life experience

ok what have you experienced in your life,life this thing is really short when you have time try to go out and experience the thing you haven't done before explore and discover,why is experience life is important? because Through experiences, we tell our stories, we shape our personalities, and build our perception of life as we know it. Certain life experiences bring out our true emotions, ones that quickly bring our thoughts to the surface you must try to have an adventure life is really big not only you see try to invents something,and i want to said one thing people don't like to hear the truth example a people said do my shirt look nice if you said no because the shirt don't look nice and they will be upset if you said yes they will be happy,experiencing thing are really cool things in life you can explore things.

Why do we need a dream?

because if you don't have any dream or any plan in the future how are you not different with the bird with no wings you must have a future plan That goes for anything from a job, to a place to live, or a trip you want to take. No matter how simple or difficult the goal, or how soon or far off in the future, you need to take steps to reach it.

You may have heard your parents use phrases like planning for the future or choosing a career. That can seem pretty unimportant when you're just trying to survive high school. Or looking for work because you need to pay the rent.

When teachers, parents, and other adults say plan for your future, they really mean me focus on what you want.

When they say choose a career, they really mean use your interests, passions, values, skills, and strengths to guide your choices,and future plan if for that when you grew up you choose

a lot of choices for you to choose.

Is friend really important to us?

yes because friend can help us when we need problem and when they have problem we help them back but friend are sometime hurtful to us,we make friend by our heart not our appearance friend they will play with you calm you and even can help you when you are in trouble they will help you to solve it but sometime they will hurt you but true friend they will not and if you have a fake friend they will always hurt you and fake friend when they need you they will be kind to you but when they don't need you they will not even talk to