Hoseok said with a tone of excitement as everyone nodded in agreement.

"Uhm, Y/n?"


"I'm... sorry." He scratched the back of his neck and with stuttering glances, he looked at me straight in the eye.

I sighed and chuckled as I curved up a smile. "Apology accepted."

"But it's nothing, really."

Then, one of them heaved a sigh.

"What is it Jungkook?"

He sighed once again and spoke. "Nothing.. It's just.."

Everyone listened closer to what Jungkook wanted to say.

"I wanna eat something else for a change.." He pouted in defeat. "We were always given plain old bread everyday.. at least give us bungeo-ppang.."

[Bungeo-ppang : "carp bread"]

"Jungkook, don't be so picky. Right now, our only goal is having a full stomach to survive.." Namjoon said as he also sighed.

Jungkook sighed, "yeah... but I just wish we could eat something else.. And bread itself could not fill our hunger.."

They all agreed as they sighed and proceeded to eat their bread.

I felt my heart sank a little, seeing them struggling to eat.

I immediately stood up and Taehyung asked, "Y/n, where are you going?"

I paused and smiled. "Guys, wait for me here. Just put the food you have right now, aside."

I walked towards the exit of the safe zone only to be stopped by two snobby-looking guys guarding it.

"Players are not allowed to exit the base without a valid reason."

Both of them were new faces, so I deliberately asked. "Are you guys not from this district?"

"We were transferred here by the guide." They scoffed.

"I see." I glared at the rabbit that was concealing himself beside one of them.

"Anyhow, let me through. I have some business to take care of."

They laughed as one of them said, "a pip-squeak like you? Hah! Don't make me laugh."

"Move when I tell you to."

"Aww are you gettin' angry kid?" He came closer to my face as it was now just inches away.

"I don't plan on wasting any more time on trash."


"I said move." He then flew to the side and hit his back on a tree.

I stride passed the other player and took a deep breath of the breeze outside the dome.

"Now, shall we get to it?"

A few moments passed, "If I remembered correctly, there was a supermarket right around... here."

My feet took me to a wide scale supermarket as I unconsciously curved up a smile.

Monsters roamed inside the place but most of them ran off after sensing my presence.

Even monsters know how to avoid conflict with a being stronger than themselves. Not to mention that they're smarter compared to the players in terms of survival.

I walked around to see if there were anything useful.

The ingredients and condiments on the shelves were not harmed. Let's see..

"Cooking oil, gochujang, soy sauce, fish sauce, salt, sugar, pepper, chili powder, chili flakes, etc." Simple ingredients like garlic could still be found and without a second thought, I put them all in my inventory.

「 Used capacity in inventory: 15/150 」

I could still recover the garlic's freshness by using a rejuvenating spell, but..

"I wanted to get some meat but all of them expired a month ago, about the time when the world went into ruin."


I was lucky enough to have found lots of fermented kimchi in the ingredients section, some soup stock and ramen packets too.

I missed the taste of homemade kimchi in a small pop-up bar. I wonder how long it was since I last ate kimchi with ramen.

I grabbed several kimchi and ramen packets as I put them into my inventory.

「 x10 kimchi 」

「 x25 ramen 」

「 x12 anchovy stock 」

「 x10 beef bone stock 」

「 Used capacity in inventory: 19/150 」

"It's expected to have no other food supply other than these, it's regrettable that I can't get any meat though."

I exited the supermarket and closed my eyes as I scanned the area in the vicinity.

I opened my eyes, sprinted and hopped on top of the buildings as I heard a loud feral howl not far from where I was.

"But who said that it must be normal meat?" I smirked.

A few minutes later, I had butchered a medium-sized shadow wolf and kept the meat in the inventory because time does not flow in there.

「 x10 shadow wolf meat 」

「 Used capacity in inventory: 20/150 」

"It's just like a portable fridge."

"It's great for storing food like meat products."

I decided to return to the safe zone and walked towards the boys.

"Did I take too long?" I chuckled nervously.

"No no, we're just surprised that it only took you less than 15 minutes." Namjoon giggled as he continued. "So what did you want us to wait for?"

I was swiping on my system screen and smiled. "Ah, hold on and you'll see."

They looked at me confused as they could only see me swiping on thin air.

「 Host is using the constellation-exclusive system shop. 」

「 Host purchased 'orichalum cooking pan' 」

「 Host purchased 'orichalum cooking pot' 」

「 Host purchased 'orichalum spatula' 」

「 Host purchased 'abyss cooking stove' 」

「 Host purchased 'customized abyss dining & utensils set'. 」

「 Host used 800 coins. 」

「 Host used 1000 coins. 」

「 Host used 400 coins. 」

「 Host used 900 coins. 」

「 Host used 1200 coins. 」

「 Deducted a total of 4300 coins. 」

A pan, spatula and a stove appeared before me as bowls, plates and the abyss dining utensils that I customized to Korean silverware hovered above my hands.

