chapter 21_ wei wuxian is missing !

"Wei wuxian have you love someone?"

"huh? what are you saying?"

"Do you remember? when we met. I loved you since then. I wanted to tell you before but then your marriage was announced. I wanted to stop this feeling but no I can't. please please.. run away with me.I know you don't love hanguang jun. Just run away with me and we will start a new life." wen qing said.

"I love you wei wuxian "wen qing said and pushed wei Ying.

"what are you doing?" Wei Ying said in a horror.

"I should have done this before ../ should have make you mine.."

"jie?... jie jie "wen Ning said shaking the absent minded wen qing making her come back to reality.

Huh?" wen qing said realising she was daydreaming.

we were talking and suddenly you went quite ...what were you thinking?" wen Ning

yes you didn't even ask me for water?" wei ying said to wen qing faking anger.

Here master Wei " wen Ning said passing him a cup of tea.

"jie, Is there something worrying you ? "wen Ning asked her

"Nothing" she said shaking her head. All the three started sipping their teas and wen qing secretly glances at Wei wuxian without him knowing.

and wen Ning what are your plans for the future? "

"I haven't thought of it yet "wen Ning said and played with his finger

wen Ning ,you have to think it. If you want I can talk to sector leader and madam lan. In this way I can guide you too. "Wei Ying said he didn't miss the immediately brighten face of wen Ning.

wen Ning was hesitant to reply he look at his jie jie . wei Ying understood without his jie jie beside him wen Ning can't go with him. Wei Ying thought of something,

" and wen qing, in cloud Recesses you can get to know more about medicines and rare herbs. madam lan will be happy by your presence. Think carefully " wei Ying said before taking the final sip from his tea. It's already late, past 11 and so he took his leave after taking for a while.

In cloud Recesses.

"In afternoon Senior wei came to ask us about the night hunt. We told him that we can't go tonight and then he left to visit rabbits then we don't where he went. "lan sizhui said to everyone, present in the lan sector's conference hall.

"... I m sorry " lan sizhui said with his head hung low .lan jinyi pat his shoulder it's not his fault that wei wuxian is missing.


Madam lan is walking restless back and forth while lost in her own thoughts. Seeing her elder son she rush towards him.

"Xichen what happened? did you find A Xian? where is he? Tell me madam lan asked hurriedly

"We searched but we didn't find anything besides master Wei was seen in Hunan restaurant at around 7.He ate dinner there and then noone see him where else he went ..." lan xichen said.

Madam lan felt her legs gave up, her boby fell on the seat behind her. Unlike other days there is no smile on her face instead, a worried look. Qingheng jun who were standing beside her held her with his one arm.

"Dear,Hold yourself together...we will find him " qingheng jun said to his wife though he himself know No matter how much he speaks, he cannot explain to that distraught mother.

How can I? Sector leader find A Xian.. bring him back.oh god what will I tell to sector leader jiang ? please master lan bring my son back... noone knows where A Xian went? He is missing since this evening it's already past 11 now .He never went outside cloud Recesses alone.. he hasn't cane back yet He is new in Gusu he don't know much about here. she said.Her voice shaking in fear that something might have happened to her A Xian. wang lingjiao gave her a glass of water to calm her down which she refuse to drink and Qingheng jun seeing his pale and worried wife made her drink the water while hold her arm to support.

No matter how much he tries, he can't stop this distraught mother from worrying about his precious son in law and how can he ? when he himself is worried. The latter is nowhere to be found since this evening. Noone knew until it was time for dinner Everyone already had dinner but because lan Zhan was busy in a clan matter discussion with his uncle he was late and when lan zhan came with the food for both of them and found the room empty that's when everyone got to know that Wei wuxian is not in cloud Recesses. They thought the latter is Still playing with the bunnies as he use to ,from few days he is missing his clan,his yunmeng very much and the bunnies were the only distraction which made the latter smile.. but when they check there he wasn't there either.

when the clan memeber got to know about their Hanguang jun's husband is missing. They went to search for him but the latter wasn't here in cloud Recesses. juniors were called to enquire on this matter but noone know where the latter went.

The matter was indeed serious wei Ying is new here and he never went outside cloud Recesses alone before and everytime he comes back early before 6pm, after playing with bunnies ...Now it's past 11 pm and he hasn't returned yet.

"Wangji did you found him?" qingheng jun asked his younger son who shook his head.

sector leader, please bring my Xian back I want my Xian back !...oh lord how will I face changse if something happens to him. God please what have I done? please give my son back to me." madam lan said. her hearth clutches thinking if something bad

has happened to her little Xian who she always looked as her own child. She always treat the latter like his mother and she can't and will not bear if a anything bad happens to him. She can't and will never let the person to live in this world. since Wei's childhood madam lan had always regarded wei Ying as her third son. Qingheng jun is man and so he can't let his emotions fall through warm tears but only he knows how his blood is boling by thinking who dare to lay their hands on his little precious son.

"Everyone go search outside cloud Recesses and only come back when you found him " lan qiren instructed. He isn't showing but he himself is nervous how will he face yunmeng people if theh found about this?

