Esther Was exhausted after the casting, She came from scenery and sat in Hannah's office trying to rest, Derrick came from his office and find her there. He was holding two cup of coffee in his hands. "Miss Estherra"He called and she jumped up. "Sir"She replied. "Coffee?"He asked showing her the cup. "Yes, thank you"She replied picking the cup from his hands. "I can tell you are tired"He said, "Yes a little"She forced a smile. "We still got some more hours to work, that's what happens when you are the main lead"He explained. "Oh My Goodness! but I can do it"Esther said. "Yes you can"Derrick encouraged. "We believe in you, Luc does more"He mentioned and Esther's reaction changed and you can tell she wanted to ask HOW COMES OR WHY but she couldn't open her mouth to speak. "So, have the best of your relaxing, see you in a while"Derrick said as he turn from Esther's side to move away, "Sir thank you"Esther said and Derrick turned back, "For what?"He asked, "The coffee, the courage"Esther said smiling. "Anytime"Derrick smiled as he walk away.

Everyone in industry were busy, people were moving from here to there, Esther seemed so lost, she hasn't seen that movement in this industry before then. Luc was nowhere to be seen. Esther in returning back to the scenery, she froze in the middle of the ground, Hannah came but Esther could tell she was In hurry. "Esther, get your clothes changed, we are recording another scene in a minute"She said as she run away. Luc was passing by and saw Esther who seemed enable to move, He was with Two directors and he seemed like explaining something to them. "Give me a minute, I am coming" He excused as he went toward Esther, "Estherra"He called, Hearing his voice, Esther jumped up as she turn to see where the voice came from. "How are you doing?"Luc was as gentle as ever, He approached and stared In her eyes, "Esther, speak to me"Luc said. "I feel like I am the only one who is useless here, look everyone has something and I only have to wait until they arrange my comfort zone"She said, Luc waited until she let all her insecurities out. "Is there anyway I can help? I mean can't I be part of this movement?"She asked. Luc smiled sweetly as he pull her in his arms and gave her a tight comfort hug. the movement stopped and people were eavesdropping to one another, "What's that?"They would point their fingers on the two birds. Wendy turned and saw them, she narrowed her eyes and move forward to approach them but her friend Lily stopped her, "Let them be"She held her hand and Wendy calmed.

"Esther, you are not useless here, and trust me, you do fit here, it's just that you can't do everything at once"Luc said. "Give the best of your role, that's the best" He continued. Esther felt at easy as she uplifted her arms and crossed his waist, she returned the hug. "Relax. ok?"Luc smiled. in a while, he let her go, "get ready. one more scene and we go to sleep"He said as he move away.

"WE GO TO SLEEP????"She through. She couldn't understand that.

"Callixte, you can't do that to me, look, I've given everything for you, you can't just give up on us"Sarah(Esther) said. "Well, I am not the one who told you to give up your wealth for someone like me"Callixte replied. "Noooo(Sarah cried) I am carrying your child, our baby, Callixte please reconsider"She shouted sadly. "I already made up my mind. I am marrying Ruth, She has something that you never gave me"Callixte said. "And what is that my love?"Sarah asked sadly." it doesn't matter now, I have chosen Ruth"Callixte replied. "Hubby, pleaseee Don't leave me"Sarah cried but Callixte leave her there with his bag, he went out and Sarah stayed down on the floor crying.

"Alright Cut"Luc said. And the recording stopped. "Well done Esther"Hannah said giving her a bottle of water. "So, thank you all for your effort today, let's call it a day. have some rest, we are continuing early as 5am. see you on time"Luc announced and everyone took their way. "Esther, let's go to sleep"Hannah said pulling Esther. "Where?"Esther asked shocked, "Come on!! don't tell me you didn't see the dormitory building in the north wing?"Hannah was surprised. "I didn't."Esther replied seriously. "hhahahha come on let's go"Hannah laughed so hard as she pull her inside the elevator.


"Esther, Hannah usually has a partner, you can spend a night with me"Wendy said as she join them in Hannah's room. "Not today ma'am "Hannah replied fearlessly. Wendy gave her a sharp look and Hannah trembled. "I guess, Lily was assigned here. Esther you should join her"Hannah said. "hope you will be ok! call me if she attack. I've got my electric material here"She whispered to Estherra and Esther laughed. "I am good girl. I can handle her"Esther replied with a whisper. "Alright girl, pick your night dress and go"Hannah exclaimed relaxing. Esther picked the pink mini-dress for night. "Night girl, see you in the morning"Esther said as she follows Wendy out of Hannah's room and both of them took the stairs upward.

The third room of the Third floar from Hannah's, was Miss Wendy's room.

"Here we are"Wendy said as she opens the door and they both joined in.

"Thank you"Esther said, truthfully she wasn't feeling comfortable or at her peace, this kind of Caring seemed so weird in her eyes.

Wendy showed her a bed and explained to her where she can find anything, this room was a VIP not like Hannah's, after all Wendy was a director.

"I don't know if I should say this now"Wendy started as long as Esther was on her bed getting ready to sleep, Wendy was sitting on the dressing table removing her earrings. Esther didn't reply but she gave all her attention. "give me that summer night dress"Wendy said. Esther stood up and reached onto the closet and brought the night dress which was so soft, seemed to be for summer. "beautiful"Esther commented on the dress as she gave it to Wendy. "A gift, Luc brought it for me last summer from his business trip in Brazil" Wendy explained. "You know LUC is cute when it comes to someone he loves,(Wendy smiled) he is so kind that you can't tell if he's giving special attention or just being kind"Wendy said. "Ooh I see"Esther knew where this story is going and she wasn't ready for a long night. "You know? we are planning our engagement next month"Wendy continued. "Ooh congratulations"Esther smiled. "thank you"Wendy smiled back.

Esther climbed back on her bed and suddenly someone knocked, Wendy rushed to the door and opened, Esther was already in her bedsheets, "Luc"Wendy made sure for Esther to know who was there, Esther covered her face so shy, she was in her night-robe And it was so small. "Miss me already?"Wendy smiled. "Can I enter?"Luc asked. "Sure" Wendy said as she gave a way for Luc to enter as she shut the door behind him....