ch: 8 arrange married' s date

Wei Ying P O V

since the day I got the news of me getting married to that fuddy duddy , I mean. Hanguang jun . I felt a lots of emotions inside me.

I know this marriage must be proposed by uncle and aunt lan and Hanguang jun being an ideal child accepted this and so what I did .

As the time is passing by I m feeling more and more sad and guilt . why I accepted to marry him ? because of him I will have to leave my birth place ,my home , yunmeng.

I have to leave everyone and everything behind .

I don't expect any love from him and i know neither he did and so I m glad that I don't have to pretend loving him atleast in front of him .

once I get married i will talk to him about how to end this marriage and I know he also want the same .

what's the point of staying with me when we don't love each other it's better to end this marriage then staying with each other like strangers.

Beside, Gusu is full of beautiful ladies. then why will he agree to marry a man ? especially me who is opposite of his character.obviously, cause of his parents.

A/N - (Sigh) I already gave up

although I don't know him and we met each other for two days and are more like strangers but I have heard from huaisaing about him .

like , he don't like skin contacts .

too much closeness, too much talks ,he obeys his sector rules and is idol for all of the junior's even seniors. he don't like annoying people and I will try all this to make him end this marriage. (smirk)

It's not like I hate him for this. infact, still I m trying to find my happiness in him but no matter how much I try I know I cannot .since this marriage is not from his consent.

Marrying the one I don't love , neither he . what will I do? is leaving yunmeng for this so called marriage is worth it?

I always asked this question to myself but all my questions remain unanswered.

1 week passed

I woke up early in this morning, hearing shijie knocking on the door .

I was forced to take a bath and was made to dressed up early .

after cursing on silly things, few more times in my mind i finally got dressed.

" A Xian how are you feeling?"

' how will I feel ? huh? ' I thought.but seeing her bright eyes I don't want to say the truth ,

" good shijie"

why should I be? I m a man and what's so exciting marrying a man and that too a boring one argh !

" are you not nervous ?",she said with a little happiness in her eyes .her eyes searching an answer in my eyes .

scratching my nape I faked laugh and she immediately response.

"don't be shy I know these feeling . when I was getting prepared for meeting my in laws I was nervous too but then everything goes smoothly. i know my A Xian can do it ! ",she said flashing her bright smile towards me . Her smile convince the little Xian inside me and I responded with a reassuring smile .

she left to check on the preparation and now I m with jin ling . He is young ,just a 15 years old boy but he is trying hard to lift my mood . It's not his fault that I m sad but still he is trying his best. After shijie ,father ,mother ...A ling is the one who makes me happy. even though he sometimes behave like jiang cheng but he is better . A ling is more expressive than him and I know I m going to miss this little version of Jiang Cheng .

shortly after she left . jiang cheng, Nie huaisaing came with jin guangyao. i was not surprised by their presence cause they are invited .

Nie ,my childhood friend and jin guangyao or meng yao is shijie's brother in law . since jin guangyao and nie huaisaing are sworn brothers .we get along well . as I am easy to make friends with anyone .

I don't know why my charm didn't works on Hanguang jun . * sigh*

we started to chat and soon my room filled with their giggles .


Third p o v

All the preparation had already done in lotus pier . it's beautifully decorated,food is prepared, all the people in Yunmeng knows about Gusu lan visiting yunmeng for finalising the marriage date .

Many young women got dressed in beautiful gown and in seeking the arrival of Huangang jun just in hope that they would get to see him , some is already daydreaming about becoming their concubines ...

soon the gusu people arrived with elders and juniors except for lan qiren since he was to look after Gusu clan in case of emergency.

Madam lan ,sector leader lan were first to land o yunmeng and then there's lan xichen,lan wangji .

lan wangji in his white clan clothes is looking exceptionally handsome .

lan xichen and lan wangji are twins . Their faces looks similar except lan Zhan has serious expression and wore his solemn expression whole lan xichen looks more handsome cause of his sweet smile which always plastered on his face .

As soon as they arrived they were warmly welcomed by jiang family .

on reaching lotus pier , they were welcomed by all the rest jiang elders .

since the marriage is only confirmed after performing some rituals and exchanging gifts .

Thus, not everyone was invited only the important people,close relatives and in laws were invited.

Everyone else will know after they will perform this rituals and then this wedding between the two second masters will officially announce.

