chapter: 13 mosheng ren

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"since not everyone was paying attention so I will repeat my words again "lan qiren said after clearing his throat .This time he raised his voice a little to gain the attention of the one who is busy talking with his newly made friends ,‚lan juniors .wei Ying who knew whom he was directing this at, immediately looked straight.

It's an hour ago since they arrived cloud Recesses and since then they are here, listening to this old master lan's shit is what he thought .He is already very tired after their long journey and now he only want to lay down on bed and sleep. Not at all interested wei Ying finally decided to listen to what the old man has to say.

11 so as I was saying You both will be staying in two different rooms ..." lan qiren said looking at lan zhan and Wei Ying with a serious expression but before he could complete Wei Ying cut him.

'Two rooms ?" wei Ying repeated 11 those words of old master lan qiren while raising his eyebrows in confusion.

lan qiren looked at the younger in displease. how can the younger dare to ..dare to... How can he be this shameless not caring about the elder's presence .These youngsters can't control themselves and their increasing hormone is what lan qiren thought.

He is just wondering why they have to stay in two different room. Isn't that they already spent their night together under same roof then why are they now giving them two seperate rooms?

lan qiren coughed at his sudden interpretation with an irritated look he continued,

'you two are already married but you 11 can't share same room or get close to each other."

11 you two can start your marriage life only after you two vow again in cloud Recesses and the auspicious day chosen is after a month, the same day is the wedding banquet. " he said caressing his goatee with a serious expression putting weight in every sentence.

"so for now you will be given another room. Till then you two will not share... " he paused, cleared his throat before continuing,

".. A true relationship of husband and wife."

Wei Ying rolled his eyes upon hearing that 'wife' part oh c'mon old master lan i am a man.

He took some moments to realise what the old master is actually speaking about, that they do not consummate their

marriage until they marry e/o again in Gusu .This old Master lan must have taken my words wrong and thought i want 'that' so badly .He gulped and wanted to defend himself that's not what he meant earlier.

"do have you any objection?" lan qiren asked him.

wei Ying just let out a awkward laugh while scratching his nape. However, wei Ying isn't complaining or something ,he is actually happy as he found out from nie that lan Zhan doesn't like closeness with others so he felt quite relief for lan zhan that atleast lan Zhan will not feel uncomfortable now.

lan Zhan who was standing with his brother beside him showed no emotion or expression. only he knows what he is feeling.However lan xichen still checked on his brother. He isn't surprise that he found a displease expression on his brother's face.

After finishing what lan qiren has to say he left the hall with some of his young discipline and the others salute to him.

' A Xian,She is wang lingjiao .she will show you your room .You must be tired.You should rest now.We will talk later.", Madam lan said with a smile on her face.


"I m wei wuxian. Pretty maiden may I know your name?" wei Ying saud with a smile. This smile always help him to get close with strangers and he has mastered it.


"I am Wang lingjiao, your personal maid I will guide you to your room "

while they were walking Wei Ying asked her several questions. she replied all of them in a hurry not want to talk the conversation further .Maybe she is in a hurry?

"Madam this is your room " wang lingjiao said before opening the door.

Madam? aiya I m a man " wei Ying said scratching the tip of his nose. he pouted a little.

"My apology" she said bowing a little not exactly in an apologetic manner.

"Then what should I call you? lady? It will suit you " she said in a mocking tone while looking at him.

Wei ying raised his eyebrow how can she call him lady .Did she making his fun ? wei Ying was about to say something but stopped when she laughed.

"hahaha I m sorry .. "Then you suggest me what I should call you?" Her voice turned into sweet one.

"call me Wei Ying "wei Ying suggested

'No no I can't call you by your name." 11 she said.

"I will call you master Wei

"hmm then I will call you lady wang "wei Ying said while entering .wang lingjiao followed him inside and showed him the room.

Aah this cutie ! only lan Zhan know how he handle this beauty .( ) ( )

11 Dinner will be served before must wake up before 5 .As you already know our clan's rule. lan sector clothes will be given to you on the banquet day when you will become a lan

Master you should rest now.I will knock at your door at 6 pm .you will have your dinner with second young master lan ..."

"..Call me if you need anything." she said before leaving.


Wei Ying yawned, rubbing his eyes he went to sleep .After laying on the bed for less than a minute he fell asleep must be because he is tired.

He looks happy when he is sleeping it must be because of the same dream he often dreams.

The same dream that he often dream for years now.This dreams is different, it's special to him cause only this dream makes his heart excited everytime and everything he feels this unknown sensation is very new to him .No matter how many time he have this dream everytime feels like

it's his first time.

The dreams is like ,he is running before someone that person has a very blurred images and everytime he tried to concentrate in his face or the figure,the images he remembers are very unclear .He named him "Mosheng ren ".This Mosheng ren tries to remember him but everytime he fails.He feels very contended whenever he see this dream where he met his "Mosheng ren".

In his dream ,he see himself he is giggling while running before Mosheng ren, laughing, chuckling,pouting everything makes his heart contented .A part of his heart is want to see further ,even though he is a stranger he wants to this "Mosheng ren " of his dream more .Even if it's a dream he wants to watch this dream those happy time when he is with his Mosheng ren he wants to feel that happiness and the most important he wants to know more about his Mosheng ren.

while he is sleeping,he mummers some unclear words to his those words were almost inaudible for anyone to hear. He himself don't know he is smiling while he is sleeping.

*knock* *knock*

wei ying's eyebrows frowned in displease he isn't awake yet and he didn't want to either .He want to remain asleep and want to watch his "Mosheng ren " but the more he try to concentrate the more he hears those knocking sound.

but then the knocking sound didn't stop and now it became a bit louder causing him to finally w up from his long dream.

Rubbing his eyes he finally woke up from his dream .He pouted looking at the door where someone was knocking .He sat oj the bed looking at nothing he smiled a little,

'seems like I can't complete this 11 dream. Mosheng ren Mosheng ren when will I able to see you?" he numbled to himself he is hanny that he again had this dream.

stretching his limbs he went to open the door.

"lan zhan?"

To be

stories by me me 1


hello my lovely readers,

First of all,

Im really very sorry for not updating.I didn't thought that you guys really wait for my updates as I m just a poor writer with bad English Now when I know that you guys really wait for my updates I will try not to make my lovely readers wait. *bowing*

Ignore the grammatical mistakes and errors.The pictures uploaded here are not mine and I do not take any credits for that. credits and appreciation goes to the rightful owner and as for the story give me loves that's all mine hehe

In case you forgot, reminding you about votes it's just a click on that star button. don't be so lazy.

see you soon with an update

love love !

your poor writer, mei mei