
I felt the car stop and sat up to look at where he brought me. I stared at the big white mansion that was infront of me.

Where were we?

He turned around "You're surprisingly calm for someone who just witnessed a murder and got kidnapped" He said with a deep voice.

I was also surprised. I never thought I would be this calm and quiet. I honestly thought I was going to be the type of person who kicks and screams non stop when this sort of thing happens but I'm obviously not. I looked away and stared at the trees "Are you going to kill me?" I asked quietly. I could feel his burning gaze on my face "Yes" He said calmly. I looked at him with wide eyes so quick that I thought I broke my neck "But you cant! I didn't do anything! I promise I wont tell anyone what you did! I'll leave the city if you want just please let me go" I pleaded with tears forming in my eyes. He hopped out of the car completely ignoring me and went to open the backseat. I scooted away and started pleading "Please no. Don't kill me please! Just let me go" I heard him sigh in annoyance and reached for my arm then pulled me out of the car harshly

"Don't make me kill you here" that was enough to make me quiet. I slowly nodded and let go of my arm. He started walking towards the front door and I immediately followed him not wanting to piss him off. I look at his back that was obviously well built because of the tight black shirt he was wearing. I also just realized how tall he was. This man is probably 6'4 which made him even more intimidating.

He opened the door and a man with long blonde hair that was tied in a man bun greeted him

"Luca! Where were you? Don't tell me you finished Jacobi witho- who is she?" He looked at me and my hands that were turning purple because of how tightly it was tied up "Damn that doesn't look good" He said, looking at the man who kidnapped me "Want me to take care of that?" The man asked Luca "Go ahead" Luca said, leaving us alone.

"Sit there" The man said, pointing at the black couch behind us. I quietly sat down and watched him untie the rope with ease. I moaned in pain while moving my wrist around to get the blood flowing.

"So what brings you here?" the man asked while leaning on the couch as if he was talking to someone he was close with. I just looked at him and he raised his brows "Oh shit sorry, my bad, I'm Matt" He said holding his hand out. I stared at his hand and gently placed my small ones on his "Athena" I said quietly.

"So what brings you here? You a pick up girl or something?" I looked at him with disbelief. This guy was crazy. Did I really look like a pick up girl? I'm wearing leggings, shirt and a jacket and yet he thinks I'm a pick up girl? Men can be really stupid

"I saw him kill a man" His whole self changed. His playful attitude changed into a serious one and he looked at me curiously "Who?" he asked "S-someone named Jacobi" He closed his eyes and cursed loudly "Are you kidding me?" He said seriously, making me back away a little. He quickly stood up and looked at me

"Luca!" He yelled so loud, making me jump and hug myself. "He really finished that asshole without me?" He asked me with disbelief then went upstairs to look for Luca. My mouth was open with disbelief, does everyone who lives here kill people for fun?

This was the perfect time for me to escape

I look at the front door but all of my plans vanished when two of them came back

"Still cant believe you finished him without me" Matt muttered. Luca just stared at me making me look down. I couldn't stare at his gray eyes, they were too intense.

"Follow me" Luca said, turning around and going upstairs. Matt looked at me and mouthed "go"

I quickly stood up and followed Luca. Where was he taking me? Was he going to kill me?

The hallway was long and there were so many rooms, making me wonder what was behind those doors. He opened the last door at the end of the hall revealing a medium sized room. It was simple but beautiful. A queen sized bed, flat screen tv, and another door that probably leads to the bathroom.

"Take a shower if you want, I'll have clothes sent to your room in a bit" He said then left me standing there confused.

Was he expecting me to stay here? What was he planning to do? He told me he was going to kill me but what is all of this for?

Shut up, Athena! You should be thanking the big man up there that you're still alive

I sighed and sat on the soft bed. My life is so messed up and confusing to the point that this shit doesn't even surprise me anymore.

I burry my face in my hands and sighed. I stood up and open the door revealing a beautiful bathroom with a bath tub. I suddenly felt like the dirtiest person in the world and immediately locked the door.