After today every clan will get invitation for this marriage .

from Jin clan ,jin yanli ,jin zixuan ,Madam jin ,jin ling ,jin guanyou came .From nie clan ,only nie huaisaing,Wei ying's childhood friend came and nie minjiue was left to look after his clan .

From Gusu clan , Sector leader lan ,Madan lan ,lan xichen,lan wangji ,lan sizhui ,lan jinyi and other lan junior .


in the lotus pier ,

After their formal greeting,

lan wangji sat beside lan xichen .

his expression show no difference as usual he had a serious expression but his eyes were searching for something or someone .lan xichen who saw this look at his mother , they exchanged a look while lan zhan's eyes were busy roaming around.

By this time Wei wuxian is sitting inside his room with nie huaisaing,jin ling ,jin guangyao.

jiang cheng came back shortly after greeting the lans and other guests.

jiang fegmian like a worried father is busy looking after the guest . jin yanli ,jiang cheng,madam yu are beside him all the time .

After a while ,Wei wuxian was called.jiang cheng went to bring Wei wuxian .soon Wei wuxian came .

The moment Wei wuxian entered inside the hall something changed in lan wangji's expression.seeing that 'something' lan xichen smiled internally .his eyes which were serious became soft seeing wei ying entering inside the hall but without anyone noticing jin he quickly composed himself ,but Madam lan already noticed it .she gave his elder brother a smile.

after greeting all the guest.he is to sit beside lan wangji ,his soon to be husband.

His eyes landed on lan Zhan's and all the time lan zhan eyes were on him .

a cough could be heard before they averted their gaze .

wei wuxian sat beside lan Zhan ,before smiling at lan xichen ,his soon to be brother in law.

A old elder from gusu took out a scroll 📜 .he read the birth dates of both ,lan Zhan and Wei ying's ,he matched their birthdates . His lips mumbled and his finger moved shoeing he was calculating something. After he gave his approval.

All these time Wei wuxian talks with lan xichen as he was bored and he can fall asleep any moment .

after an hour he shifted towards side of lan wangji .

" Huangang jun ,It's so boring ." he mummers to him .

" sit properly " lan wangji said .

A Suang ming ( Chinese fortune teller ) is called to predicts the future of couple to be .He look at their scroll containing their birthdates and others .He mumbled something.

his fingers moving in prediction, pointing at the sky as if counting stars. after a long while he opened his eyes ,stilled and surprised . upon seeing this everyone asked for the details .he again closed his eyes to predict again and after a long while,he opened his eyes still , surprised.,

" This is unbelievable'

"fate is playing with this couple .They are destined to be together.",he said seriously.

" gods and heaven are blessing them .

They have a strong compatible .The couple will have a bright future not only for them but for both of the clans ."

everyone was startled even lan wangji's face shows some expression.

while wei wuxian turned his face to lan wangji and blinked at him .

lan wangji averted his gaze .Wei ying upon seeing lan Zhan's no reaction he looked at him carefully that's when his eyes noticed lan zhan's ear tips which has turned red.wei wuxian smiled satisfying seeing his action made a reaction on lan Zhan .

seeing his behaviour , lan elder from gusu coughed.Wei wuxian quickly composed himself and sit straight.

another hour passed,

The tung shing discussed with other elders before announcing the auspicious day to assure a good future for the couple as to avoid what is believed to be an unlucky day .

finally the tung shing announced,

" three weeks from now is the best day .After this date, there will be one more but it's 2 years and if the marriage is delayed then this may cause ."

lan elder ,jiang elder discussed something with each other and after a long while they finally came to an conclusion,

" so we came to a conclusion. The marriage between Gusu lan clan's second young master ,lan wangji and yunmeng jiang clan's second young master ,Wei wuxian will be held two weeks from now. "

wei wuxian eyes became wide upon hearing this .lan wangji didn't spoke a word .Wei wuxian wanted to leave as soon as possible but he can't he feel like crying but he can't.he feel like hitting the table near him but he can't!!

Now the according to the ritual ,groom family present betrothal gifts( bridewealth ) along with betrothal letter to the bride's family .and according to this ritual, lan family exchanged betrothal gifts to jiang family along with the betrothal letter .

jiang fegmian was beyond happy. Both the sector leaders hugged each other . madam lan and madam yu bowed to each other.

Madam lan was extremely happy , she went towards Wei ying and took him in her embrace .

for this moment, she made him feel like she was his mother . Wei Ying who was startled at first quickly hugged her back realising .


madam lan broke the hug she looked at him with all love .patting his head she spoked ,

"A Xian , I can't wait to see you as wangji's cultivation partners "

" Aunt.. ",Wei ying spoke but was cut by madam lan.