They bowed and left to find the latter They divides themselves into three groups one groups leaded by lan xichen, other by su she and the last one headed by hanguang

jun with other lan juniors. All of them left to search for him.

wen Ning, it's already late now. go and rest"

okay jie and you too "


Wen qing sat by the table after closing the door from inside.

"It was the time if summer when I met him in the wen residence ..."


The day when all the other clan joined to attack on wen residence and asked them for selender.There she saw the breathtaking beauty first time. The cultivator wearing the black robe look the bright from others don't know if it's for his heart taking beauty or of its for his extraordinary sword skills that had a invisible string to pull anyone towards them. Not only was he a strong cultivator but was also blessed with a kind heart and pure soul when others were thinking how to take over wen clan he thought for the innocent people which were recused from wen sector. His this personality made him appear different from others in her eyes. yes she was attracted towards this kind beauty maybe because I'm her entire life she has seen the stone hearted wen or because the cold cultivators who care about noone except themselves. She had never seen such a person in her life. This something in wen Ying make him look more beautiful.

Flashback end

Yes it was a long time ago but she can never forget that day. since that day she started to get close to him. After her pleasing wei Ying accepted we Ning as his discipline and she got another chance to know more about him. Say that the flirting nature of wei Ying developed a sense of liking in her heart for the latter ... but she never gained enough courage to confess her feelings for him as the latter was seen flirting with everyone except her. He used to tease her but never flirted like he did to others that developed a sense of respect for him... for years she never able to confess him or tell him fear that wein Ying will create a distance between them or will get a reply which she will not accept as an answer.


After much thinking she finally thought to tell him on that day

(A/N- The chapter - yunmeng day visit 2/ farewell.

scene - when shijie asked Wei Ying that he like wen qing and he immediately denied saying he never saw her in that way)

wen qing was watching them from afar just like lan Zhan but both unaware of each other's presence. she hated when Wei Ying confess having no feelings for her.

I was there right there watching you ...that day I destroyed everything in my room and locked myself inside but when I gig to know about you getting engaged το y juni went to tel you what you are actually for me but I didn't expected to hear your conversation with Jiang cheng.

(chapter - 8 Arranging marriage's date.

scene- wei Ying conversation with jiang cheng beside lotus lake)

That day I was in cloud nine ...the only thing I thought was I don't care if you are married to hanguang jun I know you both don't love eachother and so I will get you.. I will claim you.. I will make you mine.

lan Zhan was searching in every street of Gusu to find the glimpse of his husband ,his wei Ying who his knows where is. He searched with the lan juniors.

"Wangji did you found anything?"

lan xichen who came from another direction on his sword asked his brother. He wish to hug his little brother who although had no emotion to be seen on his face.. but for lan xichen who can read everything from his brother's face looked at his brother with ' everything will be okay' look only he can seen the helpless Wangji behind that expression less face.

su she just wanted to disappear from that brotherhood drama infront of his eyes .They started continuing their search but paused when they heard a melodious tune coming from a flute. They all listened carefully to the direction from where the melodious tune was coming and indeed it was

Chen qing! Wei ying's fulte.

They flew on their swords to the rooftop of the houses.

After listening the music carefully they were sure it's we Ying playing Chen qing and they didn't waste a single more minute and immediately flew ti the direction on their swords the more nearer they reach the more louder they heard the music. Lan Zhan was restlessly speeding his sword to the direction like a mad man and the other's were struggling to catch up with the speed they had never seen their Hanguang jun in such a state before. His face has a restless emotion he is nervous,scared,fear his bright eyes had nothing more than hopes to see the love of his life again. The juniors along with su she are amazed to see this lan Zhan.

They flew on their swords and reach the source of music and yes it was wei Ying playing his flute while walking on the alone street. He stopped playing the fute when he felt the footsteps and presence of others. Wei Ying look at lan Zhan and stopped playing his flute he scratch his nape thinking what to explain? why he is here this late? lan Zhan on the other side look at Wei Ying with eyes filled with various emotions.

He felt like his world has stopped and when seeing the latter is safe he felt relief but only his heart knows how he is feeling from inside.

Lan Zhan huh? why are you all here? "Wei Ying asked lan zhan when he saw everyone looking at him with shocked expression.


"lan Zhan say something " wei Ying said shaking his hand infront of lan Zhan's eyes. He pouted getting no reply from lan Zhan. He look at others who look at him and all were tense. He felt something is wrong.

Zewu-jun ..A yuan will you guys tell me what happen...." Wei ying didn't finished when all of a sudden lan Zhan took him in his protective embrace .He hugged him like there's no tomorrow with his head on the crook of Wei's neck and his hands on the back of Wei Ying.

Wei Ying is more than surprise and the other's are astonish by looking at the sight. su she at the back rolled his eyes and look at everything but the lovers clinging to each other.

To be stories by me me 1 continued..

My marshmallows i can hear all your cursing and that yelling.

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Also Just a small information Im feeling that I m too cruel to my innocent marshmallows by posting one update a week. posting a single update a week feels like I haven't posted anything since decades.

so I want to change my current updates schedule and will stick to the earlier as to give you more than one update a week.

I hope you are okay with that.

Will stick with the earlier schedule till my final exams starts.

love love!

your author, mei mei