At Luc's Villa,

Someone knocked at the door and Disturbed the game but before Luc would be able to allow the entrance, Miss Wendy break in, They heard her heels cracking and her voice shouted, "Are you coming down or I should come up?"Wendy asked. "Speaking of the devil"Derrick exclaimed To ensure that Luc is aware. "I'm coming up"She shouted, and the two men can hear the heels approaching, "Don't open, we are naked"Derrick shouted when he heard Wendy holding onto the door and ready to push. "Whatever"Wendy said as she push, to her surprise, the two were in sofa and playing their video games, "Derrick, you are so fun"Wendy smiled seriously. "Hmm"Derrick coughed. "I am driving myself home, remember to prepare for tomorrow's final casting"Derrick said as he stood up and pick his car keys. "As if I was going to drive you"Luc murmured, "You said?"Derrick asked to ensure that he heard well. " Take care"Luc smiled as Derrick shut the door.

Wendy sat on the bed while Luc was still in the sofa, "May I ask why Miss Wendy is here? and how did she get courage to enter my room?"Luc asked seriously. "Am I not allowed to visit my sick boyfriend?"Wendy replied. "I am not sick, I was only tired"Luc challenged. "Still it's my responsibility to take care of you"Wendy insisted. "come on, I am not a baby"Luc smiled. "So, can we talk on why you were with Estherra by noon? I hope I can get a reasonable

answer? "She asked, "Here we go again"Luc narrowed his eyes. "But Mr Gustavo, it is my right to get jealous, suspect or whatsoever"Wendy defended her insecurities. "Okay, you should at least be kind, I am tired"Luc had to find a way to escape. "Since you can play, doesn't that mean you can explain?"Wendy asked. "Okay, Truth or comfort?"Luc asked. "Truth"Wendy replied. "We had a drink last night and I drove her home"Luc was so honest. Wendy's anger could be seen in her eyes but she acted so fine since she demanded a whole truth. "Were you alone?" She asked. "By driving yes but we drank with others"Luc replied. "I guess you have to talk to my Dad,"Wendy said picking up her phone to make a call. "Don't bother, I can't cross boundaries"Luc said. "But I think we should proceed with The Engagement as soon as possible"Wendy suggested. "My lady,I really need to sleep, please do me good and go home"Luc replied as he stood up and held her hand and pull her out of the room.

"Aren't we supposed to be best friends?"Andy asked. "I through we aren't supposed to have secrets"She continued. Esther picked an Apple that was on the bowl, "Yes"Esther replied. "But how comes you didn't tell me about Derrick?"Andy finished. Esther laughed so hard that it took minutes before she stops. "So that was the reason for your doubt?!"Esther exclaimed. "I'm serious here, tell me about Derrick"Andy was serious. "I literally get to know him yesterday too"Esther replied. "Come on... you ain't helping!"Andy narrowed her eyes, "Got his number?"She asked. "For what? I don't"Esther replied. "So, is my girl having her first sight crush?"Esther teased her. "Forget it"Andy replied avoiding the topic. "By the way, it was great to waste my afternoon here, I am going home. Hannah is coming over for a movie"Esther said as she stood up from a sofa. "And you expect me to sit here and appreciate your joyful night? come on, let me pick my purse and go with you"Andy replied as she run upstairs before Esther would even get a chance to deny. in a minute or less, Andy came down so ready to go out of the house, and there, they went.

When Esther and Andy entered in Esther's house, Hannah was already in the living room. "Thank you for wasting my half an hour"Hannah welcomed them and they were surprised. "Traffic jam"Andy smiled. "You should have cooked at least"Esther smiled. "I brought snacks"Hannah explained. "Those will do, my weight is increasing"Esther replied. "You are exaggerating"Andy laughed. "Hannah, will I get Mr Derrick's number from you?"Andy was so strict. Hannah laughed so hard, "If you treat me right, why not"She replied. "Don't mind my baby, she's temporary loosing her mind"Esther smiled. the girls had a very great evening in movies and since it was late, Hannah and Andy had to spend a night.

Alarm ringing, Esther shut it off as she wake up. "Hannah two minutes late for your alarm."She shouted at Hannah's ear which awake her quickly. "OMG!! today we have a tight schedule! get ready, let's run"Hannah shouted, "Are you talking about me?"Esther couldn't understand. "Yes, let's get ready"Hannah replied. the two girls had a hard time trying to complete every preparation in only 25 minutes. but after 10 more minutes they were ready to go, "Remember to close the door, i still have some more hours in bed"Andy said so sleepy as the two girls shut the door and took the car, as expected, traffic jam was so heavy but they made it after 39 minutes late.

"Esther, get ready, today we are casting the real video."Luc explained as long as the two girls stepped on the scenery. "It was so sudden"Esther smiled. "The shareholders couldn't wait any longer but Don't worry, I won't let you down"Luc replied looking in her eyes. Esther felt so calmed. "Hmm a coffee?"Luc said picking a cup of coffee from the waitress's plate. and gave It to Esther. "My treat"He said giving the card to the waitress to collect the payment. After drinking. Luc held Esther's hand and pulled her toward the scenery. "Let's attract the spotlight"Luc said and Esther smiled.