Making sure the door was already locked, I filled the tub with water and removed my clothes.


I carefully unlock the door, holding the towel around my body tightly. I saw no one inside the room but I saw clothes, neatly folded on the bed. I quickly went out and locked the bedroom door and changed into the clothes they gave me.

They gave me a black tank top with gray shorts. All of them actually fit which surprised me. I sat on the bed and stared at the black tv. What am I going to do now?

Was anyone going to look for me? The only people that I knew was my dad who would be drunk too much to actually realized that I'm gone, and Bob who's the manager of the pizza place that I work at. I doubt anyone would come looking for me.

I sighed again and decided that I would look for Luca. I needed answers. He can't just kidnap me and make me stay here. I opened the door and realized I didn't know where I was going but I just decided to walk around and find my way.

I look around the big, long hallway admiring the huge chandeliers that was hanging on the ceiling. Luca must be extremely loaded to afford this kind of house. I stared at the huge double doors in front of me and something told me Luca was inside. So I immediately knocked without thinking

"Come in" My assumption was confirmed when I heard his deep voice. I opened the door and stepped inside his large office. Both sides of the wall had built in book shelves that was full of books. He was seating on a chair, reading something on top of his large desk

"We need to talk" I said trying to sound strong but ended up sounding like a small mouse. He looked up at me surprised "Didn't expect you to be this brave" He said leaning back on his chair and staring at me head to toe. I ignored his stare that was making me blush and sat on the chair infront of him "You need to let me go" I said calmly "Many people would soon figure out that I was kidnapped and they'll start looking for me so if I were you-"

"Athena Mae Johnson, twenty years old, works at Peter's Pizza, lives with no one but a drunk bastard" He said watching my jaw drop in shock.

How did he know?

"I have my ways" He said clearly knowing what I was thinking. I stared at him in horror. Who was this man? How could he know all of that when we just met?

"Who are you? Where am I?" I said looking at him straight in the eye.

"Let's just say you witnessed a mafia conflict" He said carefully watching my expression "And I can't afford you running around telling other people what you just saw" I cursed quietly

Why didn't I just stay home? I just witnessed Luca killing someone because of a mafia issue and now I'm here stuck in this mansion with two good looking guys.

"Who do you work for?" I asked but something inside me knew he wouldn't tell me that since I know that he wouldn't risk telling me his boss' name but I was here so I might as well try. He responded with a genuine chuckle which surprised me. I stared at his perfect set of teeth. Was everything about this man perfect? Obviously not, this freak's a killer.

"Angel, I don't work for anybody" He said still chuckling "They work for me"

I feel my face go pale. He was a mafia leader. I was talking to a mafia leader. A man who probably killed hundreds of people already. What he said scared the crap out of me but instead of running for my life I responded with "it's Athena" his smile vanished, he looks at me confused.

"You called me Angel. My name's Athena" I said feeling a little irritated he called me another woman's name. Why was I irritated though? Why should I care?

He looks at me astonished. He stayed quiet and kept looking at me like he was trying to solve me. I looked at my feet and started playing with my fingers

"I think its a good nickname for you" He finally spoke. "It stays" He said grabbing a book and flipping pages. I stared at him confused "Why haven't you killed me yet?" I asked wanting to know why the hell I was still alive.

"When I found out how your life is, I just didn't bother anymore. It's not like anyone would come looking for you" He said not bothering to look at me. What he said stung. He was right, no one would come looking for me. I stared at the wall with a blank expression. Nobody cared for me, I've been dead since the day my mom left. I felt Luca's gaze on me but I ignored it.

I stand up and turned to walk away. I reached for the door handle but a hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me. I turn around and saw Luca staring at me. He tucks some hair behind my ear and continued to stare at me. I shivered when I felt the tip of his index finger touch my skin. I blushed when his eyes lit up, noticing my body's reaction to his touch

"You're lucky I got you before someone else did" He said leaving me confused "I'll explain soon" He said backing away and returning to his seat. I quickly left the room with my heart pounding.

What just happened?