chapter: 14 cloud recesses diet

'lan Zhan ?" wei Ying said as he saw 11 him.

11 lan zhan why you here? isn't it old master lan instructed us not to stay in the same room? or do you miss me so much that you can't bare to stay away from me ? "wei Ying teased he knew lan Zhan didn't have such intentions but he can't lose a chance to tease lan Wangji.

Hearing Wei Ying blurting so shamelessly,lan Zhan eyes widen a little ,he didn't spoke anything but red ears were enough to know that he is embarrassed from the sudden attack

wei Ying then looked lan Zhan's right hand which was holding a food tray.



what time it is ?"

"past 7 " ,lan Zhan responded

"It's already evening.. I didn't heard lady Wang knocking " wei Ying mumbles

By the time he was mumbling lan Zhan already entered inside and kept the food tray on the table.

"lan Zhan but you should not come here. aren't you afraid of old master lan's scoldings?" wei Ying said after settling down infront of lan Zhan.

shifu "lan zhan corrected

'yes yes shifu. aren't you afraid that your name will be stained after you go back to your room?" wei Ying asked with a grin

"Father told me to eat with you. Besides shifu didn't not to meet each other "


Awwh "wei Ying

'yeah it must be them what did you think lan zhan came here by himself'

fine let's leave it. i m already hungry"

He said rubbing his hands on his

empty stomach.

His mouth is already getting watery just by imagining the dishes he gonna eat guys us famous For it's delicious liquor if the liquor is so delicious the food must be the best the kind of he never tasted in his life .He opened the lid, imagining all kinds of dishes but his mouth dropped looking at the dishes infront of him on the table.

He looked at lan Zhan and then looked at the food.

"what is this?"

11 you call this food? 11

The dishes on the table were boiled vegetables, Two bland soup,Green leafy salad,Sticky rice .All the dishes which are good to keep one fit and healthy .Lan sect give a special attention in their diet abd this includes all the nutritious and health food.


But that's not what wei Ying wanted He wanted food and according to him this is not what's it's called a food. It's not his fault if he doesn't recognise these as what's called food he has grown up eating all kind of species dishes of yunmeng and as a people born in Yunmeng he is born with high tolerance of those spicy dishes. Even when yunmeng people get sick they even drink soup which has a variety of spices in it.

placing the chopsticks on the table lan Zhan said,


Wei Ying frown looking at diese

did lan Zhan really is saying to eat this? The only thing that came to his mind is I better die before eating this.


I'm telling you his cuteness will be the death of me!


11 Lan Zhan,you eat I m not that hungry "

but that's when his stomach growled loudly.lan Zhan looked at him and instructed,


wei Ying cried internally cursing his stomach who had to growled at such a moment. Holding his chopsticks, he thought so many times before landing his chopsticks in a dish but quickly retarded it back... he knew he will not eat that boiled green leaves at any cost. He put his chopsticks back on the table and thought about the soup it isn't looking that bad it must be like his taste. He took a spoon full soup and sip it just when his tongue tasted the soup he literally wanted to throw it out.No he can't drink it if !

"Do not waste food

Hearing this Wei Ying gulped the soup unwillingly and the taste of the soup stucked on his lips. He felt he lost all his taste buds .'what kind of damn soup it is?!'

Am I drinking a medicine? why it taste like that?"

"Don't talk while eating "

"I can't eat this !"

Wei Ying didn't wanted to eat this but because his stomach which was growling again and again reminding him that he needs food and the how hungry he is he surely gonna die from hunger if he didn't eat anything.

"Can I get something spicy to eat ?"

The wasn't any response. wei Ying cursed himself internally started eating by the time he has finished his tongue went numb. After the dinner he rinsed his mouth so many times but the bitter taste stucked on his tongue now he no longer know what the normal dishes tastes actually.

After the dinner lan Zhan went to his room. It's already past 9 now,everyone went to sleep and the guards started petrolling.The surrounding is quite as every lan member is very disciplined they already went to bed Except for the new lan member, wei Ying.

Wei Ying is awake and is rolling on the bed and the growling stomach of his is reminding him that he is still hungry.

Gusu food is really nutritious but for people like wei Ying who has a high expectations when it comes to food. food like this can't satisfy his hunger.They aren't made for his stomach and he isn't full yet.

He thought of sleeping but with his empty stomach he isn't able to do so. Ho started thinking about liang chang thinking about how jiang cheng must be eating spicy rib, gulping the liquor, biting the chicken leg piece, steak, pork, the delicious soup his mouth started getting watery just by imagining the mouthwatering, delicious food of yunmeng .He now started cursing jiang cheng.


"You idiot jiang cheng!you call yourself big brother you bastard ! what were you doing when I was taking this stupid decision ?! you big nerd! fuc**** as*hole! dumbass single di*k head!! "

"I curse that after eating those dishes you get loose motions... ahhh you must be taking sips of shijie's soup I wish your tongue gets burnt. your brother is eating the poison here and you must be enjoying those spicy dishes uuwuh "wei ying cursed and cried like a little baby that he call himself.

Meanwhile in lotus pier

Ahaha shijie it's really tasty " jiang cheng praised yanli after tasting the meat dishes she made.

you like it? Then have some more ",

yanli said serving him more steaks.

"I think you want to make me fat " jiang cheng complained.

"You didn't drink your soup. Have it " Madam yu said looking at his son fondly while urging him to eat more.

Jiang fegmian who is eating his dinner smile looking at his family. He glance at the empty seat next to him, whose owner is in Gusu with his new family. A sad smile appear on his face, remembering how his wei Ying used to giggle sitting there. Yanli who noticed it placed her hands on her father's hand. she gave him her sweet smile assuring him that everything is fine .He should not worry. Jiang Fegmian nodded and started eating his dishes.

Jiang Cheng took one sip of the soup and ...

*here here*

A cheng what happened? "Madam yu asked

Nothing (hic ) I jus(hic) suddenly

this hiccups "Jiang cheng

"Here drink some water " yanli said passing him the cup of water.

Jiang cheng nodded while hiccuping. He drank the water but it didn't help .He started hiccuping more louder.

"What (hic) the (hic) hell (hic)! "

'It must be A Xian talking about you" yanli said thinking about his dear brother.

"no he (hic) don't" jiang cheng denied

he hide his embarassment.

"No Wei wuxian would not be talking about me. why would he ? he must be with his husband by now " jiang cheng manage to say in between his hiccups.

"Yes not remembering you must be cursing you " Jin ling mocked sitting beside him.

You! (hic) ahhhhhh !!" Jiang Cheng was about to hit in when his hiccups started.He yelled in frustration just then his facial expressions changed and he gulped holding his stomach.

"what happened? " jin ling asked hiding behind madam yu .

"I think (hic ) need to go (hic) you wei wuxian!!" jiang cheng screamed running while holding his stomach.

After cursing him till his satisfaction.wei Ying stood up ruffling his messy hair in frustration. He took his suibian with him, slowly opened the door making sure not to make any sound. He checked his right side and then left side took one step out and with another step he took his other leg out.

To be stories by me me 1 continued..

That's it for today guys .Tried to update soon hope you aren't disappointed now Ignore the grammatical mistakes

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