Let's break up

"What the hell are you doing?" Friedde asked with a stern voice.

"You're smoking now? Do you want to ruin your health?. You better stop it while I'm asking nicely." He looked at Sherdan with a gaze that holds 'authority'.

Sherdan sighed, what 'while you're asking nicely'. You can ask rudely, and I still won't listen.

"Shut it." Sherdan said. His eyes never glancing at Friedde. He was looking down on his cigarette, this action makes him appear more snobbish, aloof.

When he finally looked at Friedde who had a dumb expression on his face, he raised his eyebrows.

He killed the light on his cigarette and strode towards Friedde.

At his 16, he was already too tall. Although this height was a little smaller than when he was 32.

He looked down on Friedde, literally and metaphorically.

He loved this guy before, and was unable to let him go even after several years. But he already had a lot on his plate, dealing with a cheating boyfriend is a pain. He realized that it's not worth his time.

Even before Friedde broke up with him, he was also considering breaking off their ties. But he's caught up with work and rarely goes back to his hometown. And Friedde also blocked him, preventing him from communicating over phone.

He can actually obtain his number though, but he doesn't feel like putting effort on matters regarding Friedde. So he actually forgot about it after a few months. Only when Friedde came to him and broke up with him did he remembered that he actually had a boyfriend.

Well, now he's going to break up with him himself.

Although he can feel his 16-year-old self's wavering emotions, he didn't pay any attention to it and continued with his plan.

"Let's break up." Sherdan said. His expression indifferent.

It took a few minutes before Friedde was able to process what he said. When he finally realized it, he was so surprised he was unable to say a word.

Wha-what? Break up?

Friedde pointed at himself, dumbfounded.

"You? Break up with me?" He had a look of someone who can't believe something.

"Yeah. Now that we've broken up, I hope you won't come to me anymore. Or you'll just embarrass yourself." Sherdan said, he had that 'I don't care' tone. Like he was only saying it for the sake of it.

Friedde snapped out of it, and he laughed.

"Hey hahaha, you? Wanted to break up with me? Weren't you just begging me to accept you before? How come? You have to be kidding me." Friedde laughed, moisture cause by the excessive laughing formed at the corner of his eyes.

Sherdan only pocketed his hands. He tilted his head as he quietly stared at Friedde.

"I'm not kidding though."

We're not that close that I'll joke with you.

Friedde stopped laughing when he saw that Sherdan wasn't kidding. He was panicking inside, but he refuses to show it. He doesn't want to look pathetic.

"You're nuts. Just last week you were begging and almost about to kiss my feet, what now? You had a sudden change of heart?" His voice slight rose. He was flustered, he doesn't want to accept it.

Sherdan is head over heals for him. How can he suddenly decide to end things with him?.

"Yeah. You can say that." Sherdan answered. Actually, he just wanted to leave and ignore this guy, but he felt bad for his 16-year-old self whose heartbroken right now.

He can at least grant this guy a favor of giving an 'explanation' to his 'beloved' Friedde, although it's half-assed.

Friedde was frozen stiff. He can't accept it. He just accepted Sherdan! How come? Was it because he accepted him? Should he have played hard to get then?.

But being with Sherdan feels good. He's pampered, and he felt loved. The only problem here was that Sherdan is a guy, that was the only thing that made him reluctant to accept him.

"Then, I'll go." Sherdan said dismissively. He was about to leave, but Friedde caught his arms in a panic.

He needs to say something. Something that will prevent Sherdan from leaving him!

"You're going to regret this! In the end, you'll beg me to come back! So apologize now, I can still forgive you. Okay?" He said, his voice slightly shaking.

What did he do wrong? Why is Sherdan acting like this?

Sherdan pulled his arms back forcefully. He didn't even glance at Friedde. His eyes held boredom in them.

"You can rest assure I won't." He's getting tired of talking. Just when the hell is Friedde going to stop complaining about this.

Sherdan continued walking back since the bell had already rung. Classes are about to start.

But what Friedde said next made him froze in his spot.

"Nobody's going to accept you! I'm the only one who will accept you for being abnormal. I'm gonna wait for the day that you come back to me."

What a scum.

After that day, Sherdan hated Friedde even more that he doesn't even want to see him. But they were classmates, so he had no choice but to see him every single day.

"Guys, remember to come to my room in the Class C's building okay? I borrowed your Science Teacher's time, so I'll teach you Math for 2 hours." She said, then laughed evilly.

Several frustrated sighs was heard everywhere. What 2 hours! An hour of listening to Math lectures was enough to fry their brain cells, and now it was doubled. It's asking them to do the impossible!.

"Oh by the way, it's a joint class. If you have crushes on Class C don't let me caught you making a move! Ciao!" She said then stormed off. Leaving the boys and girls who was just depressed before feel better again.

A joint class with Class C! This must be heaven.

Class C have several good-looking girls, and guys. Although in the girls minds, Sherdan and his friends was more good-looking.

But, good-looking guys are still good-looking guys! No matter what their rank in the "Most Handsome among all", they're still handsome.

They all laughed evilly, thinking of scenarios on how to flirt with their crushes. Everyone had already forgotten that they were about to have Math for 2 hours.

Class C weren't any better either. Just thinking of the great Cohen, the most handsome guy in the campus, sitting with them for 2 hours already made them want to scream from excitement.

Lucian can only shake his head as he stared at his girl friends who were hopeful for a 'youthful classroom romance' with Sherdan.

Teens. How enviable.

A 32-year-old man like him had already forgotten how it feels to date. He's really envious!.

He placed his chin on his hands and stared at everyone who was so excited.

It's 2 hours of brain-damaging Math you know?

I hope everyone hadn't forgotten.

His friend, Lila, the one who teased him on the cafeteria before noticed him acting so unenthusiastic.

"What's up? I thought you like Cohen? Why are you so disinterested now?" She propped her chin in the palm of her right hand.

Lucian sighed.

"I told you I wasn't. It's not that I like him romantically. I just appreciated his face. And he's also my type." Lucian explained.

Lila looked at him, dumbfounded.

"Then you like him." She said. If someone is your type that means you like him! Isn't that how it works?.

"You don't get it. I just thinks he's my type, but liking him is a different thing. He's unattainable you know, unreachable." Lucian said quietly, his voice loosing confidence.

In his 32, Sherdan is a popular and successful figure in the business world. Even his past boss holds Sherdan in high regards. Everyone, no matter how successful in life will always be polite with Sherdan. Those who were envious will only shut up and channel their hatred through their eyes, never daring to speak it.

Sherdan is 32 years old, the same as him. But their achievements were like heaven and hell. More so, this achievement was obtained through his own hard work, it wasn't just because he was the son of the CEO. He paved his own way to success, and he really succeeded.

He went through hardships, so in the end, he was rewarded with a fulfilling life.

Lucian would never even dream of 'liking' him and hoping for them to happen. Just thinking that he was 'just his type' will keep him from advancing any further. It's a safety pin, a pin that should never be pulled out.

In his past life and even now, Sherdan is unattainable.

Lila stared at Lucian who was obviously in denial. She stared at the board and pulled out two lollipops from her pocket. She gave one to Lucian and then nibbled on the other one.

"It's not that you don't like him, but that you don't have the confidence to like him." She said.

Lucian only buried his face in his arms.

"You coward."