After shopping, Esther went home, so did Andy.
Esther in her house, she took the bath and had her dinner, and suddenly a phone rung, It was Luc as she pick it up. "May I know why My boss is calling after work"She asked before Luc could add any more thing. "hahaha not your boss tho, I called to check if you arrived home safely"Luc said from other side of the line." I am home, safe and sound!Thank you for calling. I will cut the line then"Esther was in rush, she didn't want Luc to listen how her voice was trembling, we can't talk about the beating of her heart. "No wait! why are you avoiding me?"Luc asked. "I am not! saving myself from you simply"Esther replied. "am I safe now?"Luc asked. "You've always been safe, Luc"Esther forced to calm down. "Esther may I ask you something?"Luc said. "Anything"Esther was easy to read. "May I call you anytime?... I mean can we be friends?"Luc asked, Esther's heart beat more fast and hard. to her, it was so much like a proposal. "Anytime"Esther answered. "You mean it? I won't bother your privacy I promise"Luc said. "But why sudden? you said you never interact with your Students or whatever"Esther got the courage to ask a serious question. "I don't know! look Esther, I've never violated my own rules before I met you"Luc sounded so serious. the forks couldn't remember that One has someone or anything else. they sounded so intimate. "Alright, let me hope for better, I am cutting the line"Esther said. "wait..."Luc stopped her. Esther waited to hear anything from him but in 5Minutes, he didn't say anything."Good night"Finally Luc said and cut the line.That sweet voice of his, rang in her head every little moment from then.
"Luc Gustavo, why are you doing this to me really!!! and my stupidity, I couldn't tell him that he sounded so wrong. so sweet so wrong"Esther exclaimed as she lay on her bed counting the stars on the roof, "What's wrong with me really!"She asked herself due to unending smile. "May I call you anytime!?"she keeps interpreting him as she dance throughout her room. "Esther Divan, you need to sleep. tomorrow is your first day in 24hours with Luc!! oh my GOD, I can't wait!"She hid her face in her hands as she switch off the light.
"I can't believe what I am seeing here!"Wendy shouted all over the place. "How in this world, did they choose a girl like you to play this movie?" she pointed at Esther who seemed scared and frozen. "get out of my face"Wendy shouted. "I say get out of my face"She repeated. Esther started walking out of the scenery, as she went and sat by the waiting area. Hannah approached her, comforting her, "That's how she is, you will eventually get used to her"She said.
Luc came approaching the scenery, and was amazed when he saw Esther sitting away, not playing. "And why isn't she here?"He asked Wendy who was reading a script of LOW_KEY to her actress Diana Mores. "She couldn't make it, she failed"Wendy replied looking at Esther's side. "Wendy!!"Luc seemed angry, "you know all the courage it takes to make it out, you shouldn't just give up on her"He said, "But I....."Wendy tried to explain but Luc was already walking toward Esther.
Esther's heart trembled as she rose up her face and saw Luc approaching him. "Sir, I am sorry I couldn't make it"She excused fearfully. "Hannah, can you excuse us?"Luc asked as Hannah stood up and give them the privacy they demanded .
Luc held his single knee down, looking in Estherra's eyes, she couldn't allow her eyes to meet his so she bowed her head down. "Esther it's me, relax. ok?"Luc started, He then brought his hands and held hers, He felt the warmth and trembles that was running through the veins of these small hands. "Look at me"Luc recommended. Esther rise up her face and looked at him."Why are you scared?"Luc continued. Esther didn't want to answer that question because it really was hard for her to open up. "Esther, Look at me"Luc said this time, he release her small hands and held her cheeks, "Do you trust me?"Luc asked her, "Esther, speak to me please. am I a stranger to you?"Luc insisted.
across the ground, on the edge of the fourth floor of the building, Derrick was standing there with some directors, they all came to check if the chosen character is performing well, Derrick's eyes were searching and he finally saw whatever he's been looking for, Luc was kneeling before the girl whom he expected to be Esther, he smiled as he kept enjoying everything that was going on here.
"You know you can trust me"Luc kept calming Esther. "Well, I am sorry Luc"She finally spoke. "I don't think I can do this. I am not a fit in this movie and beside that, that role is too hard for me. I .... I ..... I don't know where to start"Her voice sounded so dizzy as she tries to explain what she was feeling. "Look"Luc said, cleaning the tears on her cheeks that had started to fall. "Do you know how I came up with that movie?"Luc started, he stood up and sat by her side. "It was a night after your graduation, I was asked to provide something new but instead I brought someone new"Luc smiled. Esther was following his mouth speaking, trying to read his mind. "Then, I remembered your Juliette acting, you Estherra Divan was the only person in my mind while composing this movie, So you don't need to fight so hard to fit in. you already belong. calm yourself and be yourself"Luc encouraged. Esther smiled and felt more strengthened. "I will be taking care of your directions from now on and I believe in you"Luc added. "Thank you Sir, this means a lot"Esther smiled widely at him. "you look beautiful when you smile, so keep that smile. ok?"Luc said smiling too. "Are you ready?"Luc asked her after a little while. "yes I am"Esther breathed. Luc stood up, gave her a hand to stand her up, "let's do this"He said, Esther replied with a hand as she follows him to the scene ground again.