"I think we should break up." Jimin stops dead on his tracks when he heard what the older uttered. He freezes and turns to Yoongi who was looking at him with a blank expression.
"Excuse me, what?" Jimin tries to say despite the loud thumping in his heart. He realized he was still holding Yoongi's hands, and doesn't missed the grip of the older slowly loosening as he repeats his sentence.
"We should break up. I want a break up, Jimin."
Jimin. Not Jiminie. Not Minnie. Not even baby. Jimin. Just Jimin. The younger doesn't even remember the last time Yoongi called him Jimin, it was too long ago, he was used to the elder calling him sweet mushy nicknames that he grew accustomed to after three years of dating.
"W-Why?" Jimin asks despite the lump forming on his throat. Why all of a sudden? They just came back after their date. They were so happy just a couple of minutes ago, smiling and grinning to each other until their faces hurt, Yoongi kissing him every time he has the chance he could get and Jimin just looking at him with all the love in the world. But why? Why is Yoongi suddenly breaking up with him?
"I realized right after our date earlier t-that I'm not happy anymore. That I feel suffocated." Yoongi stops as he completely let go of Jimin's hand. He brushes his hands against his hair as he sighs and says, "I fell out of love."
Jimin couldn't even think of anything. There was a numbing feeling creeping all throughout his body. A hallow part of his heart was growing bigger and bigger as each second tick by.
"T-That's why, I'm asking you to break up with me."
"But I love you too much, hyung. Please, w-we could try and—"
"Jimin please don't do this to yourself. You deserve someone better."
"There's no one for me, hyung. P-Please, don't go. Don't leave me hyung, please." Jimin knows he sounded so pathetic right now.
Begging for Yoongi to not leave him, but he doesn't even give a damn about his dignity right now because he loves Yoongi too much to let him go.
"I'm sorry, Jimin. I just can't." Yoongi whispers. "I don't love you anymore."
Jimin tries so hard to control the ugly sobs that tries to escape from him as he hears his heart being shattered into pieces. He closes his eyes as he looks up to the star filled night sky. It was so ironic how Yoongi decides to break up with him in such a wonderful night.
You really don't know how things can change so fast in a blink of an eye. Jimin heaves out a lungful of air before he smiles brokenly at Yoongi who was looking at him with pity.
'No. Don't look at me like that. Please.'
"O-Okay. If that makes you happy." Jimin says between his sobs. He smiles at Yoongi, "You're happy right? If I'll let you go, you'll be happy right?"
Jimin tries to stop another wave of fresh tears from falling out from his eyes when he sees Yoongi nod. "I will be, Jimin."
"Can I please get one last hug?" Yoongi looks conflicted for a second before he pulls Jimin towards his chest and engulfs him for their one last hug.
Jimin will miss this so much. Yoongi is his home. He remembers that one time when Yoongi finally asked him when they just started dating to why Jimin always love to nuzzle his head on his chest, Jimin giggles at the elder's question before he shyly answers, "Whenever I feel homesick, I always found comfort in your chest. You're home. You're my home." And then Yoongi's reply was a passionate kiss on his lips and sweet whispers of I love you's as his and Jimin's body became one for the first time that night.
Jimin wants to laugh at how distant that memory finally feels like.
"Hyung, can I please have one last request?" Yoongi just looks at him and nodded in response. "Can we just please pretend that we're still dating—"
"Jimin, you know I can't do tha—"
"—just for one month! Please. I promised Tae that we would go to his birthday party together. Please. Let me just do this for Taehyung."
Yoongi looks at him for a minute before heaving out a tired sigh, that Jimin tries to ignore because it hurts him every time he thought of how Yoongi feels tired of him, and then he finally agrees.
"Thank you, hyung." Jimin smiles at him despite his heart breaking even more as he looks at the older.
That night, Yoongi moved out from their shared apartment and Jimin cried himself to sleep.
Day 01
The next day, Jimin met with Taehyung as they both waited for Hoseok and Yoongi to arrive at their usual spot.
"You seemed down today. Did you and Yoongi hyung had a fight?" Taehyung suddenly asks as they sat on the bench under the huge cherry blossom tree.
Jimin sometimes hate their soulmate bond because Taehyung can easily figure out Jimin's emotions in just one look. He doesn't really want anyone knowing that him and Yoongi broke up already, specially Taehyung who was the one who made them both realized their feelings for each other and was the main reason why they started dating. Jimin never thanked Taehyung enough for that. But knowing his and Yoongi's situation now, Jimin doesn't want Taehyung to know because he knows his best friend would blame himself for causing Jimin this heartbreak. So Jimin smiles and mentally apologizes to Taehyung for lying to him, sometimes white lies are needed to not make the problem bigger.