" mother " she corrected before speaking ,

"From now on, i m your mother. "

The ceremony ended and everyone went inside their assigned room . They will rest before banquet .


Wei Ying pov

I was in my room with A ling , nie huaisaing, jin guanyou when a servant cane to inform us that Gusu lan clan has arrived.

A ling was called by jin zixuan to greet the guest . Nie too went cause he was their sworn brothers and was from groom side too .

I was left in the room with jin guanyou.

All the time he was talking and was occasionally flashing his smile to cheer me up.

No , noone knows why I agreed

marry Huangang jun . I think jiang cheng is suspecting me but he don't know.

"Master Wei , we are friends but you didn't told me about you getting married to Huangang jun or do you not see me as your friend "

" No no it's not like that A yao . you already know everything happens in a hurry . I didn't able to tell anyone . even Wei Ning didn't know . he cand to know about this from shijie "

" yes, I see ."

" why did you agree to marry Huangang jun ?"

" cause I like him "

" really ? but I can't see happiness in your eyes like before. are you sure... "

"huh?",Wei ying said scratching his nape .Then continued,

" wei wuxian ,let's go. they are calling.",jiang cheng interrupted .

Thank God he came on time.i didn't want to lie to A -yao cause I know he will caught me .

when I reached their I was welcomed by all the lan.

The only thing came to my mind was ,

"mourning clothes"

after greeting them I was told to sit beside Huangang jun .

The moment my eyes fell on him ,

I felt some changes inside me . for the first time my heartbeats faster seeing anyone. I never felt like this before .

I would lie if I say he was looking as usual. Actually,he was looking exceptionally handso....wait I m a man

what's the point now anyway I m getting married to him .

The boring torture started. I m already feeling sleepy so to divert my mind I talked with zewu jun .

I tried to tak with Huangang jun but he replied," sit properly"

hour passed and i was getting bored

"gods and heaven are blessing them .

They have a strong compatible .The couple will have a bright future not only for them but for both of the clans ."

Everyone was startled and surprised by this .

that's when I got an idea to tease him I blinked at him flirtously . it's fun teasing him cause I know he don't like skin contacts and other thing and he agreed to marry me cause of his parent's will .so it's better I will annoy him .I will annoy him until he give up on marrying me .

I chuckled internally in watching his ears turning red .I felt proud of myself that I have an ability to embarass the most coldest person .

my smile fades and I felt like running away when they announced the marriage's date . knowing that jiang cheng is watching my every move .I composed myself to look happy but I m not .

I was taken aback when madam *cough* I mean mother hugged me .

It was so long since my mother hugged me.. I miss her presence so much .so when she hugged me I remembered my mother .I was getting emotional,I hugged her back. after di many years I finally found my mother like appearance again. Although it's not my first time meeting her but this is long tine since madam*cough* mother hugged me .

I don't know if I will able to love Hanguang jun but I m sure that to his family i will be sincere,loyal no matter what . If everything goes well and this marriage ends. then also I will still love his family . I don't know why but one part of my heart is telling me to address then as 'my family' .


Third p o v

After the ceremony Wei Ying went to sit on one of the bech at lotus pier .since everyone went inside their rooms. he is accompanied by jin ling ,jiang cheng .

"master Wei " he heard someone called him.

He turned to see lan sizhui and lan jinyi .

They bowed at him.

seeing A yuan who is not like the 5 years old A yuan back then but has grown up into a young man .Wei Ying can't express his happiness . I smiled to the person i use to saw as his own son ,

"it's so long since I last saw you A yuan "

He immediately hugged me I was surprise but quickly return the hug . while caressing his hair is smile to him and I can feel the glaring eyes of A ling who is burning in jealously seeing my closeness with others and to check it i don't need to look at him.

Jin ling coughed ."uncle I think you should sit now " jin ling said glaring at the other two lan discipline. lan sizhui,lan jinyi sat with them .

" you grew up so fast .you are looking different and has became a lot more handsome not like that 5 years old A yuan who had a runny nose and puffy cheeks ." Wei Ying teased

" ahh master Wei.I was little back then"

" for me , you still are " Wei Ying said .

jin ling coughed again seeing their reunion.Thinking Wei Ying has completely forgot about him .

" A ling why are you coughing .you caught a cold ?" Wei Ying laughed at him .before sitting close to Jin ling so that he stop getting jealous .

