"Are you alone?"Luc asked Wendy as He sat by the sofa near Wendy's bed. "Not today"Wendy smiled. She came and pulled the bedsheets and uncover Esther's shy face. "Hey Esther"Luc greeted her. "Hey" Esther replied. Luc avoided Esther's innocent eyes that kept staring at him. "How is everything with you?"He asked Wendy who later came and sit on her bed. "great!"She replied. "I've been talking to Esther here about our engagement"She added. "Wendy"Luc widened his eyes "isn't it true?" Wendy asked him. "We talked about this. Ok?"Luc said. "Do you guys need some privacy because I don't think I need to listen to your story"Esther said getting up from her bed and put on slippers. "Yes"Wendy said. "No"Luc said too. "Am confused, is that a yes or no?"Esther asked. "It's a yes"Wendy said and Luc didn't add anything. so Esther got out of the room and the two left alone.

"How did you two jump to that topic?"Luc asked Wendy. "nothing serious, I was just showing her the gift you gave me and we kept talking about you"Wendy explained. Luc didn't seem happy about that. "what? did I say anything I shouldn't?"Wendy asked shocked. "No, it's fine"Luc said bowing his head and facing the floor. "So come on smile. okay?"Wendy said cheering Luc who forced a smile.

Esther wondering outside expecting to see Luc coming out so she will go to sleep. Derrick came out and stared at her but she wasn't looking at him. "seems like the Princess is lost"He commented and Esther jumped up. "And why is the Prince not in a palace?"She asked him after a moment of calming herself. "The king asked him to take care of the Princess"Derrick smiled. "Seriously speaking, why haven't you slept yet?"He asked. "Luc is talking with Wendy and I gave them space."Esther said. "Are you alright?"Derrick said after studying her face. "Yeah! I should be"Esther said. " I Know you care about Luc"Derrick said looking in her eyes, Esther Fought to avoid Derrick's eyes. "And you! why haven't you slept yet?"She asked. Derrick smiled a lot. "I just came from the office. I had many things to finish before I sleep"He explained. "Okay. I think by now He's gone, let me go"Esther excused as she move away. WAS I THAT OBVIOUS? she wondered as she walk away.

Luc came out of the room and bumped into Esther out of the door. "Miss Divan"He said softly. Esther looked in his merciful eyes. "Sir"She replied. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah I am okay, I don't have much expectations in life"She replied with a smile, as she passed by him and walk toward the door. "Esther"He called her and she stopped and turned and face him. it looked like he had many things to say all at once, but as he opens his mouth to let them out, he closed it again. "seems like standing here won't help a lot. good night"She said serious. "Good night"He said softly as she walk away.

Luc caught up with Derrick in more steps away from Wendy's room. "Dude! why are you here?"Luc asked. "Just wondering around"Derrick smiled. "And you? what are you doing here? you said you are tired"Derrick asked. "Shouldn't I come to see my fiance taking a nap?"Luc smiled. "Or the newbie? since when did you check on Wendy before sleeping?"Derrick was so observant that Luc wouldn't just escape, Luc knew this part of Derrick after all they have been best friends since forever. "Look, I have my full control and whatever happened between me and Esther was illusions, now I am in my full sense and I won't mess up"Luc explained. "So relax. ok?"He added. "I shouldn't relax if you still sneak out in the middle of the night for her"Derrick said. "It's not about her.... trust me"Luc said having his arm on Derrick's shoulder, "But if you really need to stay focused on Wendy, avoid your endless drama with Esther, after all you don't want to hurt any of them or create more misunderstandings"Derrick adviced. "Okay Doctor, Your advices are taken to heart, I need to sleep now" Luc said. "After counting the stars on the roof, Please come to sleep" Luc added as he move away and Derrick stayed laughing.

"Miss Estherra wake up"Wendy shouted as Esther woke up in Rush. "Your alarm has been ringing"Wendy said. "Oooh thank you"Esther said. The preparation was in silence and no more stories to share. the silent was broken by Esther's phone ringing when Andy called. "Seriously! this early? what's wrong with her!"She wondered as she pick it up. "Andy"Esther called. "Girl, I was worried, Hannah told me that you spent a night with Wendy. are you okay?"Andy asked and by her voice, she really was worried. "Nothing happened really, you know I can take care of myself"Esther replied. "Where is Luc?"Andy asked smilingly and Esther knew it was inconvenience to talk about that In front of Wendy. "We will talk later, I got more casting. see you"Esther said. "Are you coming home tonight?" Andy asked. "I don't know really!"Esther replied. "If you don't, I will"Andy said seriously. Esther narrowed her eyes "Andy"She called. but Andy hang up before Esther would be able to stop her.

"So today, we are making sure to create more scenes, because this movie is supposed to be ready by next Monday"Luc explained. "Let's get started"He added and the same movement restarted. Everyone was investing their effort to make The LOW- KEY possible.

"Young lady, why are you crying here?"Paulo asked,Sarah(Esther) in turning, she saw a gentle, handsome and tall guy. "I am Sorry sir. I am leaving"She excused as she stood up from the stairs and start moving away. "No wait! I can help. speak to me"Paulo insisted. "i Don't want to trouble you"Sarah said. "Nooo it's fine. tell me"Sarah said. "You know, I am a a divorced lady, it was only six months since we married but he left the house( Crying) he said he has never loved me, he only wanted my family's heritage"She explained. "Now that he's gone, he took everything including my house. I only have his blood inside of me."Paulo was listening. "I mean can't he just favor his blood?"Sarah asked. Paulo knew that the young woman needed a help. "and how did you end up here?"He asked. "it's been now two weeks, I've tried to apply any possible job but they are turning me down. this KING'S HOLDING was my last hope but they couldn't even give me a chance to be interviewed"Sarah Exclaimed but her emotions seems to have been gone.

"CUT"Luc said and they stopped. "Esther this scene is supposed to be a tragedy, you are telling your pain but you look like it doesn't matter, add some more emotions because you are supposed to be a hopeless lady And Nickolas. You know how gently you should be, listening careful but not showing your full concern in first place. you got it?"He explained. "Yes"They both replied. "Okay, let's repeat this scene"Luc said and everyone went back in their position...