Andy opened the door, entering in Divan's mansion as she came from work. The palace seemed to be quite and she could hear the songs of birds from outside. Rosa (The Maid) come from kitchen after Andy removed her heels and was fetching water from Water filter and drink. "You are here!"Rosa exclaimed which made Andy's heart jump a little as she put the glass of half water on the table. "Where is Estherra?"Andy asked. "She went out with Detective Mark" Rose replied. Andy took a deep breath and exclaimed in such a low voice "Such a girl who can't even care on her safety". "Are you talking to me,Miss?"Rose seemed like missed something. "No actually.... I gotta go"Andy smiled. "But I prepared some chicken soup, please have some"Rose insisted. "No but thanks, maybe next time, I need to go to her"Andy said as she wear her heels again and opened the door out.

Andy's heart trembled and her mind froze as she stepped outside and saw a black V8 car parked on the entrance and she knew exactly who owns that.

Her fear grew louder as a big man in his late 50's opened the hind door and come out, he was in black suit and Sunglasses, "Mr Divan"She finally murmured. "Are you going to stand there instead of greeting me?" Mr Divan Emmanuel said. _why did his trip end unexpectedly? Andy's thought couldn't shut. "You are growing so thin? what are you girls doing without eating?"Mr Divan commented. "and where is my beloved cat?"The Billionaire here was a free and joking fan man. "she went out for the case Sir,"Andy replied. "what's with the case? Don't you know that my one snap can end it?"Mr Divan asked. "Sir, please trust your daughter. we have to solve it according to the laws, after all your daughter is a celebrity, she owe a lot to her fans"Andy explained. "Well, if you say so! but let me know if there is anything I can help with"Mr Divan said. " Yes Sir. thank"Andy replied. "Am resting for now, tell my cat to come to her boss"Mr Divan laughed with the sentence "I will sir"Andy joined in with the laugh.

Mr Divan Open the Entrance door and went in, As Andy pass by His Car to join the parking lot for hers. someone from inside the car called her, "You need a ride?"He said, Andy turned and Saw a guy in the car, "Mike what are you doing here?"she asked, and of course it was Mike Collins. "I am Mr Divan's Assistant for a while now!"He said. "Oh yeah right, Esther mentioned that before but I couldn't pay my attention"Andy was acting so serious. "So you ladies were busy that I had to Pick him from airport"He explained. And starred at him for long. "Mike, shouldn't I be happy for you now that your life is more stable and succeeding?"She asked so seriously. "Yeah..... well..."Mike couldn't get familiar with Andy's serious face that he barely got anything to Add. "But I am not"Andy frankly interrupted him. "I will be gone then, enjoy your ride"She added as she enter In her call and was gone.

Esther on other side was with Mr Mark as they opened the door of her formal house which looked like a haunted one because no one has been there in a while. "So old, it doesn't even look like mine"Esther commented with a sharp smile. a police cab door stopped there and a man in his early 30's come out. "Ooh forgot to tell you, that is Diego Morleys. he will be assisting in this case"Mark explained before the man could approach them.

"I am..."The man started to say as he stand in front of them but Esther interrupted. "Diego Morleys, welcome in my current world"She said, shaking her hand with his, "it's good that someone has to introduce me in first place, I hate speaking of myself especially on first encounter"Diego replied smiling. the two laughed "Guys, let's go in action"Mark had to cut that crap. "So, Esther, is this house helping you remember anything?"Mark asked her as Diego remove his notebook and start writing down . "Well, everything in my head now won't help with anything. trust me"Esther smiled. "Esther every little detail is important. you never know how a anything can help us achieve something big"Diego tried to make her open. "I see"Esther agreed. "I just remembered the very first time Luc saw this place"She smiled trying to recall the moment.


"Esther, your first acting was amazing"Hannah caught Esther in the elevator as she comments on the act Esther did. "Ooh all thanks to the producer who created in me, fearless" She replied. "Ooh! I ain't talking on that "Hannah bragged. "Since it's your first achievement, why don't we celebrate. my treat"Hannah added, "Sure! I miss hanging out but under my pocket"Esther said. "But you haven't received your first paycheck yet, let me take care of you tonight"Hannah insisted. "Come on lady, if it's about money,I am Miss Divan. remember?"Esther narrowed her eyes because she knew Hannah got her. "I will call my girl Andy, you will be glad to meet her"Esther added. "Sure!"Hannah nodded as they arrive in the parking lot and then Esther called Andy and informed her about the evening plan. "I am coming. I will handle the bill"Andy shouted from other side of the line. "Sorry girl but Hannah insisted"Esther replied. Andy felt like disappointed but she managed. "See you girl"Esther added as she hang up. then from hind comes someone calling "Hannah" So gently, the two girls turned and Esther saw such a handsome man, smart and looks serious, "Oh Sir"Hannah replied as the two girls came approaching him. Esther started scanning him, Italian costumes and shiney black shoes, a watch looked like a million priced, Esther couldn't get her eyes off him. _This guy is so expensive_"She thought.

"Mr Derrick Miles"Derrick knew Esther wasn't aware of him. "Estherra Divan"She replied. "CEO of EM ENTERTAINMENT"Hannah whispered the information that seemed important to Esther in that moment, "I know you Esther"Derrick said Then Luc Gustavo joined in. "Congratulations on your performance today Esther"Luc said who was a step behind Derrick. Esther rise her eyes and saw Him...