
I dry my body with a towel and changed into the clothes that was on top of my bed when I woke up this morning. I was brushing my hair when I heard a knock on my door

"Come in" I said nervously expecting to see Luca but instead a girl with dark brown hair and gray eyes smiled at me. Dark brown hair and gray eyes "I'm assuming you're Luca's sister?" I said in awe. She was beautiful, she looked like a girl version of Luca and she was also fit. Damn their genes

She looked shocked for a moment and then she squealed "Oh my God! Finally! Luca brought home a girl who's actually decent and smart. I never thought my brother could do it but wow" She said looking at me from head to toe "He really did" I blushed and licked my lips nervously

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable but yes I'm his sister, Lisa" I smile and felt relieved that there was another woman in this house. "Athena" I said softly "Oh I know, my brother has been warning me all day to not disturb you and annoy you" She said rolling her eyes. "Anyway, its breakfast time. Please do join us" I scratched my elbow awkwardly "Am I allowed to?" I asked carefully. She looked at me as if I was crazy "Of course! Come on" She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room. I walked faster than normal since she walked so fast. I mean with those legs, I'm pretty sure I need to put an effort to keep up with her.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not short. I'm five foot seven inches tall but this lady was probably five foot ten inches tall. We walk down the stairs and entered the dining area that had a long table. I look at the end of the table where Luca was sitting wearing a plain white v neck shirt and sweatpants. He looked like a God. I tried not to look at him when Lisa dragged me to the seat on the left side of Luca. I tried to ignore his presence by looking at the large chandelier that was hanging above us

"Morning" he said looking at me. I looked at him and gave him a small smile "Morning" I said softly

"God, I'm so hungry" Matt entered wearing nothing but sweatpants with his hair all messed up. He clearly just woke up. I stared at the tattoo on his chest and became interested with it. I've always wanted a small tattoo but I never had the guts to do it. Matt sits beside me and yawns "Morning guys" He said, unlocking his phone and opening messages.

"I like your tattoo" I said randomly. He looks at me and smiled "Thanks babe" He said making me blush. I wasn't used to men calling me babe. Matt saying that reminded me of Luca's nickname for me

Angel, I like that one better

I saw Luca clench his fist and I look at him. He looked back at me with a harsh glare, making me look away. The maids came with tons of food. They served eggs, bacons, mashed potato, salad and many more

"So do you have a tattoo?" Matt asked while chewing bacon. I shook my head "No but I've wanted one since I was thirteen" He smirked "Well then let me take you to the best one in town" He said making me smile "When I'm brave enough to actually get one" I said jokingly "Afraid of needles huh?" He teased. I chuckled was about to respond when a loud clank startled me. I look at Luca who was glaring at me "Can't we have breakfast without you throwing yourself at Matt?"

"Wait what? I wasn-" He pushed back his chair harshly making it fall to the ground with a loud thud and walked away. I felt my cheeks burning from embarrassment and humiliation. I wanted to chase him and slap him for saying that I was throwing myself at someone.

"I'm sorry for my brother. He can be a major asshole sometimes" I look at her "Well, most of the time" She corrected

"Don't worry, don't be embarrassed. I know it's hard to resist all of this" Matt said pointing to his body. I slapped his arm earning a laugh from him "I'm joking. Luca can't really handle his anger very well" I sighed while playing with the scrambled egg that was on my plate

"Especially when he's jealous" He whispered while looking at Lisa who was already smirking at him. I ignored them and pretend like I didn't hear what he just said.

"Well, I guess I'm going to my room" I said wiping my mouth with tissue "Wait no! Don't let my brother get to you" Lisa said "Let's hang out"

I smiled "I don't think your brother would let me go outside" She sighs "I know, I can give you a tour around the house if you want?" She asked hopefully. I noticed how excited she was when she saw me. Maybe she was stuck here like me? Maybe Luca didn't allow her to have friends because of their position. "I would love that" I said genuinely. She smiled and quickly finished her food

"Come on!" She quickly pulled me and started the tour. I looked around and listened closely to what she was saying making sure that I remember each room.

"This is the ballroom. Every year we throw a mafia party here" I stared at the wide ballroom in awe "When's the next one?" I asked looking around "We had one last week" She said

"How was it? is it fun?" I asked, wanting to experience that kind of party. "Well lets just say it was fun until someone tried to kill me" My head quickly turned to look at her "What?" I asked, not sure if what I heard was right

"Dont worry its a normal thing for us you know? My brother's position and what he has right now is something that others want to have. They'll do anything to get that" She said shrugging "But everything's okay now, he handled it"

He handled it

I wonder how

We go upstairs and she continued to show me around then my eyes landed on Luca's office.

"Try not to go in there" She said following my gaze "Why?" I asked, still looking at Luca's office door "That's Luca's office. He doesn't really allow people to go inside unless its related to their mafia. He doesn't even allow me to go inside" She said annoyed. I was actually shocked to hear this.

I just realized now how stupid I was to just go and visit him there last night.