is really money important

life is not hard

and money is not the first thing you must earn the thing is you must be happy money can't buy anything,money can't but your grade your love and a lot money only can buy things you want but it can't buy your grade and lover these two thing you must work now a lot of people don't have time because of earning money but money is not really important Money does not buy happiness."

How many times have you heard this? Lots of times, I am willing to bet. Our culture sends us two very conflicting messages about money. The first, a message that tells us money is everything. Celebrity culture, the rich and famous, Wall Street greediness, the twinge of jealousy we feel when we see a house bigger than ours, a car newer than our car.

Then, there's the completely opposite message, the one that treats wealth – and the wealthy – with suspicion, that works hard to teach us NOT to envy them, to see the limitations that wealth has and the potential trouble it can cause. In some families, it gets to the point of feeling that money is somehow dirty, that it's not a proper topic for conversation, that flaunting what you've got is tacky and that being poor is almost a virtue. but their is another that you said that money is important like example Money is not everything, but money is something very important. Beyond the basic needs, money helps us achieve our life's goals and supports — the things we care about most deeply — family, education, health care, charity, adventure and fun money is also important but not really important they important thing is you must be happy of what you have.