'Holding Hands' while studying?

Everyone in Class C stared at the door with bated breaths. Like they were watching a movie that is about to reach its climax.

This scene makes several people who entered the door so shock that they almost had a heart attack. Who wouldn't?

Imagine entering a classroom and finding almost every single students inside gawking at you.

They all look like they were watching models walk. It is extremely embarrassing.

Lucian was silent in the corner, along with Lila. They were both hiding their faces.

God tell them why they had such embarrassing classmates. They both facepalmed.

"Huff! I saw them! They're almost here!" The 'watch guard' shouted. And like retarded folks, they all moved fast and did all sorts of prep. Some retouched their lip tints, some combed their hair, some looked at their classmates with an embarrassed face.

What are you all doing? Do you think you're about to meet the president? Do you need to be so exaggerating?

"Remind me to transfer to a different section once this joint class is done." Lila said with a poker face.

"Remind me to forget that they were once my friends." Lucian said.

"They're here!" The 'watch guard' said, her voice were now a little lower. She didn't shout so loudly like earlier, she probably doesn't want to be heard shouting and be seen so unladylike.

Everyone then went back to normal, more like, acted normal. What are these teens? Are they really so tired of being single that they can embarrass themselves like this?.

Lucian laid his head on his desk table. Ahh, better ignore them.

He'll sleep a little.

Sherdan, Sean, Arice and Martin all walked side by side towards the Class C's Building.

Class C's building was separated from their building because they moved to a new one. Their old classroom was renovated, and it became the faculty of Grade 10 Teachers.

Arice placed his hands around Sean's shoulder. Sean glared at him almost instantly. He only grinned and tilted his head, obviously messing with Sean.

"Let go." Sean said, voice laced with a warning tone.

"Nah ah. This is normal between friends, why overreact?" Arice shook his head slowly.

His hands that was wrapping around Sean's shoulder went lower and lower. It stopped just above his butt, and it playfully drew circles above his clothes.

Sean was so irritated that a "Cross-Popping Vein" can be seen on his forehead. This guy probably won't stop until he broke all his finger bones and dislocates his arm.

He was so mad that his thoughts had become dark, murderous, sinister. Arice saw him like this and can almost guess all the 'dark' thoughts inside Sean's mind. He stifled a laugh and decided to stop teasing him.

Sean glared at him when he let go, seemingly still pissed at him. Arice pretended like he didn't notice it and leisurely walked with both his arms behind the back of his head. Forming 'the catapult' pose.

Sean only sighed after seeing him act like this. He really had to do something about this guy's playfulness.

The four of them reached the classroom, they were the last one to come since they weren't in a hurry. There's a few minutes left before classes starts anyway. The previous subject teacher finished his discussion earlier than usual, giving them more leisure time.

When they entered, they saw several eyes staring at them and was caught off guard. Well, except from Arice and Sherdan who had a different reaction.

Arice noticed some girls staring at him, so he smiled cheekily and winked at them. These Hoity-Toity girls were so delighted that they almost screamed.

Sean saw this flirty exchange and felt bitterness in his heart.

Truly an asshole.

Sherdan, on the other hand, didn't even spare anyone a glance, and he remained uncaring. He had no interest in teenagers.

The four of them realized that there's not enough empty seats left that are close to each other, so they decided to seat separately.

Sherdan looked for an empty chair and saw one in the last row, so he immediately went there.

The moment he sat, the one sitting just beside him who was sleeping raised his head. What he saw was a familiar face.

"Lucian." Sherdan voiced out. Lucian stared at him, with a look that seems like he still hasn't processed the situation. His messy hair looks like a bird's nest, and he still had some saliva on the corner of his mouth.

Sherdan finds him funny, but held his laughter. He took out a handkerchief and offered it to Lucian.

"What?" Lucian asked. Why is he giving me a handkerchief? I'm not crying though. He touched the corners of his eyes, but didn't feel any moisture.

Sherdan only smiled, then pointed his hands on his own mouth. Indicating that 'it' was in his mouth.

Lucian was still for a second, his mind still processing what Sherdan did. And when he realized that the other was referring to his saliva, he felt so embarrass he could die.

Anyone! Please bury him in the sand! Now! This instant!.

He grabbed the handkerchief and got rid of thing that caused him 'disgrace'. How can he still drool in his sleep when he's already 32? He's not a baby anymore!.

