chapter: 15 copying lan zhan sector rules

Wei Ying smirked while thinking about his plan of escaping from here. He closed the door making sure not to make any noise.

"wei Ying .." lan zhan said from behind making him froze on his spot.

"Fu*k" wei Ying said to himself. what a great luck! The first time he tried to escape and got discovered.He turned back while preparing a useless story in his mind to present.

"Haha Lan Zhan! what a coincidence we meet again " wei Ying said

"lan.. lan Zhan You come out at this late night. Are you coming to admire the moon?"wei Ying said pointing af the night sky.

Wei Ying took a relief sigh watching lan Zhan going inside his room. lan Zhan went inside and kept something on the table.

"What is this?" wei Ying asked and removed the cloth which was covering the plate. The plate is full of several fruit all fresh and sliced. wei Ying eyes lit looking at the sight.


Mother send it " lan Zhan said



At this moment Wei Ying hold lan zhan's hand and with his big puppy eyes he said,

"lan Zhan you are so good to me"

lan Zhan breathing became faster .Wei Ying looked at lan Zhan and even the room is a little dark he still can see the shining black eyes of lan zhan. He lost in those black eyes and gained his consciousness only when lan Zhan withdraw his hand. wei Ying let go the hand.He quickly composed himself. To ease the atmosphere he changed the topic and questioned,

"lan er gongzi, It's already past 9 and you are still awake?" wei ying asked


"Ooh Then I won't take your much time and yes thank you for the

fruits.Good night "

11 Hmm" saying this lan Zhan left for petrolling.


Wei Ying took a bite of the fresh apple slice and started admiring lan Zhan for his kindness. Wei Ying can't help himself from wondering about the recent incident .Now when he is alone he started taking to himself,

"why did lan Zhan behaved so strangely? no wonder he really don't like closeness... He really is a loyal lover'

Next Morning

"wei gongzi ! wei gongzi " Wang lingjiao called knocking at the door or you can say banging on the door.

wei Ying groaned while sleeping. He put his head under the pillow covering his ears, the more he ignore the more louder the sound is coming. He irritatedly woke up abd opened the door.

"You? why you were knocking? that too in this early morning" wei Ying said rubbing his eyes like a cute innocent baby.

"Good morning wei gongzi, it's not early. it's already 5 am amd according to Gusu lan sect rule..

"yeah yeah I know" wei Ying sighed

when he recalled those silly rules.

"Good that you know ..Now fresh up and get ready. Old Master lan called you "

"huh? Now? isn't it too early? " wei Ying complained

while they were talking wang lingjiao already entered inside and started cleaning the mess that he created last night.

"I have prepared the warm bath for

you. Now I m going. take your I will come here again after 20 minutes to take you to the meeting hall " wang lingjiao politely said

"Remember old master lan is very punctual .If he calls anyone at 7 am then they must present themselves at sharp 7 am " wang lingjiao mentioned before leaving.

Instead of taking bath and getting ready for the meeting wei Ying decided to take a nap a really little one ... he again went to sleep and this time he slept like a pig .Gusu lan sector's matress are really soft and the bedsheet are made of silk which can make anyone sleep like a pig so he can't be blame.

He didn't realised that while he was sleeping time flew and now it's already 7:30 am. He rubbed his eyes while groaning when a sudden thought hit his sleepy head reminding him that he was supposed to meet old master lan. Wei Ying immediately woke up and went straight to take a quick bath.

By the time he got ready it was already 8 am. He rushed toward the meeting hall. he didn't reached the hall where he found wang lingjiao who joined

him to the meeting hall. He wanted to ask 'why didn't she came to later to take him ?' but he was in a hurry so leave the question.


Wei Ying entered inside the meeting hall and the first thing he saw is, lan quiren burning in anger he can even saw the fuming flames coming from the old man.

His eyes then fell on others making him realise the presence of others. Wei Ying greeted them and the whole time lan qiren glared him.

A true beauty (≥ v ≤)

In the meeting lan qiren told wei Ying that until the day when he will take his vows, he is a disciple here and will be treated like one so he should not act reckless,he must obey lan rules and if he violated it he must get punished like other disciplines ...