"I'll be cooking for you guys." I smiled.

"Huhhhh???" The boys had their eyes widened as they blinked repeatedly.

"Save the questions for later," I chuckled. "I'm making kimchi jjigae."

[Kimchi jjigae: "kimchi stew".]

It's been a while since I cooked.

I grabbed the pan and placed it on top of the portable abyss stove as I set it to a medium high heat.

I poured a little bit of cooking oil into the pan and slowly tilt it to cover the surface with oil.

I took one slab of meat from my inventory and cut them into bite size pieces using mana techniques in the air and marinated it with some salt and pepper after I removed the poisonous toxins from the meat.

As it started to slowly heat up, I took the sliced shadow wolf meat and stir fry for a while for the juices in the meat to add flavor to the broth.

After that, I added a few splashes of soy sauce and fish sauce onto the meat while it's in the pan and added the right amount of kimchi and stir fry for a brief minute.

I seasoned it with a little sugar and minced garlic as I put a spoonful of chili flakes.

I took my bottled water and added the anchovy stock into the pot.

Then, I transferred them into the pot and leave it to boil.

The boys looked astonished as I could see them drooling with saliva.

I took the bowls and filled them with the boiling hot stew, "although it's lacking some ingredients, please have a taste."

The boys looked at me with a touched expression as Jin spoke. "To take the effort and risk to cook for us.. that's far than enough.. We're forever grateful, y/n."

"It doesn't matter if it tastes bad or 'lacking' like you said, all that matters is that you even thought of us as you wanted to cook a meal for us."

Jungkook was on the verge of tears as he said, "N-Noona t-the reason y-you w-went out w-w-was to g-get the ingredients to c-cook for us? I-Is that r-right?"

I nodded and he continued. "B-But noona! I-It's dangerous outside!"

"Aigoo~ Jungkook-ssi, why are you crying?" I chuckled as I went to hug him to comfort him.

He sniffled and through his stuttering voice that he barely managed to speak, he said. "B-Because of m-me n-noona c-could've--"

"Shhh... calm down you crybaby," I chuckled. "I'm fine aren't I? I'm quite durable you know."

"Now, drink it while it's still hot," I smiled. "You can't fight with an empty stomach."

The bowls filled with the stew hovered towards each one of them as they held onto it and got a spoon that was flying towards them.

"Careful, it's still hot." I said as I got bowl for myself.

They took a bite from the meat and a spoonful of the stew.

their eyes suddenly widen and started to stuff themselves with it.

I chuckled, "slow down, there's still plenty in the pot."

Some people around us were looking at us with malicious eyes and some seem to avoid eye contact with me.

Their voices were ringing in my head, "Should we kick them out and take the food for ourselves?"

"Should I take the girl out first? She doesn't seem to be a threat."

"Let's kill the leader first, once he's out, it's smooth sailing from here."


Should I just kill them?

I was brought back to my senses when Jungkook suddenly spoke.

"Noona, can I have seconds?" He looked at me and pleaded with his large glistening doe eyes as he sniffled.

"You don't have to ask for refills though," I chuckled as I got him his second bowl. "Here, eat up."

"How is it?" I looked at them.

"It's been a while since I had good Korean food." Hoseok said while he wholeheartedly smiled as I could see the way his eyes glistened when he said, "It tastes like home."

"It's.. just like warmth filled in a bowl.." Namjoon looked at the stew as a tear streamed down from his eye. "A-Ah, what's wrong with me.." He chuckled as he wiped it with the back of his hand.

"Yeah, especially the meat.. it tastes rather savory." Taehyung said as he chewed while his lips were pouted.

"How did you manage to find meat? I mean it's practically impossible in the world's dire situation." Namjoon said as he continued to chew the meat.

"Oh, I actually used a shadow wolf's meat," I said while I thought for a while. "It contains little-to-none fat and it's known for it's tuff meat but savory taste when cooked."

"Really? so that's why it tastes so good~" Jimin and Jungkook said in unison as they continued to eat, unbothered by the origins of the meat.

"You guys seem unbothered by eating shadow wolf meat." I chuckled.

"If Y/n went through so much to cook for us, we don't mind eating anything you give us." Jimin smiled. "And before you ask why, it's because we trust you."

"Wholeheartedly." Hoseok said as he smiled.

"I'm glad--"

"Yah! Hand over the food. Right now!" An unknown voice spoke as he cut me off abruptly, standing behind us. "Are you all deaf?!?"

We didn't move an inch as the boys didn't seem to care at all.

Then, a group of men equipped with weapons in their hands surrounded us.

I knew I should've killed them.