"Esther, can we talk?" Mike asked her. "You should have notified me that you are coming, please come in"Esther replied with a smile as she opened her house and let the guy in so she followed.

She removed her heels and earrings as she sit by the sofa which was a different style in her living room. "Your place is beautiful"Mike exclaimed. "thank you, The last time I came to your house, it was in summer party so I didn't get a chance to check it out, but externally it seemed great too"Esther felt so comfortable speaking to Mike, it always was that comfort!

"I am afraid you won't even get a chance to see it!"Mike seemed worried, "Mike, you know you can count on me! please speak to me"Esther said as she stood up, approached Mike and sat by his side, holding on his shoulder. " look in my eyes! what's going on?" She asked him.

"Well, my Father's company went bankruptcy, our houses are being put into auction. and mine house too, including the resort my father bought for me for graduating" He explained. "Oh My GOD! I am afraid I don't know how to comfort you, yet you came running to me. I am sorry. okay?"Esther tried to calm him. "It's fine, I only needed to be here with you. I will be fine"Mike replied forcing a smile. "Okay! I got a new movie here, let's watch and I know you will be fine"Esther said as she run to turn on the TV .

The two watched a movie, cheering and enjoying the popcorn. and Mike stayed Until 01am, that's when he took his car and left.

The next morning, Estherra's phone rung when she was bathing, but she ignored it since she was still in the bathroom. later after drying her hair, She took her phone and saw a missed call from unknown number as she redial it. "Hello this is Estherra Divan, I just saw your missed call"She spoke over the phone that was picked up by a lady's voice. "Hello I am Hannah Louis. The personal Assistant of Producer Luc. He told me to email you with an address of our office so that you would be here within 3Hours, that's why I called you to make sure you got the email"Hannah replied. "Well, yes I am heading over in a while. thank you sir, I mean ma'am." Esther's excitement could be heard over the phone. Don't mention. see you in a while and welcome in EM ENTERTAINMENT"Hannah laughed as she replies. and the both side hang up.

Esther's preparation didn't take long because she wasn't really paying much attention. "I'm finally making it in EM ENTERTAINMENT. ooooooh oooooh ooooh to the luckiest woman in the world"She sang throughout the mirror when she was doing her makeup.

Driving wasn't that fast, She felt like putting the car on her shoulder and use the feet Instead, she just wasn't going to wait to get there.

And finally she arrived on the brightest building in the city, branded as 'EM ENTERTAINMENT'. "Breath!! Esther Breath"She closed her eyes trying to concentrate,but nervousness still had her. "I can do this, Esther you will do this"she calmed herself. as she take a step and more and she was inside the building.

Approaching the receptionist who seemed busy, she had to wait for her to cut the line she was picking before she welcome her. "Miss, can I help you?"Finally she hang up and set her attention on Esther. "Well, yes you can, I am Estherra Divan, I just got a call from the producer LUC to be here in this exact time. "Esther explained. "Well, yes we were expecting you. These are the documents you need to sign"The receptionist said as she give her the documents and show her where to sign. "alright, well done, welcome in EM ENTERTAINMENT Ms Divan"She said smiling. in that very moment, another young lady come toward the receptionist. "thank you ma'am"Estherra thanked the receptionist. "Mr Luc told me to come and wait for that Estherra girl." The other girl said but regarding the receptionist. "well, glad that you won't have to wait for long because the woman you are looking for, is here already"The receptionist said, which made the girl turn and looked at Esther. "Are you Hannah?"Esther asked. "Yes! how did you know?"Hannah replied. "Your voice, it's nice to meet you by the way"Esther said with her big welcome smile. "Nice too! come with me"Hannah replied.

The two girl moved upstairs after Hannah waved the receptionist.

"people around here seems to be kind"Esther commented after a few minutes of silence between them. "everyone is nice In first place, be wise!"Hannah replied. "okay! where are we going then?" Esther asked, "To the West wing"Hannah smiled, "To do what?"Esther asked. "your first activity is to see, what happens on the scene, what is the scene. things like these"Hannah explained. "so, we are going on the scene?"Esther asked. "yes, it's far from here, we better use an elevator"Hannah said as they waited for the elevator to arrive and pick them.

They arrived on the scene, Hannah exclaimed"Welcome to a place where imaginary world is created". "Thank you, am honored to be part of that world"Esther replied but poor Esther was disappointed because she couldn't find the mighty handsome producer and she couldn't ask. many things were being done all at once on this set, people were moving from here to there. Estherra could see some of the actors she's seen in movies. she smiled with everything and everyone..

After a while, there comes an elegacy lady, with fancy clothes and expensive jewels, Esther could tell the difference with her. Everything about that girl seems to be of high class, that is when she realized that she didn't make good use of her father's treasure. Estherra starred at her, and the woman starred back. The woman came approaching her. "You are Estherra Divan? the graduate?"She asked her. "Yes ma'am. "Esther replied. "I liked your discipline. I am Wendy Hilton. The work behind everything around the EM ENTERTAINMENT. merely a director of movies here"She presented herself. "Nice to meet you"Estherra appreciated. "Great! so, take your time for now because after today, it won't be easy for you"She said. "I will"Estherra replied. " Okay, so welcome In world of wanders. I'll see you around"Wendy smiled but surely Estherra was Terrified.

"But I didn't see the Producer. "Esther commented after traveling on the scene with this Hannah who later became easy to talk to. "Well, he's been in board meeting, He might make it here in few hours"Hannah replied. "So I guess we are done with here. how about we go back in the building?"Hannah asked. "sure, let's go"Estherra replied and the two girls went back inside, Hannah offered her a coffee as a welcome first treat.

that evening when Esther was getting ready to go back home, out of her expectation, Luc bugged in Hannah's office. "Sir" Hannah stood up. "Ooh are you getting ready to go home?"He asked as he entered but left door open ."Esther, how are you?"He asked the newbie in the house. "I am good Sir, thank you"Estherra replied. "I am sorry I wasn't there for your first welcome but I owe you"Luc excused. "It's okay sir, Hannah here made a journey easy for me"Esther replied. "Okay"Luc said, before he would add anything more, Wendy Hilton, The elegacy lady from early entered too out of nowhere. "Hope I am not interrupting!"She excused. "No, you are not"The two girls replied at the same time. "Honey, can we go?"Wendy asked Luc holding his arm. Luc gave Estherra a surprised look but Poor Estherra didn't act all surprised.

"I guess we should go,"Luc replied with a smile as he hold her waist and took her outside...