what do life mean

hi guys do you know what life mean let me tell you

life have a lot of meaning some people said life is peace of cake and i also hear that a lot of people said life is hard life is not hard the thing is you must work hard if you don't work hard of course the life will bring you more harder,and what do life mean Life is the aspect of existence that processes, acts, reacts, evaluates, and evolves through growth (reproduction and metabolism). The crucial difference between life and non-life (or non-living things) is that life uses energy for physical and conscious development. Life is anything that grows and eventually dies, i.e., ceases to proliferate and be cognizant. Can we say that viruses, for example, are cognizant? Yes, insofar as they react to stimuli; but they are alive essentially because they reproduce and grow. Computers are non-living because even though they can cognize, they do not develop biologically (grow), and cannot produce offspring. It is not cognition that determines life, then: it is rather proliferation and maturation towards a state of death; and death occurs only to living substances.

Or is the question, 'What is the meaning (purpose) of life?' That's a real tough one. But I think that the meaning of life is the ideals we impose upon it, what we demand of it. I've come to reaffirm my Boy Scout motto, give or take a few words, that the meaning of life is to: Do good, Be Good, but also to Receive Good. The foggy term in this advice, of course, is 'good'; but I leave that to the intuitive powers that we all share.

There are, of course, many intuitively clear examples of Doing Good: by retrieving a crying baby from a dumpster; by trying to rescue someone who's drowning. Most of us would avoid murdering; and most of us would refrain from other acts we find intuitively wrong. So our natural intuitions determine the meaning of life for us; and it seems for other species as well, for those intuitions resonate through much of life and give it its purpose but life it doesn't have the exactly meaning because there is a lot of meaning of life, the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

"the origins of life"

Life's too short to worry about money!

I'm not sure I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Unfortunately, accidents are part of life.

He went mad towards the end of his life.

Cats are supposed to have nine lives.

He doesn't know what he really wants in/out of life.

The accident changed my whole outlook on life.

He lost his life (= died suddenly because of a violent event or accident) in the Great War.

A simple mixture of glucose and water can save lives in many parts of the world.

He ran off with her life savings (= all the money she had saved).

life is short and please use it carefully don't waste your life in night club try to go to an adventure to discover thing and explore thing please life is really short use it careful and try to work hard (god never give hard life to the people who work hard) You will have no trouble throughout the world once you've learned maths,phsics and chemistry