chapter_20: wen Qing loves who?

"It's not like you haven't read such kind of books before..."

Lan Zhan you are so good hmm thinking of this. I will let you borrow this "

"make sure not to dirty it. This isn't mine it's nie huaisaing 's. He lend me .He has a collection of pornogra-" before he can finish lan Zhan already unseathe bichen and cut the book into several pieces.

Aahh lan zhan! what have you done ?!" Wei Ying scream in anger while holding the pieces of his now destroyed book.

A/N lan Zhan didn't like the idea of Wei Ying pleasuring himself .no only he can pleasure his wei ying. Wei Ying can't touch himself and that nie huaisaing ahh let's deal with him later

"I hadn't read it yet. Lan Zhan I consider you as my friend that is what a friend do. Destroying other stuffs .." wei Ying complained.

"pffttt look at you! you are all red hahaha don't tell me you seriously never read such books !! " Wei Ying wasn't expecting what happened next .Lan zhan pushed him making him land on the bed and hovered on top of him.

Wei Ying was caught off guard but he quickly switched their position and now he is on of top lan Zhan. He smirked victoriously looking at lan zhan but only he (wei Ying) knows how he is shaking from inside. Don't know if it is from running so much or because of their uncomfortable position that his breath are getting laboured.

" oh gosh lan zhan are you for serious ? you turn this much red after just a single glance. I can't imagine your face (controlling his laugh) how will you look once you read the whole book "wei Ying said and burst into laughter at lan zhan's innocence while his eyes still fixed on lan Zhan. Lan wasn't able to protest stabling his labour breathe he manage to say with his deep red face.

Shameless "

"You are so innocent lan er gege " These words escape from his lips when his eyes were busy admiring lan zhan's beautiful feature.

let's end it here "wei Ying said giving lan Zhan his bunny smile.

They were in a daze when they heard a audible gasp that came from the back. They look to the side only to find wang lingjiao and lan xichen standing while looking at them with their

mouth open . Wei Ying look at them and then back at lan Wangji. He immediately got up from him.

ahaha ( awkward laugh) it's not what it was looking like . lan er- lan zhan was just helping me ...ahh ! I forgot it's already late ..I have to go..for the night hunt " wei Ying was dumbfounded. He wasn't expecting this and by the way they were looking at them wei Ying wanted to just dig a hole or just disappear from this situation ahh .why everytime he tries to act cool but ends up making his own lol.

Even though Wei ying is known for his thickest face but then this is ahh ! One might misunderstood and think


Lan Zhan stand their with his solemn face and look at the two figure who look at him with Wtf was that?' look on their faces.

Wei Ying p o v

wuuh why I always get stuck in an embarrassing situation ?and why is it everytime with lan Zhan?

'Now why are you beating so fast ?' I said holding my chest.

"A yuan! "I called when I saw sizhui going inside library pavilion with his other friends.

"senior wei " They greeted me and I asked them when are we going for night hunt as it's already evening.

I felt like someone kick me on my stomach when they said they can't go for tonight's night hunt as they are busy with the assignment given by old master lan's. How will I able to survive this night with emperor smile.

I sighed and went to play with lan zhan's bunnies. oh I forgot to tell you about them .It was yesterday when I met them

Actually lan Zhan bring me here yesterday.

They are small very small. Snowy white fur,pink nose and a small fluffy tail at the back .playing with them for a while I felt like eating them but then I know I can't lan Zhan will kill me if I did. I saw how possessive he is for his bunnies...

"I wonder how is bunny here in cloud Recesses? hmm strange... lan Zhan must have brought you here." I said to the bunny I was holding while caressing his white soft fur and the other bunnies surrounded me like, I m a sweet candy and they are all ants sticking to the sweetness in me. Some were climbing on my leg with their small legs, two sat on my lap,one on mg shoulder and one is chewing my sleeves,trying to get my attention are they mistaking me as grass.

I gave them a carrot, which I stole from the kitchen today at the afternoon and watch them munching and chewing the single carrot.

aiyo will you stop chewing my sleeves little bunny (sigh) looks like you want some petting .. come here " I said bringing the black bunny close to me. I caress him but he bite me on my finger. how rude!

ahh aiyo you naughty one ... what did I do to you to bite me. " I said to him and he ran down leaving me in an 'awwh' .I heard he made a teeth grinding noise.

tsk you are really a little devil (pout)" I said pouting at him which I m sure can melt anyone ,but he . it seems like he really hate me to the core.

I started playing with the white one and saw him licking my bruise finger .I watch him in a ' awww how cute'. caressing his white fur .I place a kiss on top of his white fur as a way of thanking him.

did anyone told you ? you are very cute, whitey." I said and saw him hiding his face behind his ears. He made a little noise.

'looks like you are embarrassed but wait do bunny get embarrass too? I don't know.'

If I stay a minute longer here I will end up eating one of you (sigh)". I think of something and smile.

11 see you tomorrow and you little devil behave " I said pointing at the black bunny before leaving them.

Third p o v

an approaching Footsteps can be hear and the bunny look at the figure coming towards them and they all

quickly ran to him, surrounding him,some trying to climb his long white robes,trying to show how happy they are to meet their hanguang jun.


The black bunny was the most excited one,hopping around lan Zhan so happily. lan Zhan look at the disappearing siloutee of Wei Ying the back at his little babies.

" do you think he remember me?" His face was still but his voice reflecting many emotions at the same time. It's hard to summarise it into one.

Wei Ying was walking on the streets of Gusu after his dinner in a resturant where he ordered 2 jars of emperor smiles and a variety of spicy dishes. He felt full after the satisfying dinner

as always he gave a good tip to the waiter and the resturant owner was pleased to have such a customer. He was going his way back to cloud Recesses when he accidentally bumped into someone and tha someone is happen to wen Ning.

"sorry I wasn't paying attention....wen Ning?" he immediately apologize but was surprise to see whom he bumped into.

Master Wei "wen Ning greeted.

"what are you doing here in Gusu? are you alone here? " Wei Ying asked surprise but happy to see him here in gusu.

"I came here to buy herbs. I came with jie to check on a patient here .We are staying ere nearby come with me. she will be happy to see you " wen Ning requested.

"jie jie! jie jie !"

"A Ning what happened? why are you.... You " Wen qing came out hearing his brother's call. She wasn't expecting wen Ning to come back with Wei wuxian and so was surprise to see him.

11 Master Wei, let's go inside ...I will go bring some tea wen Ning said and excused himself.

The surrounding was filled with an awkward silence as both of them were left alone. wen qing was silent so wei decides to break he awkwardness.


so did you came Gusu for me?" Wei wuxian asked with his mischievous smile.

we came here to check on patient " wen qing shuttered before saying.

"hmm I know then how is that patient?"

"Good. In 3-4 he will be fine.

"How are you?" wen qing asked

"Well, Gusu is quite

te fun .I m enjoying

here. Everyone is so nice to me. I also go for night hunt .They are exciting "

"So if you are here take out time and visit cloud Recesses too."

To be stories by mei me 1 continued..

Preview of Next update

Wei wuxian have you love anyone?".

"huh? what are you saying?"

"Do you remember? when we met. I loved you since then. I wanted to tell you before but then your marriage was announced. I wanted to stop this feeling but no I can't. please please.. run away with me .I know you don't love hanguang jun. Just run away with me and we will start a new life. "wen qing said.

"I love you wei wuxian "wen qing said and pushed wei Ying.

"what are you doing ?" Wei Ying said

in a horror.

"I should have done this before

sorry guys please don't hate me for


Hey my dear marshmallows.

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chapter. Ignore my silly mistakes.

love love !

mei mei