ch: 7 master wei is getting married

Happy Birthday lan Zhan !!❤️

when I told you I will update soon ,you didn't expect it to be this soon .

actually,they cancel our extra classes so I rushed to update the next part for you .😂

one more thing, after I post the previous update I realised I made a mistake on Wei ying and lan Zhan's age .

so here is their current age ,sorry .

I m correcting it again .😞

lan zhan's current age,28

wei ying's current age ,27 .

happy reading! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


Two days ago ,when Wei ying confirmed that he is willing to marry lan wangji . Jiang fegmian was so overjoyed , he didn't waste a single more second and send a letter to Gusu clan informing about this good news .

within days both the clan announced this good news to other clan .

The females who had a secret crush on lan wangji unable to digest this news.The Hanguang jun whom they eyed from so long and were gaining some courage to confess their feelings can he agree to marry a male and that too to the most notorious Wei wuxian !

some of them fainted while the rest end up cursing Wei ying inwardly.

In Yunmeng,the situation was not different either .

The females who live for just a look of Wei ying cried when they heard this news . All the yunmeng's bar owners became worried when they got this news cause half of the profit they earn were from their regular customer,Mr .Wei wuxian. Now what will happen to their business.

people who were victims of Wei ying's pranks were happiest when they got this news they thanked lan Zhan in their mind. Father of the females ,who had a crush on Wei ying and were willing to marry anyone else except Wei ying thanked God for this good news . Now they can make their daughters marry someone else as their crush is already taken now .


They even wished this marriage to happen as soon as possible and blessed the soon to be couple .

people who think he brings glory to them by a single look of his beautiful face became upset as they will unable to see his precious smile everyday .

some of his prank's victims who love to see Wei ying smiling satisfyingly after playing his pranks on them became a little sad .

But the atmosphere in both the clans were full of happiness and celebrations .

but not for everyone ....

In yilling

"master jiang is getting married!" Wen ning said with a smile plastered on his face.

"jie jie ,did you heard that? " wen ning said to wen qing ,who was mending some medicine, probably for one of her patients.

"..." Wen qing

"with whom? which clan she is from?..."

"He" wen Ning corrected her .


" yes ,master Wei's soon to be life partner is a man"

"but isn't it he likes women?"

"Yes... I don't know.",wen Ning replied confused when asked about his master's liking .

" with whom he is getting married?" wen qing asked

"master Wei is getting married to second young master lan"

she clenched her fist but wen Ning didn't saw her expression because she was still back facing him .

" hanguang jun?"

" who told you ?",she asked

" I heard lady jin saying.. so I asked master Wei and he nodded ".wen Ning replied .

" A Ning ,I m busy . I have to attend some patient. we will talk later" she said still back facing him.

" ok shijie" by saying this wen Ning left the room .

when the sound of footsteps became lower, indicating wen Ning went far.

she stand to closed the door. her face showing no happiness red eyes and dark face she was giving the dark aura.... not like the old wen qing .

with all force she threw the mended medicines and other objects which were kept on her table .

within seconds her room became a mess .

with all her energy left she screamed,

"why?.. why? hanguang jun?!"

In Yunmeng

jiang fegmian called jiang cheng ,Wei wuxian .

" A Xian , I don't know why you agreed to marry second young master lan . Maybe cause you didn't want to go against us ."

" I know everything was already arranged by us and you just agreed to us but trust me I will never want anything bad for you .

once you will get married to him , both of you will get to know each other and I know you too will get along soon . "

wei wuxian just gave him a reassuring smile . not wanting to hurt his father's feelings.

all the worries of jiang fegmian goes away when he saw his wei ying smiling just like the old Wei ying .

he thought,'May be he has started to like him ?'

jiang cheng who is already suspecting that Wei ying is not happy with this marriage doubts his smile .

" a Xian ,Today I received a letter from Gusu lan ...Next week they are comming here to arrange the marriage date ,performing other rituals and offically announcing the marriage between you and second young master lan "

wei wuxian eyes widen a little but he quickly composed himself.

jiang fegmian who didn't miss his reaction asked worriedly ,

" are you ready ? should I cancel this ?"

" no no .I m ready . don't cancel this " Wei wuxian said smiling.

seeing his reaction jiang fegmian thought ,

' ohh so a xian is nervous.just like me I too was nervous to meet his mother but she was too bold *sigh inwardly*'

" good ....wait one more thing.

A li and A ling will return back tomorrow" ,jiang fengmian

" shijie is coming !" Wei ying said happily.

"she only left for few days and here you are so happy"jiang fegmian said in his old self .

" so what ?! few days are so long .I miss her so much * pout* " Wei ying

jiang fegmian just laughed his reaction .

when Wei ying agreed to get married .jin yanli and jin ling left for jin clan to give them this news .

They will return back tomorrow but here this three year old is missing her.


Third P O V

(someone in somewhere )

" master ...young ... young" ,The servant said shuttering .

" speak " he ordered irritated.

" second young master jiang "

" speak or I will cut your tongue!"

" getting married to Huangang jun" the servant spoke afraid of getting his tongue cut by his heartles master .

" from how long they love each other?" his master asked

" This marriage is arranged " , servant replied in fear .

" huh?* evil laugh* "

he didn't wait a minute and took his sword out by the time the servant realised he was already stabbed by his master's sword .

"you did a good job ." his master said before clapping his hand .

two men entered inside .They salute at him

" Take him and bury him alive " he ordered

" No no Mercy ! Mercy! master Mercy ! " the servant cried for mercy but it was too late . he was already dragged by the two men .

he smiled evily look at his loyal servant + messenger been dragged by his two other servants while begging for mercy .

" how can you marry anyone else except me ?.. my love ."

how was it ?

reminding you about vote .

it's just a click on that ⭐ star button .

don't be so lazy .🥺

also if possible then can you please share this with other wangxian fans .

these days I need encouragement cause of the extra work .

readers like you give me that encouragement to keep going .

I love wangxian. so I will never quit this fanfiction.

also the another reason why I was not updating is ,I was busy preparing for a surprise .

oh how can i tell you now that was a surprise!🤦

I m stupid .

and also I was busy writing my first yizhan FF's prologue ....opsie . here's go another one .

let it be 😂

see you with a next update.

here's today's fanart . credits goes to the owner .

oh it's so must have take a lots of hardwork .ಥ‿ಥ

love love !

your poor writer,

Mii mii .