Let’s begin…

Hailey: some may see this as a blessing, to have everything one could possibly want in life at just one word. People bow before me as a sign of respect. I can see fear in their eyes when I am around, they don't even dare to look me straight in my eyes because I am the heir of the ripper's. I am a fucking mafia boss. Each and every thing that happens in my city is with my permission. You can't even sell your own personal asset without my men's knowing about it. The rippers are the most feared mafia gang amongst all. We own many countries; we have many businesses under our name no matter whether they are legal or illegal. You name any club or hotels or company's it will be in our list. None of the other gangs have ever dared to cross us except for one THE LIONS. They are our biggest rivals. The rivalry is passed from our ancestors and it still continues I don't know why we are rivals to be honest. I use to ask my dad if we could sort things out but he used to refuse it and say that it's for better if you don't know anything about the past. So, I stopped asking and continued as I was told. I see all this thing as a curse for lifetime. I always wanted a normal life and wanted to enjoy it to the fullest like a normal person would do. But I couldn't, when I was a kid, I was not allowed to go to school like normal kid, I completed my studies from home. The teachers would come to our house and teach me for long boring hours and after that I had a strict schedule of training. I learnt everything that an heir should know. I never had any friends, never went on swings in the garden, I don't know what this all would feel like. But I know very well how to choke a person to death, how to use all the latest guns. But there was one thing that I loved the most was the secret underground fights. I use to sneak out of my room at midnight with my bodyguard Shane without anyone noticing us. He was more like an elder brother to me. He kept my secret very well till now and hope he continues or he will be my next target… oh! Did I mention that I am called as the BLACK CAT in the underground world? According to them the BLACK CAT is the most merciless human that you could ever cross path with. But poor things have no idea how does the famous BLACK CAT looks like. Ha-ha... funny, isn't it? My dad would have killed me if he would know about this so I had to hide my face during each fight there are only two people who know about it, Shane and my trainer Leo. Those fools out there think that the BLACK CAT is a boy, typical mentality of the society. But I never was interested to clear it out because the surprise and fear I see at my targets face when they know it's me a girl, I just love it. But thank God, I have not cleared it` out otherwise I would have been dead by now because I have a bounty of 1500million on my head in this mafia world. It's a huge amount I know. People out there are going crazy as they are not able to find out who this BLACK CAT is. Forget about others, not even my own parents know about it.

Hailey's dad: "love! What are you doing out at the pool in afternoon? Come in or you will get sunburn on your skin. I also have some few things to discuss with you."

Hailey: "I will come to your room in 10 mins pops. And please tell the cook to bring some pizza while we talk."

Hailey's dad: "you are surely a spoiled brat. I will get it for you just be quick I don't want to wait for long it's something important."