After the meeting he lowered his head and prepared himself for the coming lecture and which he didn't had to wait .It immediately started coming (sighing)

After an good hour of lecture,lan qiren was still not satisfied and gave wei ying punishment,

"Go to library pavilion and copy the lan sector rule three times.wangji will inspect "


"what? three time? more than 1000 rules "

'5 times " lan qiren increased the punishment



Lan qiren send him a death glare .he dare talk back to him. A kid of yesterday don't know anything about manners.hmph!

This time Wei Ying didn't spoke anything. He crossed his arm while letting out a 'hmph' sound expressing his indignation.


He pouted looking at old master lan with anger but chose not to speak since he knew the more he will protest the more his punishment will increase. He looked at his second mother,Madam lan who nodded at him while giving him a 'Don't worry A Xian 'look. she can't see him sad like


"Brother in law, forgive A Xian he isn't familiar with lan clan rules "

"I m trying to teach him some general manners which a decent human being must know "

'What is he trying to say am I not a decent human being ?!' wei Ying said to himself. It really is unfair to him.

'It's too harsh for A Xian " Madam lan 11 said trying to convince him .To save wei ying from the punishment.wei Ying nodded looking at lan qiren. The scene is looking a bit funny how Wei ying was giving 'save me mother' look and madam lan was giving 'don't worry son I will 'look.

"3 times" old master lan lessen the punishment. Turning to lan zhan he said,

"wangji check the last week's night hunt report

Before Wei Ying could protest master lan already left. Madam lan shook her head and Wei Ying crossed his arms looking at the back of old Master lan.

Wei Ying pouted while coping the lan sector rules in the library pavilion he didn't even complete half of the task and he is already feeling bored because of how silent the whole library is silent he can't even feel the presence of lan Zhan,who is sitting not far from him. Wei Ying looked at lan Zhan who is still very attentively checking the last night hunt report. It's more than 2 hours but lan Zhan's attention didn't diverted for a second from those report.


"Lan Zhan.. "wei Ying said casually while coping the lan sector rules.

Hanguang jun" lan Zhan called him the second time. Again he was ignored.He finally looked at lan Zhan.

"wangji xiongzi "wei Ying called him again.

Second young Mater lan " This time he waved his hands to lan Zhan but

was still ignored.

11 Hey fuddy duddy will you spare me a glance "wei Ying mumbles those words to himself. He wasn't ignored in his life No! Never! .. Even Jiang cheng never ignore him if he annoys him he atleast give him some hits oh his head but bever got ignore and he will never accept lan Zhan to ignore him did he forgot what wei Ying said..on his second day in Yunmeng that they are now friends since wei ying hugged him twice and they drink tea together! Then how can he ignore his dear friend? wei Ying pouted at this.

Is anyone still alive here? My soul is just about to fly.....

"What's so interesting in those reports?" wei Ying mumbles in his inaudibly, completely annoyed by how

lan zhan is focused on those reports like his life depends on it. Wei Ying looked at those reports sharply while thinking of how to make lan zhan's attention divert from those silly night hunt report.

Don't lie I know you guys are also smiling!! (vs)


He grinned thinking of something. He stood up and walked towards lan Zhan. He came more closer to lan Zhan, lan Zhan must be very focused on the report,at he didn't noticed wei Ying who already came to him but it's not his fault lan Zhan always let his guards down around him.

wei Ying came more closer to lan Zhan.He smirked at lan zhan who is busing checking the report,

"Lan er gege "wei Ying whispered

in lan Zhan's ear who immediately looked at his side.

lan Zhan hand turned into a fist looking at Wei Ying who is so close to him that he can feel wei Ying's heavy breath on his face. wei Ying who didn't expected this felt his heart is running inside his chest, he is now afraid that lan Zhan will hear those loud heart beats. Wei Ying gulped looking at lan Zhan so close to him that their lips are only few centimetres away to touch eachother.

To be stories by mei mei continued..

That is it for today guys. Ignore the grammatical error. Pictures used here are not mine and I don't take any credits for this. credits goes to the rightful owner. I didn't edited this chapter as I m a busy editing the past few chapters so sorry if you find any mistakes.

See you soon with an update

love !love!

your poor writer, mei mei