The monster was awake….

Nikolas: I couldn't look into her eyes so, I got up from the bed and stood at the window. My back was facing her. I was angry at her. the monster inside me, was eager to come out and punish her.

Hailey: when he went away from me, I felt like my world was falling apart. I was finding hard to breath. I went near him and placed my hand on his shoulder and said "Nikolas."

Nikolas: when she came near me and touched me. I couldn't control my monster anymore. I pushed her away and yelled at her "don't you dare touch me."

Hailey: It was getting harder for me to bring words to my mouth "I am sorry..."

Nikolas: "sorry? Will your sorry change the thing you have done? Will it bring my dad back?"

Hailey: something was happening to me but I wanted him to forgive me before I close my eyes so I tried harder to talk "I am really sorry... I didn't know he was your dad."

Nikolas: "I don't want to listen to your sorry, you know what, I don't even want to see your face."

Hailey: that was it, the words where he said that he never wants to see my face. Took all of my energy with it and I fainted and fell on the ground.

Nikolas: suddenly she fell on the ground unconscious. Seeing her lying on the floor broke me. the monster inside me was gone. I ran towards her and sat down on the floor placing her head on my lap. "Wake up Hailey! Wake up!" I screamed; I shook her but she gave no response. I carried her in my arms and took her to her home. I had informed Shane to get a doctor. As soon as we reached home the doctors took her to check upon her. my mom and Hailey's mom, dad, Shane everyone was present there in the hospital.

Shane: when I saw my little devil lifeless in his arms, I got furious and went the doctors took her in her room I couldn't control myself any longer. I ran towards him and gave him a punch and grabbed him collar "what did you do to her?"

Nikolas: "I didn't do anything."

Shane: "don't lie to me. if anything happens to her today, I will kill you because you are responsible for this state of her from past few days."

Nikolas: "I didn't do anything, we just got into an argument, I was angry at her. I yelled at her for what she did. And then suddenly she fainted."

Shane: I punched him again "you know that she had no idea about it, you knew she loved you. you knew how she was depressed since that day. You saw her condition. And then too you yelled at her. you fought with her. how could you do this to her? you bastard. How could you?" I punched him harder.

Hailey's dad: "Shane we will discuss this all later, first we have to stay strong for our Hailey. I just wished I never allowed her to make a friend, then maybe she wouldn't be in this state."

Nikolas: hearing dad's words just broke my heart into million more pieces. I realized what she had been through and what she was going through because of me and my family. We were bound with same hatred for each other's family. I realized that if I was in her place, I would have done the same thing. Anyone will do anything to protect them self from being dead. Everyone wants to live. And how could I forget the fact that she was only the one who was able to tame the monster inside me. she showed me that side of me which I never knew existed. I just wanted to hug her as tightly as I could and tell her that I loved her no matter what. Ans how sorry I was for behaving like a douche today. I don't know what was taking so long for the doctors. I should go and see what's going on inside. But as I went closer to the room, dad grabbed my hand and pulled me behind.

Hailey's dad: "you are going no were near my daughter. Do you understand?"

Nikolas: "dad I just want to check why its taking so long."

Hailey's dad: "don't call me dad, you have lost that right since the moment you decided to yell and fight with my daughter even after knowing that she had feelings for you. if you want to stay alive then get out of my sight before I put a bullet between your eyes."

Nikolas: "please at least let me see her once before I go." I moved forward again but this time Shane pushed me as hard as he could and pointed a gun at me.

Shane: "leave or else I will shoot you."