A ray of sunlight….

Nikolas: before I could say anything more, I saw Hailey walking out of that examination room. she was too weak even to stand. But she was trying her best to walk. She was about to trip so I ran towards her pushing Shane aside. I caught her right in time "Doll? You should be resting in there, why are you out here?"

Hailey: "I heard you guys screaming and yelling so I came out to stop you all."

Nikolas: I carried her in my arms and took her in the room again and placed her on the bed. Everyone followed me in that room. "You should rest. we will handle everything on our own."

Hailey: "yes and that will be by killing each other. Right?" everyone was looking at me. "I am sorry everyone. All of this is my mistake."

Hailey's dad: "what are you talking about?"

Shane: "you don't have to do this now devil, we will deal with this later."

Hailey: "Shane, you are the only one who can understand this whole situation. You know everything and still you behave this way?"

Shane: I was angry in that moment "I am sorry If I worry about you, I am sorry that I wanted to kill this bastard when I saw you in his arms unconscious and knowing that he yelled at you." she was listening everything quietly. I had no right to remove my anger at her but I did it and I was ashamed for it. so, before she could say anything I just went out of that room.

Hailey: "I am sorry Nikolas and rose for the pain which I and my brother had caused. Hope you both could forgive me one day." The medicines which they were giving me made me bit dizzy. I closed my eyes and slept after completing my sentence.

Doctor: "you guys should wait out and let her rest for a while. She is too weak. According to our test she has starved her self for almost 2 days and didn't even take her medicines which increased her bullet marks pain. And not to forget the mental stress, all of this are the reason she became weak and fell unconscious. So, I suggest when she wakes up get her something to eat."

Hailey's dad: "can we take her home, in her own bed?"

Doctor: "only if you let her rest and keep her out of all the stress."

Hailey's dad: "we will take full care of her." we did all the formalities and took her to her room.

Nikolas: Shane carried her to her room and all of us followed him. He was not ready to look at me. he was too angry at me. and to be honest even I am angry with myself, she was so miserable because of me. so, I decided it's better if I leave now. "I am going Shane, mom and dad. I will not be the reason for her problem any more. I will try my best to stay away from her."

Shane: "no, stop Nikolas." I went near him and said "I am sorry for how I behaved today; I was scared for her. you have seen her in this state today, I am seeing her crying and sobbing on floor since the day she found out that he was your dad. The guilt and fear of losing you was eating her alive. so, if you want her to come out of this pain. Be by her side. If possible, forgive her. I beg you for her happiness." I cried in front of him.

Nikolas: I hugged him and said "please don't say all this. you know how much important she is to me. I will stay for her."

Hailey's dad: "I don't know what is going on here, but now I just know that Hailey has to answer some questions personally to me." Nikolas stayed in Hailey's room and rest all us went in our room to rest. where as rose went in the guest room.