as brick invited zarek inside lillys tent she was was lying down with an angry face but she could not stop from cracking a smile when she thought about zarek taking the 2 people down
brick "thank you zarek if you didn't stop them I'm afraid"
zarek cut brick of
zarek "its nothing she's my friend anyway you said you wanted to drink"
brick then took out a jug of wine from his special ring pouring both of them a glass
brick "hear have a sip be careful tho its strong stuff"
as zarek took a sip he heard the system
[mellow sun wine learnt 100xp]
-made from fermented blazing sun corn level 3 crop-
(can help improve ones body and spirit)
this took him by surprise but the wine was to tasty he completely blacked out he drank with brick till the sun came up
lilly "can you to get up were leavening in an hour"
as they heard this they both woke up in shoke they must have gotten drunk as zarek was about to leave brick stoped him
brick "hear consider it thanks for what you did last night"
brick handed him a martial art with the twin toxic dracon daggers on
brick "i was going to use it to get your help for lilly but i hop you will try and help her"
-chain reapers madness-
-1st move chain slash
-2nd move chain shield
-3rd move guillotine cutter
-4th move chain rage
-5th move returning slash
-6th move £%£%&£%^&
although the last move was unknowable he could read the first 5 and from it he could tell this was an advance martial art
he thanked brick and left for his tent to pack up ready to leave helping lilly take down her tent and put out the fire
then all it was is another day of traveling but zarek didn't have that Meany herbs so he couldn't make anymore pills so he played dice with brick and lilly
after along day of traveling they made it to the edge of a cliff and looking into the distance they sore the ruins of light bright marble pillars surrounded by sand it was essentially a creature of sand and marble but the marble city stretched miles under ground and at the bottom was said to be the inheritance of the lord of light
brick "its starting to get dark do we set up camp for the night"
jax "nar lets explore now they can take it"
priss "shut up jax I don't want my dimples eaten by mummy and god knows what over undead lurks in the night set up camp we will go in the morning"
the ruin's were guarded by mummy's the tend to be easy to deal with but at knight when you cant see them as well there skill -bandage control- makes them hard to deal with
they set up camp for the night but zarek could not sleep he sat on the edge of the cliff looking at the ruins which was glowing in the night
lilly walked up to him with a man following behind her he never sore
lilly "don't worry about him my family sent him to keep me safe he only takes action if I'm in trouble"
she had a ring in her hand which she handed over to zarek
zarek "what's this for"
lilly "its 100 poison herbs as are agreement"
zarek used his spirt power to look in and found 80 level 1 poison herbs 15 level 2 and 5 level 3
lilly left him to him self as she was tired and after she had left the man who followed her stared at zarek but he new nothing of that
he just ait poisonous herbs till morning each herb made him feel wired but stronger somehow as he started to eat the level 3 poisons he was in some pain but each one made him feel a lot stronger when he ate the last poison he felt different like something in him changed
[80 level 1 poison herbs found 10xp x80]=800
[15 level 2 poison herbs found 20xp x15]=300
[5 level 3 poison herbs found 50xp x5]=250
1350xp -170=1180-180=1000-190=810-200=610-210=400-220=180
level 14 (180/230)
-name- Zarek
-level 14- (180/230)
-strength- 32
-spirit- 15
-qi- 3
-skill- (herb farm)
-level 1 skills- (spirit flame) (basic alchemy) (book of herbalism) (blood poison) (new) (poison control)
-body- poisonous dragon body
-martial arts- (5 layered palm) (swan footwork) (defensive stance) (hidden art of shadows) (poison god thousand rings) (chain reapers madness)
item- toxic Dracon dangers
he had learnt the 1st move of chain reapers madness but then he sore his new skill poison control as soon as he thought about it he body started to feel wired like everything was moving from within him
he sat there practicing the poison control he was able to shot poison out of his finger tips and it was strong poison
he was playing around with his poison as lilly woke up and came out of her tent
lilly "did you get the skill"
zarek "ya but im still not that good enough to extract your poison"
lilly "that fine you have alot of time at least you have a new skill"
as time went by brick and the rest got up and were ready to fight