"ESTHER, BREATH!! ACT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED AND I AM SURE HE WON'T SPEAK ABOUT IT" Esther's mind couldn't let her relax, The call ended even before Esther would pick it up, Luc called again and this time, Esther picked on the first ring. "Sir?"She said over the line. "Hi Esther, how are you? is your head okay? have you had enough rest?"He had many questions to ask, Esther now is shocked, She removed her phone from her ear and checked again if it was Luc who was speaking, she again put back her phone on the ear. "What's with those questions Sir?"She asked him, "are you sure you are okay?"He again asked. "WHATS WRONG WITH THIS GUY"Esther thought. "Esther, are you there?"Luc asked. "Come on Sir, Are you having a fever" Esther asked. "it's not that hard. tell me about you"Luc said. "You asked many questions at once, I can't even remember where you started"Esther laughed and Luc joined in too and laughed. "Okay, one by one here we go (Luc took a deep breath) How are you?"Luc said calmly. "I am good Sir, thank you for asking"Esther replied. "How is your head?"He asked again, "I don't remember telling you that I have a headache!"She replied. "Okay I know you didn't (Luc smiled) But due to the night you slept, you might have one"He explained. "luckily I had a long enough rest, thanks to the man who asked a day off from work for me"Esther said. "I am glad you are fine"Luc breathed. " tell me about you"Esther turned the table, "I am good. I just have a fever and I need to rest so I will be alright"Luc replied. "I hope you will"Esther said, there was a little silent moment before Luc break it. "Can we talk about last night?"He asked. "Sir as for now, what's important is you being alright, let's not bring up the unnecessary point, Okay?"Esther explained quickly. "But I owe you an explanation Esther, I am not that man"Luc explained. "I know you are not. so rest for now"She replied as she cut the line before Luc would be able to add anything else. He later sent her a message saying:

"I am sorry about last night, I should have been more gently and respectful but who am I to lie that I didn't try? you don't want to talk about this but I just wanted to make sure we are good. I won't cross the line again.

but this I am sure 'I don't feel like I disappointed anyone'.

Take care."

Esther smiled after reading the message, She didn't reply, She just took her car keys and went out. "Stupid"She murmured.

Derrick Marris Went to check on Luc who seemed to be sick since the last time they talked. He opened Luc's Villa and entered. "So, you won't even get out of the bed?"Derrick shouted as he went upstairs and entered In his room, Luc was sitting on the top of his bed, having his computer and looking in his phone, busy that it took some minutes for him to notice that Derrick has been there all along, sitting on the sofa which was against the long window, Luc's favourite. "So, you didn't come to work but you made it to my house, uninvited?" Luc asked, "Yeah, who is the boss here!?"Derrick made sure to live the character as he burst out into a big laugh, he forced himself to calm but a smile can't leave his face. "What's with that smiley?"Luc asked. "The world is Beautiful, didn't you notice?"Derrick said standing up and staring through the window. "But, what exactly happened last night?"Derrick turned as if remembered the main topic which brought him there. "Nothing serious, I took Miss Esther home,"Luc explained seriously. " And?....?" Derrick wasn't going to be tricked, "Well ..... honestly, I had a moment with her that made me forgot I have a girl" Luc said. "And what happened?" Derrick was more curious here. "Well, I just wanted to stay there protecting her, holding her, that's all."Luc said trying to simplify the matter. "That's all?? as if it's normal,(A little silence) where is this Luc who never interact with his juniors?"Derrick seemed amazed. "How do you explain the fact that you have two girls you want to protect for the rest of your life? make me understand."Derrick questioned as he sat back on the sofa and looked at Luc expecting to find answers. "I don't know dude! "Luc exclaimed as He close his computer. "You always say that you know me more than I know myself, so better explain this"He added. Derrick starred at him for long. "Are you in love?"Derrick asked him after studying his face. "Love! my foot"Luc narrowed his eyes. "I can never involve myself in something that hurted my mother with all her life. never"He was sincere and Derrick was aware about this state, "I will marry Wendy, she knows better than asking for my heart"Luc said, "And Esther....?" Derrick asked. "That lady deserve someone better than me, someone who will know her pain before she spell it out"Luc's voice seemed to be going Dizzy. "Can't you be that someone?"Derrick asked after recorgnising Luc's sad face, "Come on man, you know i got no business in involving my heart, she's too much for me"Luc replied. "Enough of the tragedies, you owe me a game, I came to collect my marks"Derrick made sure to change the topic. "Ooh Man, can't you see that I am not in the mood?" Luc tried to avoid the video gaming. "Either you be or I win.... come on" Derrick said. pulling him out of the bed and they sat in the long sofa, The game started.

"So, wait... you guys hugged each other so tight, and he kissed your Neck? he almost kissed your lips and I Disturbed?"Andy couldn't get well the story no matter how long Esther keeps explaining. Andy stood up from the sofa the two were sitting in, she started moving all around the house. "And you keep denying that nothing is going on with you too?"She asked Esther who was busy in the phone. "Girl, I am talking to you"Andy shouted. "How many times do I have to tell you that nothing is going on. that was accident and he apologized." Esther tried to make Andy get her point. "Accident? I don't see an accident in kissing somebody"Andy tried to relate the image but it was impossible to believe. "You know what? let's change the topic!"Esther said. "To what?" Andy asked. "Let's talk about...."Estherra's voice was interrupted by Andy who shouted Excitedly. "Mr Derrick Marris" Andy completed. "Lets talk about the CEO.....