Esther couldn't remember when she slept out from exhaustion, She only found herself sleeping in Sofa when she woke up by midnight. she took the cover that was on her with the pillow and went in her bedroom. Andy probably left, the last thing she remembered was that she's been talking to Andy, the two were just trying to remember everything that happened since Luc invaded in their lives.

suddenly, Esther's phone rang as she enters in her room. "hello hello" Esther said over the phone but there was no reply and suddenly the line was cut.

"what's with these punks" She said sleepy. again the phone rang as she pick up again, this time she decided not to speak in first place. "Hello, who are you"The guys voice said from another side, Esther felt so numb and trembled, she couldn't speak nor react to anything, tears fell from her eyes as the voice on the phone keeps calling over the line. later on, the other side cut the line as Esther sit against the wall so weak.

In the morning her daily maid came for her usual works, she found detective Mark at the door. "Sir how may I help you?"She asked. "I came for Miss Esther, I've been knocking for a time now"Mark replied. "She might still be sleeping, I will use my key"She replied as she reach out to her bag and removed the key to open.

"Ma'am"She stepped in calling and the detective followed her, "I will call her for you"The maid said as she took the stairs and went straight through Esther's room.

knocking, but the door seemed a little open, she went in and saw Esther sitting on the floor against the wall, so numb. "Ma'am Estherra"She shouted which made detective Mark run upstairs before thinking twice.

Mark stepped In, "What's going on?"He asked, "I don't know, The.... the... door was open when I tried to knock and my lady"She bursted out with crying and fear. "Go bring some water"Mark ordered trying to distract her so she won't tremble to death.

As the maid walked out, Mark checked Esther, she was still breathing, her body temperature was normal and she could scrow her eyes as if wanting to mean something but too weak to allow her to speak. "speak to me Esther, am here" Mark said. "I heard him"She finally spoke, "Who? talk to me" Mark asked. "I ... I heard him" She keeps repeating that one line. "Who exactly, who did you hear?"Mark asked. "Luc.... I heard Luc Gustavo."She finally got the courage. "we must find him, we must find my man"Esther stood up running as she speak each of these words. "Esther Esther"Mark called her, she felt so much lost. "Mark, let's go find Luc"Esther keeps saying. "Esther"Mark called her again a little louder, Esther with tears, laid her head on Mark's chest. "He needs my help"She said while crying, Mark gave her a comfort hug, "We will find him, but first..."He said as Esther lifted her head and looked in his eyes "You need to calm down and tell me everything"Mark completed, Esther Nodded, as Mark held her hand and took her downstairs. The maid brought water and felt at ease seeing her lady looking calm. Esther drank the water and put the glass on the table as she sat in her sofa and Mark sat too.

"Are you sure you don't need to sleep?"Mark asked her. "No, I am fine"She replied calmly. "Can we start?"Mark asked. "Sure!"Esther said forcing a smile.

"Miss Andy" Secretaire Hannah entered in Andy's office, calling her name. "CEO wants to speak to you" Hannah said, Andy set the documents she had in the cabinet and followed Hannah.

entering in CEO's main office.

Mr Derrick Marris, a young and billionaire man, Owner of EM ENTERTAINMENT and Luc's best friend.

Andy entered in his office, and Hannah after announcing Andy's coming, she had to go back in her work. "Since you are here, close the door." He said, "why haven't you been taking my calls Andy?"He asked. "Sir, you called in hours that I wasn't at work"She replied professionally. "But you know, it wasn't about work"He replied calmly. "we have been busy, you know we are going through so much"Andy replied. "You know, I care for the two of you"Derrick said. "Well, I am sorry,"Andy admitted her careless. "I am fine, how is Estherra?"He asked. "Strong as always"Andy smiled as if remembering how great her best friend is. "I am glad."Derrick replied. "Okay, if that's all, let's talk about the reason I am here, I am sure the busy Derrick won't call to ask how my best friend is doing"Andy said sitting on the parallel chair with Derrick."Well, although it's not a good time, I need to tell you that, we need a new actress to continue the series Esther has been playing."Derrick spoke. "But Sir, you have accepted to wait for the two weeks the trial gave her"Andy felt so disappointed. "I know, but the shareholders aren't agreeing on this. they are loosing their money here, and you know that we need money."Derrick explained. "Our clients has been demanding for more episodes and some people stopped watching saying, they can't follow a criminal, I am afraid to say that, we are In business here and all our products that has anything to do with Estherra Divan are loosing."Derrick added. Andy was dumb and unable to add anything. "Andy, Andy, Miss Andrea Lorand"Derrick called her, waking her up. "Yes Sir, I will see what I can do, this season is not easy for our actress too, you need to consider that she is part of this company and before the court says their last decision, she is still innocent"Andy defended. "As For now, I will be going in my office, if you will excuse me"She added as she stood up to go but before she'd be able to open the door, Derrick called,"Andy". she turned back "Are you still mad at me?"Derrick asked looking so sincere. "Should I be?"Andy asked back, "I am so sorry, okay?"Derrick demanded. "I will be going"Andy said as she shut the door behind her, after stepping outside.

"I went in my room this midnight, the phone rung as I picked it"Estherra was explaining to Mark and the detective was taking some notes, "Have you picked it at the first ring?" he asked. "Yes I picked it at the first ring and I was like 'Hello Hello' but I didn't hear anything and the line was cut. then another call, I picked it but I didn't say anything, I heard him speaking 'Hello, who are you?' I don't remember what happened next, I just couldn't believe what I heard"She explained trying to calm herself. "I am sorry! (Mark comforted her). Are you sure it was Sir Luc's voice?"He asked. "I am always so sure when it comes to anything related to Luc; His voice, his scent and even the way he does his things. I mean, I know him so well"Esther explained as Mark wrote down. "Are you sure you can handle the walk to your apartment?"Mark asked. "Sure! I am fine and I really need to get this done."She replied. "okay, Prepare yourself, I will be waiting outside. be sure to wear something that covers your face for your own security, Luc had fans. remember?"Mark said with a smile, and Esther stood up. "I will take care of myself"Esther replied with a smile too as she goes upstairs.