"Nah, I'm just stressed out with all these projects and shits. And Yoongi hyung and I would never fight. We went on a date last night, remember?" Jimin tries to sound like his usual self and prays to all the gods that Taehyung bought his lie.
His best friend must've been distracted with Jimin's last sentence because the next second, he was already ushering his self towards the smaller male and asks about their date, asking suggestive questions that Jimin tried to dodge.
At Taehyung's sixth attempt of making Jimin tell him about the night after their date, Hoseok and Yoongi arrives. Judging by Hoseok's greeting towards them, Jimin knows Yoongi haven't said anything about their break up. And he feels relieved knowing that if Yoongi told Hoseok, then Hoseok would tell Taehyung and Jimin's lies might anger his best friend.
"Hey baby." Yoongi approaches him and kisses his cheek as pulls Jimin towards him. "Miss me?"
'So much. I miss you even while looking at you.' Jimin thought.
Jimin smiles at him and hugs Yoongi back, "Hmm miss you always."
And it was not a lie, because Jimin will always miss him. Specially now that him and Yoongi are no longer together.
"Awe, you two are the grossest yet the cutest couple ever. I'm so glad I worked my ass off just to get you two to confess." Taehyung says as Hoseok hugs his waist, resting his chin on the younger's shoulders. "I would destroy the world if you guys would break up."
They just smiled at Taehyung after that, quite grateful that Hoseok decided to whine and ask them to go to the café already because he was starving.
One thing's for sure, Jimin's heart still aches and Yoongi's a good actor.
Day 02
Jimin was on his way to the library when he spots Yoongi at the corner of the hallway. He was about to go and greet the older but stops when he sees someone approached him. He remembers that boy, it was Kihyun. Yoongi's classmate who has this huge crush at the older back before Jimin and Yoongi was still dating. Jimin hides himself from the two so they wouldn't catch him. He took a deep breath before deciding to peek at them again.
Jimin should've known. Yoongi should have told him that there was someone else already.
The younger scurries off and runs as fast as he can back to his apartment to try and bury the scene in front of him earlier. Of Yoongi in the arms of another man.
Day 03
"Why is Yoongi not with you?" Seokjin asks as he sat down in front of Jimin.
He was currently studying on the elder's café when Seokjin spotted him. The older being the owner of the café, left the counter for a bit to one of his employee before bringing Jimin his favorite pastry and sitting in front of the younger who looks too immersed on his papers.
"Hyung is busy and I want to study for the upcoming tests." Jimin answers softly to try to hide the impending waver of his voice as he took the pastry from Seokjin and took a bite.
The older raises his eyebrows at him and Jimin prays he didn't caught on the lie. Seokjin is sharp and very observant and Jimin really really hopes he didn't—
"It's just unusual to see you studying alone. God forbid how Yoongi doesn't even let you go alone anywhere, even if it means you studying and ignoring him while he's just sitting in front of you doing nothing and just looking at you like the whipped person he is." Seokjin says with a shrug.
Jimin swallows the pastry down to try to make an excuse to why his voice sounded quite hoarse. "Y-You know he's busy nowadays since he's going to graduate soon. Plus, we don't ALWAYS go everywhere together."
"Does to."
"We don't."
"Jimin, tell me an event or happening where Yoongi let you go alone."
Jimin tries to think but finds nothing in his memory. And it shatters him even more to know that Yoongi has become a really huge part of his life that he didn't spend a day without him. Even if his friends can see it. And it broke him even more to know that those days have finally ended and he wouldn't have Yoongi on his life ever again. Jimin just gave Seokjin a toothy grin before looking back at his papers to stop the tears from falling.
He feels dread come to him just by thinking how his friends would react to him and Yoongi's break up.
Day 07
"I saw Yoongi hyung and Kihyun together by the way." Was Taehyung's greeting when he and Jimin met at the school gate.
"And?" Jimin tries to say without letting his voice break.
"And I think you should know because everyone knows how Kihyun is obsessed with your boyfriend."
Boyfriend. Funny how that title isn't Jimin's anymore. And what's more ironic is that the person Taehyung is accusing of is the REAL boyfriend right now.
"Geez, Tae. It's fine. Hyung can go with whoever he wants to." Jimin answers with a fake smile. He knows Taehyung would caught on if he talks more because he can feel his voice getting softer and softer as each time passed by.
"I just don't like seeing them together. You know you and Yoongi belong to each other, and seeing hyung with a witch is not good for my eyes." Taehyung says as a matter of fact.
Jimin tries so fucking hard to not cry and spill everything to Taehyung that instant.
Day 25
It's Christmas. The first Christmas Jimin wouldn't celebrate with Yoongi. He didn't even bother putting on a Christmas tree because it would fill his mind with images of him and Yoongi together for the past Christmas they spent.