AAH, i wanna bury myself on the floor.

"I-i'll wash your handkerchief first. I'll give it back to you after that. It won't take long." Lucian said awkwardly.

Lila saw this and was silent in the corner. A 'classroom romance' with Sherdan huh.

How enviable.

Good job Lucian. You're such a boss.

The class started a few minutes later. The teacher started a 'mind-breaking' lesson, making everyone forgot their plans to seduce their crushes.

How can they seduce anyone at this state? They had no time to rest. The Teacher gives them computations after computations, problems after problems, and a heart-breaking recitation.

Hell. This is Hell.

They regretted getting excited for this. They underestimated math!.

"Mr. Cohen. Solve the problem on the board." The Math teacher said. She wrote a complicated problem on the board.

Sherdan was calm. This is basic, compared to all the calculations and formulas he had to master during his 2 years in senior high and his 4 years in college.

But to all the students inside this room, this is actually the hardest. Girls who admired Sherdan looked at him intensely. Some even wanted to volunteer to answer it themselves, fearing that their crush might not know it. But the Math Teacher had already said that the only one she called will be the only one who will answer the Math Problem she gives that person. Helping is not allowed.

What a tyrant!.

But contrary to what most people believed, Sherdan answered the formula without even doing as much as stopping for a second. He wrote down the solution without pause, like he already knew what it is gonna be before he even wrote it.

What? They didn't know Sherdan is a Math Genius!

Well, even his three friends were surprised, and even Friedde who was just silent in the corner the whole time was confused.

How come this guy is this good at Mathematics? When he was mediocre in this subject before?

Come to think of it, Sherdan had changed so much. It's like he wasn't even Sherdan anymore!.

In that room, only Lucian remained unsurprised.

He knows Sherdan's memories. Of course, he knew that the other was good at Math. Even those that he absolutely thinks were like Hell Difficulty level kind of problems were a walk in the park for this guy.

He can only cry. He's so envious!.

The Math Teacher checked the solution and was satisfied when she found out that it was perfectly done.

Hmm hmm, this kind of students really gives her some confidence to continue teaching.

"Very good! You can go back to your seat now." She smiled and wrote Sherdan's grades on her blue class-record book.


She called more students and gave more 'terrifying' problems. She had failed quite the number of students today.

When she reached surnames starting with L, she called for Lucian.

"Lewis. Give me the xx xx xx of xx. Then xx this xx to the xx of the xx."

Lucian has never been someone whose fond of Math, and now he just straight out hates it.

He's a 32-year-old adult!. The last time he had answered a Math Problem was several years ago! And even when he did compute, it was all plus, minus, times and divide!.

He's good at perceiving things, assessing, he's a quick thinker and a quick learner too. But that doesn't apply to math!

Anyone, help him overcome this!.

Sherdan saw him like this and smiled faintly. What a weird face.

He reached out and touched the other's hands, making Lucian flinch so visibly.

The Math Teacher saw this and asked what's wrong, but Lucian said it was nothing.

But inside, he was so surprised that his eyes were almost spinning.

Wha...wha...what is this?!!! Holding hands?

Wait, wait, this is too much for him.

But before he can even overthink further, Sherdan had already moved.

He leaned on the desk table and propped his chin with the palm of his right hands, while his left hands held Lucian's right hands.

His forefinger moved, forming several letters, which inturned formed several sentences.

Lucian had always been quick at thinking, and it was the 'above average' type. So every letters that Sherdan wanted him to know was easily formed and constructed into a sentence in his mind.

It was the answer!

Lucian spoke, and give the answers to the question. After he finished talking, Sherdan let go of his hands.

The Teacher praised him and then recorded his grades in the class record book.

Lucian was still in dazed while he seated.

Sherdan was now listening to the other students reciting.

He was right, this guy had potentials. He had heard of it once, a secretary of one company that is an extremely quick thinker. Furthermore, he had checked Lucian's resume before he saw him in-person. And it's the same company that was mentioned to him before. There was a high possibility that it was Lucian who was the rumored quick-witted secretary, so he tested it out.

That was the logical explanation behind what he did.

Aside from that, he also really wanted to help him. After all, he took him away from Friedde last time. And he will also reach out and offer his hands to help unprecedented.

The things he does, or said, if you think about it, doesn't really cause much impact. But it was enough to be remembered.