ruins of the lord of light

brick lead the disciples to a big building below the formation mountain.

brick "this is the hall of teleportation you can move to every major city with these teleporters"

he continued leading them till they reached one of the larger formations he looked to a man standing next to the formation and the man nodded to brick

brick "ok everyone in the formation and prepper your self its not going to feel good"

Then all the disciples stepped forward into the formation and after a few second, it felt like there bodies were being turned inside out.

It lasted for a few seconds but it was incredibly unconfutable. when it was all over zarek stubbled over but that was it, as for the overs many were throwing up or on there ass but lilly was completely fine

lilly "what I'm used to it my clan has there own so it doesn't affect me"

she said that with a checky smile looking at zarek trying to stay up right

brick "ok ok get of the formation and sit to the side you've got 10 minutes sort your self's out"

as they sat down waiting for the effects to wear of. zarek and lilly were completely fine after a few seconds and were just chatting when brick walked over

brick "so your hear poison boy and the little miss of the ying"

zarek "my names zarek and its nice to see you again to brick"

lilly "hello brick"

lilly was trying to avoid conversation with brick which confused zarek

brick "lilly so you think its embarrassing to talk to your uncle"

lilly "you knew he had a poison body but you didn't tell me"

brick "well you know don't you so I didn't need to are you going to be mad at me the entire trip"

lilly just walked of in a huth and left zarek and brick alone then as she left brick started laughing

brick "boy if you can help her me and my clan will be very gracious you might even get her hand in marriage"

zarek walked off with a red face pretending not to hear nothing

brick "hahahaha"

after 10 minutes brick got all the disciples moving and the headed out of the city's teleportation hall onto a main city road

brick "were going to meet up with the over 2 academy's now so were heading to the city gates you can look around on are way back"

they were now in the middle of the 5th biggest city bone rig city it got its name from the amount of wars that took place around this area when the 9 kingdoms became the empire

they made it close to the gate and there were 1 man and a women

jax "your late brick why don't you go home and buy a spirit watch"

he said this with a big grin as for the women she just ignored them both

brick "well at least my disciples are fit to make the trip look at yours the are about to collapse"

priss "fine you 2 stop arguing we need to make some headway before dark"

after she interrupted them they both got there disciples ready and headed of on some rented carriages heading out of the city gates and towards the mountain range

zarek being board in the carriage with lilly and brick he decided to make some pills

[new pills made bone strengthen pill xp50]

[new pills made blood congealing pill xp50]

[new pills made muscle strengthen pill xp50]

[new pills made blood empowerment pill xp50]


[made bone strengthen pill x2 40xp]

[made blood congealing pill x2 40xp]

[made muscle strengthen pill x2 40xp]

[made blood empowerment pill x1 20xp]

(140xp) + (200)= (340)-(310)=2 levels

level 8 (50/170)

brick and lily were surprised by zarek making so many pills and some were high level pills

lilly "you said you never refined pills before liar"

she said in a huff making a fuss again then zarek explained that it was his first time but she was having non of it

they travelled most of the day and when night fell the 3 academy disciples made camp zarek made camp next to lilly as the academy gave them all tents

after setting up camp zarek made a fire and pulled out some jerky and made a herbal tea but after lilly tried it she wouldn't leave him alone constantly pestering him for more after an hour he gave in and handed her some and after that they went to bed

in the middle of the night zarek heard something coming from outside

? "so this is the tent of that ying girl"

?? "yes boss if you can have her family will have to marry her to you"

zarek was disgusted from what he heard so he summoned the toxic Dracon dangers he walked out of the tent a throw a blade at one persons head



his scream cut throw the night but zarek wasnt done he throw another blad at the boss mans neck


he cut the mans arm but sadly didnt end his life and at this moment brick came out of his tent

brick "whats going on"

then as brick looked around he sore zarek standing outside his tent but he also sore the 2 standing outside his nieces tent you could almost see the anger in his eyes

? "help this man tried to kill us when we tried to stop him from raping a girl"

brick "shut up your not even from this academy your camp is no were near hear and hes standing outside his tent but you YOU ARE STANDING OUTSIDE MY NIECES"

the boss's mouth fell through his ass and he was almost pissing his pants

jax "whats going on why the ruckus"

as jax walked round the corner he sore his 2 disciples and brick on the edge of explosive rage he could guess very easly what had happend


jax had to get them away from brick before he decided to kill them

? "sir wer inasent i swear it was al--"


jax "go or you DIE"

this made both of them piss there selfs as they new it was bad

jax "brick im sorry they will be dicoplend when they get back"

jax started walking away when he heard

brick "you will hand them over to the clan leader by the end of the mouth or i will kill there entire family"

jax felt cold sweats go down his back even he never sore brick this pissed

brick "kid come have a drink with me"