" Master Wei , we are here fir one more thing and that's important"

" yes what's that ? "

lan sizhui opened a long scroll .

" This is our sector's rule "

"old Master lan ,lan qiren told us to give it to you. He expect that you will respect our Gusu rules and will follow the rules .he wants you to understand every rules by heart .so that you cannot make mistakes in future ."


" huh? how many rules are there in your sector?"

" There are more than 3000 rules .I will read it one by one for you ."

Wei wuxian exchanged a look with jiang cheng before nodding.

all these times he was drinking alcohol in a tea cup but anyone will think he is drinking tea . After hearing his marriage date he really needed alcohol . except for jiang cheng noone knows he is sipping Alcohol from tea cup .

"so rule no 1...." one by one sizhui read the gusu rules.

sizhui hasn't finished reading half of the rule and Wei ying is already feeling tired . sipping his alcohol he is trying hard hit to sleep.

"The forehead ribbon is sacred noone can touch other's forehead ribbon....alcohol is forbidden in cloud Recesses"

wei wuxian chocked on his alcohol hearing 'alcohol is forbidden'.he coughed and Jiang cheng patted his back .Wei Ying look at jiang cheng and jiang cheng look at Wei ying .he slowly said to wei ying ,

"i forgot to tell you "

Wei Ying face fell .he didn't want to continue now . His mood is already ruined hearing his marriage's date .now this silly rules are like rubbing salt in a wound . wei Ying felt like crying and jiang cheng as if reading his mind felt pity for him.

"hand me thar scroll .I will read the rest for him "said jiang cheng .

Wei ying is very upset . he is keep asking to himself .

'why did he agreed to marry him ?'

firstly, he will have to leave yunmeng for this marriage. His marriage is just two weeks later . according to him, lan wangji agreed because of his parents. now alcohol is also forbidden.

is this all worth marrying Huangang jun?

wei ying just wanted to leave . He wanted to stay alone atleast for sometime to calm himself .

he left from there .

seeing wei Ying leaving jiang cheng said , "excuse us " before rushing to catch Wei Ying.

wei Ying walked anger is visible on his face . just as he took a turn .he saw lan Zhan and shijie standing infront of him .

"A Xian , where were you? glad I found you .",she said happily

wei Ying eyes felt on lan Zhan .This us the very bad timing he is already very upset and here he met him .

"actually lan er gongzi..." before she could finish.

lan zhan's lips parted as if he wanted to say something but before he could.

"shijie , I have to go " Wei Ying saud eyeing lan Zhan . he left without aby other word .

" A Xian ..." yanli called him from back but he already left .

turning towards lan Zhan she said to light the atmosphere,

" lan er gongzi , A Xian must be tired. Don't mind him "

lan Zhan just nodded but inside he felt Wei Ying was upset but he don't know the reason why ?

"A Xian ,wait " jiang Cheng called from behind but Wei ying already left.

"A cheng , did something happen ?" yanli asked in worried seeing jiang cheng running to catch Wei Ying ,who already left.

"oh shijie , hanguang jun " A cheng greeted .He glared at lan Zhan angerily knowing he is the reason behind this but remembering he is wei ying's soon to be husband he averted his gaze and composed himself. He smiled at them .

"No shijie ,everything is fine.He is he is ....just tired . " he tried to give them a reason .

" yes, afterall soon he will get married. he must be stressed " yanli replied happily.

" I m going to look for him" he said before leaving

"where did A Xian go ? " yanli asked concerned

" As usual must be beside lotus lake ",jiang Cheng replied .

"but remember to come back before the banquet starts " she said .


wei Ying pov

" wei wuxian " ,jiang cheng said sitting beside him. one hand on Wei's shoulder .

"I know you are upset with those rules. just admit it " jiang cheng said .

wei Ying just sat on the boat . resting his chin in one hand . He looked at the water of the lake .

"don't be like this . aren't you the one who wanted to visit Gusu to taste their famous liquor , what's the name ... I forgot "

" Emperor smile " Wei Ying replied still sulky and upset

"what's the point now . I can't even drink it " Wei Ying replied .

" who said you can't? Alcohol is forbidden in cloud Recesses in the whole gusu . you can drink it outside ."jiang cheng saud cheerfully.

"I know you ar not upset because of alcohol ."

wei Ying didn't reply .after few minute jiang cheng said ,


" you are noy happy with this marriage .am I right ?"


" Then why don't you..."

