

Leon started walking down the road to his home, fazed by the trauma he had just received 4 years of torture and 3 years of hard training in the institute and overworking himself every single time he was free.

All the hard work he put in finally resulted in him having a waste body. He couldn't even awaken a proper hunter's power, not even the lowest F-grade ones.

"What should I do?' That was the only question that filled Leon's mind. He didn't even budge from the position he was sitting in. Just how could fate be so cruel?

"Maybe I am just not cut out to be alive in this world." Leon tried to get over this situation, but his helpless sister's face kept appearing again and again in front of his face. He betrayed her expectations.

Leon finally got up after hours of thinking and took out a piece of paper and pen. He began to madly scribble words in it. It went on and on.

Finally, it was approaching the sunset when he was finally exhausted. He took the piece of paper and wrapped it up inside an envelope. He scribbled down Liam's name on it and sealed it up.

Later that night, a letter was dropped off at Chang's door. The figure could be seen walking into the night, to a group of mountains nearby.


Leon started walking up to the mountains. He continues to the very top without stopping. one could see his impaired breath and his exhausted body as he lay at the top. He then walked down to the edge and started in the region below.

He could see endless depth staring right at him, giving him chills down his spine. He had decided to bring an end to this miserable existence, but at the last moment, he couldn't go through with it. He didn't have the guts to embrace the darkness below.

His legs shook as he fell to the floor and crawled backward. His eyes were the most and he couldn't think of anything useful at the moment.

"Maybe she was right. I was a coward to the very core of my being. That is why I ran away from here, hid myself and my sister, and to the end couldn't even protect her." Leon was sobbing loudly, unable to stop.


Liam had to come back to the hall and meet with the representatives from various halls. He was absent-minded at the beginning trying to comprehend the meaning behind Leon's words.

"What did he mean when he asked me to take care of Mia? Did something happen to her?" Lia was deeply involved in his thoughts when a voice sounded.

"Are you there with us Mr. Liam?" A firm voice managed to break him out of his dilemma into reality. He saw a middle-aged man standing in front of him, extending his hands for a shake.

Liam grabbed his hand and shook it.

"I am the representative of the top guild in the country, the Courageous Dragons. We would like you to become a part of our guild. We will be providing you with 5 of whatever others promise you along with assistance in both practical, theory, and combat training.

You will be assisting the top hunters in our guild starting from the very first day and will be allotted a monthly quota of resources in addition to whatever you earn from the hunt. You will also be given personal classes in every area by the S-ranked hunters of our guild."

"There is also a signing bonus and a special allotment of infrastructure for everyone who joins us. The organization will also take care of your family's sustenance, protection, and proper growth."

Until yesterday, Liam was just having dreams about the top hunter guilds in the world, and his desire to become a part of them. he never expected that he would manage to become an S-ranked awakener and get such tremendous offers from the guilds.

Especially Courageous Dragons. He dreamt of becoming a part of them and finally, he managed to become eligible for this opportunity.

"As a reward for awakening S-rank, we will also help you craft a personalized battlesuit and a specialized weapon set of your own choice. " The middle-aged man was still listing the benefits.

" I am ready to join you. Liam said in a calm voice.

The man stopped listing the privileges and gave out a smile. he had managed to recruit an S-raker into their guild. It meant a huge contribution to the guild which would be listed under his name.

'I will be visiting your house soon with all the formalities. Just prepare yourself and your family for the move-in. We will be accompanying you to the guild's main base."

Liam and the man were congratulated by the crowd. The Courageous Dragons had just increased their overall strength with the addition of Liam.

Unknown to others, Liam had different thoughts running through his mind.


Later that day when he came back to his house, he found a letter at his doorstep addressed to him. He opened it up, and read the letter. His expression took a turn for the worse. He immediately rushed towards Leon's apartment and broke in.

He could find him, and then he rushed out and started looking around. He did his best to run around the city. His newly awakened powers helped him a lot, yet he couldn't find his friend.

Liam was freaking out, and he tried his best to think of a possible place where Leon might have gone. It was at this instant that he saw a nearby view.

"mountains," Liam remembered the place as one often visited by the duo during their friendly excursions to the wild. they would train at the very top spot while looking at the view of the city. Leon always dreamt of having a place at the top spot. He liked the peaceful environment there. Got his mind clear for some thoughts to get processed.

Liam immediately rushed towards the mountains.