Hey Yoongi hyung!
Ah! This feels awkward, don't you think?
Anyway, I'm sorry if this shitty thing is my gift for you and that I couldn't give you anything worth it.
But I just really wanna give you something meaningful. Err...for the last time.
Hyung, you know that you mean the world to me, right? You always are and probably will be forever.
Those past three years of dating and being with you were the best years of my life.
You made me who I am today and I'm really grateful for that.
Thank you for looking out for me. For caring. For loving me until that night. Thank you for being my pillar when everything goes down. For letting me cry on your shoulders. For always coming with me to study. For e-huh I can't believe I'm crying right now uhh where am I? ah yes-- for everything. Thank you for everything.
I want you to know that I will always be here for you, hyung. Whether you need someone to cuddle w-with, to talk to, or just be a friend. I love you Yoongi hyung. So much and I just -- it's too soon you know? I've always had t-this huge dream of getting married with you. Of waking u-up with you beside me every single day. Having a f-family together. But I guess that wouldn't happen anymore, right? God, why am I crying again? I'm sorry, hyung. I just felt lonely today. I missed you, I guess.
Yoongi hyung, I hope you find happiness. You're an amazing person and anyone would be so lucky to have you. To hold you. To hug you. Kiss you. And be there for you in every single step you take. I hope you find h-happiness with that someone. Even if it means you not being with me.
Yoongi, I think I'm finally ready to let you go.
I love you.
Fuck-- I can't do this anymore!
I'll have to end it here, hyung.
I think I might just be crying for the next couple of hours-- ugh. Should I even give this to you? Uhmm? Bye.