Lost My Way - Part 2

Yoongi ran as fast as he can towards Jimin's apartment.

He knows he looked like a mess right now, with his old sweatshirt, a faded sweatpants and his slippers and the scared look on his face as he runs up towards Jimin's apartment door.

When he finally arrives, he knocks hastily until he hears some shuffling inside. Jimin open the door and Yoongi visibly relaxes when he sees the younger male. Jimin looks shock seeing the older outside his apartment and Yoongi wouldn't blame him, after all who shows up at his ex's door in the middle of the night with disheveled hair and wrongly worn slippers?

"Hyung? Come in." Jimin whispers as he opens the door widely so Yoongi could come inside.

Yoongi took off his slippers as he enters the younger's living room. He was ready to speak to Jimin when he notices something. The living room looks bare. The decorations Jimin put on before, all gone and the amount of boxes scattered everywhere confuses Yoongi.

He turns to Jimin who was scratching his neck in embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry my apartment looks messy right now, I was packing my stuff and I never expected someone to come ov—"

"W-Why are you packing your stuff?" Yoongi asks. His heart is beating so loud in his chest and he knows that this isn't caused because of him running from his apartment towards Jimin's, but because he's afraid to hear the younger's answer.

"Oh. I'm leaving."

"L-Leaving? Where?"

"They offered me an internship at London. Actually, Jungkook was the one who introduced me to them and I agreed since I think it's a huge opportunity to---"


Jimin stops talking. "Pardon?"

"No. Don't go."

Jimin furrows his eyebrows at Yoongi's words. He doesn't get why Yoongi is acting up right now. "What the hell are you saying?"

"So you're leaving? You're leaving me? You're leaving everyone? Just like that?"

"For the record, I'm doing this for myself. And who are you to tell me what to do, hyung?"

"Don't leave. I—"

Jimin had enough of Yoongi's shits. "Not to be rude, but remember that a month ago, you were the one asked to break up with me. You were the one who begged me to let you go. You were the one who stopped fightin---"

"—Jimin please listen to me, baby."

"No! You don't get to call me that." Jimin shouts, startling Yoongi and himself because he never, ever shouted at Yoongi, not even when they were still friends or when they were dating. He looks at the unshed tears shining on Yoongi's eyes and he feels nothing but anger boiling in his chest, because how dare Yoongi cry? "Out of all people in this room, you don't get to cry hyung. You were the one who broke up with me. You said y-you fell out of love and now y-you're here a-asking me to not leave w-when I finally had the courage to finally let y-you go! You didn't get to experienced what I-I've b-been through wh-huh-when you left me that night, alone. You didn't felt w-what I felt when every time y-you pretend to hold me. A-And you didn't know h-huh-how I feel myself c-crumbling every single second our friends t-talk about us! Not to add t-that a day after w-we broke you, you were al-uh-already seeing someone! So no, hyung! You don't get to cry."

"Ji-Jimin please I'm begging you, d-don't leave me." Yoongi whispers, fat tears rolling down his eyes as he grabs Jimin's hands and gripped it tightly on his. "Please baby, please don't le-leave me."

Jimin shakes his head as sobs escaped from his mouth. He doesn't even know who is crying more, him or Yoongi. Either way he knows he'll be getting noise complaints later with the way they were crying so hard.

"P-Please, Jiminie don't leave me. Please. I regret it so much. So so much, please." Yoongi was kneeling in front of him already, he's gripping both of Jimin's hands as he whispers 'please' over and over again.

Jimin, after all this time, hates it when his hyung cries and his heart shatters when he sees how hard Yoongi is crying.

"Please, Min. I h-heard your confession from the cassette and I realized I still am maddeningly in love with you and I re-regret letting you go. Please, Jimin. Please."

"Hyung, stand up please."

"No, no, no, you'll a-ask me to leave."

"No, hyung. Stand up please."

Yoongi shakes his head as he starts sobbing again, asking for the younger's forgiveness.

If Yoongi doesn't stand up, Jimin will kneel for him. "Hyung, look at me please."

Yoongi's eyes were shut tight as he keeps repeating "sorry's" and Jimin's name over and over again like a mantra. Jimin knows if he doesn't distract Yoongi now, he would have an anxiety attack so he pries Yoongi's hands away from his' and Yoongi instantly panics, thinking that Jimin would let him go.

This made him open his eyes and Jimin took the opportunity to cup the elder's face and push his lips against his. Yoongi went still for a second before he starts kissing Jimin back. They kissed for a few minutes, gentle kisses that said the words they wanted to say but neither wants to tell, they just let their lips do the job for them. When they parted for air, Jimin gave Yoongi's forehead a kiss before he whispers, "I love you."

Yoongi hugs him towards him, tighter than he has ever hugged Jimin and mentally promises himself he would never let Jimin go ever again. "I love you too, Minnie."

As Jimin nuzzles his chest against Yoongi's, he never felt safer than ever.

Jimin is finally home.