" it doesn't matter I m happy or not "

"even if i m not happy. i can't back out now . Not when Everything is already set "

"..." ,This time jiang Cheng has nothing to say which can convince the latter.

"so you will marry him ? do you even like him ? "

" May be yes maybe no ...even if i doesn't I will still marry him. "

" but two week is still early . I will talk to father . he will do something"

" jiang cheng" Wei Ying hold his hand to stop him from going .

" sooner or later I have to marry him ... so the sooner the better ",Wei Ying replied .

"don't worry jiang cheng . you are my brother and I know my responsibility. once I get married to Hanguang jun . I will ask zewu-jun to propose y..",Wei Ying said in a teasing voice.

" dare to speak further" ,jiang cheng stare at him sharply.

" fine fine . don't give me that look now it's scary " Wei Ying teased

jiang cheng hit him on his head and he just pouted rubbing his head .

"let's go . banquet is going to start anytime " jiang cheng spoke standing . before taking Wei Ying with him .

unaware that lan wangji was looking at them from a distance.


few minutes ago

After jiang cheng left to look for Wei Ying .

yanli was called by madam yu .

lan wangji went to the juniors along with his elder brother .He wabted to know the reason behind Wei ying's behaviour

"Huangang jun? ",lan sizhui, lan jinyi spoke this time they were alone .

"Tell me ."

"About master Wei ?" ,They confirmed before speaking .

lan Zhan nodded .

"we were reading lan sector rules ,as told by old master lan ... " he think again before continuing remembering what happened earlier .

"when we read , 'Alcohol is forbidden in cloud Recesses' he choked on his own tea.. " sizhui spoke but was interrupted by jinyi

"which later we found out was alcohol"., jinyi said in between .both of them pressed their lips to control themselves from laughing out loud but seeing lan xichen who himself was trying to control his laughed . finally end up smiling looking at each other but not lan Zhan all the time he was hearing attentively.

"Then.. he left . young master jiang told us to give them the rule's scroll to them . they will pass it to master wei.master Wei already left and then master jiang go behind him " They told him .

lan Zhan looked at his elder brother before leaving and lan xichen just nodded.


reaching lotus lake

on reaching lotus lake where Wei Ying and jiang cheng was sitting . lan Zhan hide at a distance. he heard their conversation . All these time they were unaware that lan Zhan was watching them .


Everyone came back to the same place where their marriage's date was announced .as earlier wwei Ying sat beside lan Zhan but this tine lan zhan's time to time check on Wei Ying but Wei Ying was too busing in his own thought that he didn't realised .

soon the banquet start by sector leader tossing wine cup . followed by both the sector's madam and later by soon to be cultivation partners.

knowing their taste ,All the guest from Gusu were served with mild spicy food .

jiang fengmian knowing his Little son like lots of spicy dishes he make sure.

Wei Ying was served with the dishes he like the most . From all these time , it was the first time he flashed his bright smile today .

looking at his shijie and jiang fegmian he nodded before eating .

banquet ended and all the guest left .

madam lan patted Wei ying's head before leaving while the sector leader and lan xichen gave him a smile .

he didn't had any words to say to lan Zhan so he just gave him a light smile which was lighter than the feature

*I am sighing*

jin ling said bye to lan sizhui . seeing this wei ying gave jin ling a confused look before asking , 'when did you too became friends ? '.jin ling just avoid this question.

After bidding good bye . it's time for farewell. wei Ying didn't forget to pat sizhui's back before they left.

Now it's time for farewell.

looking at the direction of yunmeng. lan Zhan mumbled slowly which noone heard.

Everything went well and and soon the guest left for their respective clans.

" wei Ying ... see you soon "

*relief sigh * finally! it was a long chapter but 4350 words but what can I do this chapter should be like this I can't seperate it into two chapters.

I can rest now ....

ignore the grammatical mistake .

hello my lovely readers.

reminding you about votes it just a click on that star ⭐ button. don't be so lazy 🥺 .

also ,I don't know anything about Chinese rituals . those rituals mentioned above, I searched on Google 👉🏻👈🏻.as I don't know about Chinese culture😩 but through this FF j got a a chance yo know more about them . i so thankful and grateful to know more about them.❤️

see you soon...

hehe I just remembered soon the wedding chapter us coming so hold on their journey will start soon and I have decided to write smut chapters too .This will be my first try .pardon me if I m not good at this.

Actually reading smut is easier than writing one .*giggling*

love love ! ❤️

your poor writer,

mii mii