Jimin doesn't want to cry on Christmas day so he busied himself buying gifts and presents for his friend, including Yoongi since after all everything, Yoongi is still one of his friends. They all agreed to give their gifts for each other on Taehyung's birthday so Jimin still has the time to choose meaningful gifts for each of his friends.
When he finally goes home that night after hopping from one store to another to find everyone the perfect presents, he was exhausted. He fished out each gift so he could wrap it together.
A new apron for Seokjin because he kept on complaining how his old apron started looking unpretty for him.
A book for Namjoon, the one written by a well known author that he idolizes so much.
A new dance shoes for Hoseok because he remembers the older complaining on how his dance shoes started getting smaller for him.
A Polaroid cam for Taehyung because he knows how his best friend loves taking pictures of everything he loves.
A new gaming joystick for Jungkook that is expensive as fuck, Jimin will have to strangle the latter later.
And an empty cassette for Yoongi because Jimin decided to give him a message for everything he wants to say to the older.
That night, Jimin spends his Christmas wrapping gifts and talking and talking for hours just to voice out all the things he needed and wanted to say to his former lover.
Taehyung's birthday
"Happy birthday, Tae!" Jimin says as he greets Taehyung, his best friend's answer was a huge bear hug and a kiss on his cheeks.
"Thank you Chim! I hope this gift is expensive because you know how I love expensive stuffs." Taehyung jokes out, even looking at his boyfriend suggestively and giving him a wink, earning a protest from the youngest who started fake puking.
Jimin goes back to his seat next to Yoongi and Yoongi, being the good actor that he was, places his hands on the younger's waist and pulls him closer.
"Where's my gift?"
"Here. But open it later when you're alone."
Yoongi thanks him as he accepts the present from Jimin, "I hope this isn't a bomb that explodes once I open it."
Jimin smiles genuinely at Yoongi for the first time and gently slaps the elder's chest, "Silly. Course not."
"Okay lovebirds! Split up, it's my day today and I want to spend time with my soulmate." Taehyung interjects as he throws himself between the ex lovers. "You're heavy!" Was Yoongi's protest as he shoves Taehyung off.
A couple of drinks later, when everyone's head is buzzing and alcohol running through their systems, birthday boy decided to play truth or dare and gathers the seven of them altogether on his and Hoseok's living room.
"No cheating! If you cheat and lie, I would know." Taehyung slurs as he points a shaking finger on them.
"He's drunk as fuck." Jimin hears Jungkook whisper beside him, he giggles at the youngest sentence and nods in agreement.
They were a mess and a lot happened just by a couple of spins.
When the bottle landed at Yoongi, Taehyung raised his hands and started shouting, "ME! ME I'LL ASK YOONGI."
"I didn't even say truth, you brat."
"Oh shush! It's my birthday and Daegu boys stick together." Taehyung says as he sits up straighter and faces Yoongi with a serious face. "Do you love Jimin?"
Jimin feels his body stiffen at the younger's question. No. Please not now.
"I just want to know if he loves Jimin because we're graduating soon and I know Jiminie and I would be busy with adulting and I just want to make sure that he is capable of taking care of my soulmate." The birthday boy answers with a pout.
Their friends chuckled at Taehyung's silliness and Jimin was saved from hearing Yoongi's obvious answer of no, when Seokjin said, "Of course he'll take care of Jimin. We all know how he's whipped for our mochi."
Everyone laughed at the eldest words, except Jimin and Yoongi who just glanced away from each other awkwardly.
What Jimin didn't expect the most is when he turned to his right, Jungkook was looking at him with a serious look on his face.
The Last Day
"I know it sounds crazy, hyung. But think about it. You'd be big and you're an amazing dancer and I know yo—"
"No. No. I heard what you said the first time, Guk but how d-did you know about me and Yoongi hyung?" Jimin asks in utter shock.
How the hell did Jungkook knew about him and Yoongi's break up? He was sure he never told anyone and Yoongi promised him he wouldn't tell anyone too unless after their one month pretending. So how did Jungk—
"Oh. I saw him and Kihyun together one time. And judging by the days you guys weren't together I put down all the pieces together and just…knew." Jungkook answers honestly, brown eyes met with another pair of brown eyes. The younger looks so guilty and sorry and Jimin feels himself crumble. No one can really resist their youngest cuteness, especially when he does that cute adorable puppy eyes.
"No, bunny. It's fine. I was just shock, no need to say sorry okay?" Jimin says with an assuring voice and held out his arms for Jungkook, the younger immediately diving on his hyung's arms. "Just please don't tell anyone about it yet." "
Okay." Jungkook whispers as he squeezes Jimin tighter.
"If you need someone, I'm here for you, hyung."
"I know, bun."
They were silent for a minute before Jimin finally says something. "About your offer, I would love to agree."